Stay Away From this Piece of Shit Company

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I don't know about that. I think I would rather have someone be mad to my face than be passive aggressive and work behind the scenes to sabotage me. AZ has done this to at least three of her people already and I think I may be next on her list. It's gotten so bad that I am putting out feelers for other jobs.

I don't know about that. I think I would rather have someone be mad to my face than be passive aggressive and work behind the scenes to sabotage me. AZ has done this to at least three of her people already and I think I may be next on her list. It's gotten so bad that I am putting out feelers for other jobs.

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don't let some little bullshit with your texas manager take away from the real issue - this company sucks balls and is a steaming piece of shit.

Jennifer in HR.What an ass-kisser,HR is only at companies to protect upper mangement nobody else.HR acts like they are here for us,but it's ALL a big LIE.I hope this company gets sued big time for the idiots in mangement and home office.

Jennifer in HR.What an ass-kisser,HR is only at companies to protect upper mangement nobody else.HR acts like they are here for us,but it's ALL a big LIE.I hope this company gets sued big time for the idiots in mangement and home office.

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that bitch screwed me over big time, smiling to my face while stabbing me in the back. don't worry, she will get a karma payback.

How about our recent VP of sales conference call! Did she motivate you or what! Oh yeah I like the part about believing in the drug and that the only reason why some territories are not making goal is because we are not working. I just love the way she motivates don't you? VP of Sales you are the best! Thank you for firing me up! Guess what I'm waiting for my resume to be picked up by someone so I can move on. And by the way everyone there is an official hit list out there of individuals that will be managed out. You can choose to believe or not but my RSM has been straight with me so far.

How about our recent VP of sales conference call! Did she motivate you or what! Oh yeah I like the part about believing in the drug and that the only reason why some territories are not making goal is because we are not working. I just love the way she motivates don't you? VP of Sales you are the best! Thank you for firing me up! Guess what I'm waiting for my resume to be picked up by someone so I can move on. And by the way everyone there is an official hit list out there of individuals that will be managed out. You can choose to believe or not but my RSM has been straight with me so far.

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Man, I wish my RSM was on that list. I hate her and Anne equally. What a mistake it was for me to take this job. I knew from the get go that Anne wasn't a good fit for this company. Lucky for me, my numbers are ok, but I am looking for a job in all my spare time. It can't be soon enough as far as I am concerned. Can't wait to tell my RSM to jump off a bridge!

One word: "Medpointe"

That sums it all up. Ask anyone who worked under our esteemed VP of sales there and you will be able to predict the future at this company. Good luck if you are staying but I am gone at the first opportunity.

b/c she did such a great job there...lets see, she alienated her sales force, ran a product into the ground, and mismanaged a whole division of their company. lots of work for one person; no one ever said she wasn't a hard worker.

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