Stay Away From this Piece of Shit Company

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I really don't care if someone is a Cunt or Not (Quite frankly no one desserves to be called that). But there is a track record here with the individual we are talking about. Ask anyone at MedPointe or Schering Plough and the same pattern will come out. You don't have to believe what the perception is with some of us and you don't have to believe what's been said in the MP and SP sites in CafePharma. Ask around with people who work in those organizations. There is some truth to what is being said. However, with all that said we are stuck with this individual and that's is the fact. She is not going anywhere mainly because she was lucky to get this job. I've come to the conclusion that I will do my job until I land another because I just can't afford to get shitcANNED. If you love this company congrats to you and if you are like me good luck in your journey.

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Well said. I agree with you. I also am looking for something else. I feel the higher ups were very dishonest with us and do miss my old job. Time to get out before there is a mass exodus. To those staying, good luck but don't be surprised if you end up getting screwed over.

Congrats on loving the company I wish you the best. I am not trying to ruin it for you. For the rest that are like me good luck and good hunting with other opportunities.

BTW anne is still a cunt

shut up G -- just bc u r a loser doesn't mean u have 2 ruin it for the rest of us.

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I didn't know Prince worked for the company. What an idiot!

Easy there partner. No need for the bad names. I am in complete agreement that this individual is not what we need at CRTX. Schering Plough weeded her out and MedPointe did the same. She does not relate to people well and I learned that first hand at the Launch meeting. But please no name calling.

Enough! If you are spreading this poison stop it! I know for a fact this has become a game for a number of individuals to include headquarters. If you are upper management why don't you concentrate on what you are going to do to compensate us when we don't make goal since most of us are far from the 270 script goal. Anne you became an addict at MedPointe with Cafepharma so please stop it. Rick step up and have this thread removed like you have the other ones.

YES!!! Got an offer today!!!! Think I will double dip for a little bit. My stupid bitch manager deserves to be left in the lurch. Before I go I am going to cancel everything I have on the books and not tell her about it. I am also going to let all my key customers know all the little details they should about her. Most of them don't like her because she comes across so bitchy.

Lets see how long I can pull off the old double dipping thing...

wow, i am glad u are gone if that's how you view customers, humans, etc. it's one thing to hate your manager, but messing with doctor's perceptions and consequently with patient's lives is unethical. we have a product that can truly impact a patient's ability to breathe- and you are screwing with that to get at a bad mgr??? u are a small person and should sell something that requires little or no passion- i hope that's the case b/c it is viewpoints like yours that darken the image of our profession and make it harder for those that give a crap access to docs. u have lost your focus.

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