Stay Away From this Piece of Shit Company

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wow, i am glad u are gone if that's how you view customers, humans, etc. it's one thing to hate your manager, but messing with doctor's perceptions and consequently with patient's lives is unethical. we have a product that can truly impact a patient's ability to breathe- and you are screwing with that to get at a bad mgr??? u are a small person and should sell something that requires little or no passion- i hope that's the case b/c it is viewpoints like yours that darken the image of our profession and make it harder for those that give a crap access to docs. u have lost your focus.

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ethical??!!? pharma reps??!!? what a stupid bitch you are, barbie. were u a cheerleader too? GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO critical!!!!!! Yay, I have passion!!

wow, i am glad u are gone if that's how you view customers, humans, etc. it's one thing to hate your manager, but messing with doctor's perceptions and consequently with patient's lives is unethical. we have a product that can truly impact a patient's ability to breathe- and you are screwing with that to get at a bad mgr??? u are a small person and should sell something that requires little or no passion- i hope that's the case b/c it is viewpoints like yours that darken the image of our profession and make it harder for those that give a crap access to docs. u have lost your focus.

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I bet this idiot is one of those reps that feel they are a medical expert. One question, dummy: do you have MD after your name? Didn't think so. Doctors don't respect cheerleader reps. You might be dumb enough to believe they do, but they don't. They also don't like reps that think they know everything. I feel sorry for you - you actually think you are making peoples lives better. No, you push for a doctor to prescribe a drug. This company and reps are in it to make money. Unless your passion extends to catering lunches, this is a pretty worthless job from the standpoint of helping people. It is about profit, pure and simple. Stop lying to yourself and look in the mirror Ms Passion. If that guy can have two jobs at once, my hat is off to him. Maybe if I am lucky one day I will get the same deal. Until then, I will keep to my Tue-Thu, 10-2 schedule.

pearls to pigs. pearls to pigs.

u give the industry the problems it has with your B.S. attitude. evidently you never saw someone die, or worked a day in the ICU. i spent a semester working in an end-stage alzheimer's clinic and it changed my life. and yes i do have medical training, and yes i do care about my job. anyone who has been in this industry long enough has worked with reps of character, who do it right and are respected in the industry; obviously u are the opposite extrema. u honestly think that doc's don't want someone who knows their stuff-how blind u are. i am no cheerleader,nor CRTX groupie. i treat those patients i see in the waiting room that cannot breathe as if they were my grandma/pa. when i hear someone wheezing and coughing- i give a crap. call me mr/ms passion, call me what u will, i do my best to do my job well and make sure my doc's get solid service. and if someone sleeps well tonight b/c i worked past your boastful T-Th 10-2 hrs, i will sleep better. u take from this company and this industry, u have it all backwards.

pearls to pigs. pearls to pigs.

yes i do have medical training

So are you an MD? Didn't think so, Mr glorified drug pusher / caterer. I went on WebMD and took a quiz yesterday. According to your definition, I too have medical training. What a dumbass.

I never said I didn't care about pts, I am just not delusional enough to think that I am part of the treatment / cure. If that's what you are looking for you are in the wrong industry.

Pharma companies may put out that they "help" people, but the bottom line is that the people they are helping happen to be the shareholders, not the patients. The main reason for our existence is to make money.

I also never said that doctors don't want someone that knows their stuff - what I said was that they don't want know-it-alls, like you obviously are. What a moron!

BTW, it's Pearls before swine, you fucking idiot. You can't even get the cliche right. Keep drinking your kool aid, barbie.

i did not thing u would know what swine was- so i tried to use vernacular that would line up with your lexicon.

u denegrate your own profession as if u don't belong. do u? have u forgotten that avastin, plavix, xigris and gleevec are the treatments/cures that are saving lives right now somewhere. u are (unfortunately) a part of that industry slick. do u think about the reps that do onco and what a tremendous amount of training and intelligence that requires. do u know where this company's pipeline is going? if u want to do 10-2 and be a me-too drug putz, u joined the wrong company. u are the reason access sucks and our industry is viewed as a profit whore. i agree that we are a business, anyone who fails to do so is naive, however when i meet reps with your "keep drinking the kool-aid" comments and attitude i want to puke. by the way, i don't think i know it all- in fact it's quite the opposite; everytime i learn a new disease state i am amazed at the body and its intricacies. hell, i may not even be as a sharp as u, who knows- what i do know is that i care a hell of lot more than u and want to help, not take. i care more than most, b/c of what i have seen happen to sick people. u should spend more time in life and death health settings so that can get your head and heart back in the right place. of course that may be non-negotiable in your situation, u seem rather nihilistic and jaded.

he who has ears let him hear- it is more blessed to give than receive.

mr swine did i get that cliche right?

i did not thing u would know what swine was- so i tried to use vernacular that would line up with your lexicon.

u denegrate your own profession as if u don't belong. do u? have u forgotten that avastin, plavix, xigris and gleevec are the treatments/cures that are saving lives right now somewhere. u are (unfortunately) a part of that industry slick. do u think about the reps that do onco and what a tremendous amount of training and intelligence that requires. do u know where this company's pipeline is going? if u want to do 10-2 and be a me-too drug putz, u joined the wrong company. u are the reason access sucks and our industry is viewed as a profit whore. i agree that we are a business, anyone who fails to do so is naive, however when i meet reps with your "keep drinking the kool-aid" comments and attitude i want to puke. by the way, i don't think i know it all- in fact it's quite the opposite; everytime i learn a new disease state i am amazed at the body and its intricacies. hell, i may not even be as a sharp as u, who knows- what i do know is that i care a hell of lot more than u and want to help, not take. i care more than most, b/c of what i have seen happen to sick people. u should spend more time in life and death health settings so that can get your head and heart back in the right place. of course that may be non-negotiable in your situation, u seem rather nihilistic and jaded.

he who has ears let him hear- it is more blessed to give than receive.

mr swine did i get that cliche right?

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what a freaking tool

Funny how the know it all never answers the question if there is an MD at the end of his name. Didn't think so, jackass.

I am doing fine with my T-R, 10-2 schedule, thank you very much. In fact, I bet I am doing better than you are, barbie. Work smarter, not harder

Grow up and get some class. You make us (the industry) look like idiots with the 2nd grade antics and verbage.

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you look like an idiot all on your own dipshit...

If the pile of crap that is critical therapeutics was on fire I wouldn't piss on it to put it out. I am looking for another job tomorrow. Thank you to my rsm, you know who you are you fake, dyed blonde bitch!

don't let the door hit you on your worthless ass on the way out. you have some personal issues and definitely no vision. with attitudes like yours, you always end up making the wrong decision anyhow. blame everyone, make a shit mess and then leave- i could not be happier to see poisonous dead weight exit. i'll be thinkin' about you when i cash in my options 3yrs from now at 20-25$ and we are launching novel injectibles in the hospital arena. u should think about a challenging career selling 3-4 me-2 drugs. hopefully your nemisis anne will have moved to your new company where you will be posting/complaining at before, during and after she comes. u are the problem, not anne or your rsm, nor crtx...just u. lazy old u.
p.s. have fun training again-

sorry slick, not a RSM or ANNE. someone just like you chief (only in title that is). Yet glad to see the trash is getting taken' out nonetheless. Having reps like you here is cancerous. Go poison some where else, I am sure you can be miserable and spread 2nd grade threads somewhere else. This place is going to be too challenging, too technical, and too risky for your lousy butt in the years to come. Don't let the door hit you on the way out...As fragile as you sound, it might break something.

Don't forget: ENJOY TRAINING!

Hey!!!! Whats going on with our stock, it keeps going down. Now at $5.12. Forget about those options. The volume on it was HUGE 260,000. Does that mean some of our execs on the inside are bailing out?

Relax..."Forget about these options" Can you hit the panic button any harder? We have 3-4 yrs before cashing those in and at that time we'll have 3+ products. This always happens to new companies with one product. Volatility will be our mantra for a couple of years. Now is the time to buy, and buy huge. A few months from now, it could be at 9 again.

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