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So who has resigned after realignment?

Took a pay cut?! You were laid off. You were about to make 0$ with 0 benefits. You didn’t take a pay cut, you were the one who took the job over being unemployed. If you’re so upset over your pay, you should have interviewed for a job somewhere else that paid the same. But you couldn’t, probably because no one wants to pay reps as much as you were paid in the past just to drop off samples and get signatures. You’re like the 10th team purple rep I’ve heard say they “ had to take a pay cut “ - it’s a joke. Again, what’s a pay cut when you were about to make ZERO DOLLARS - stop complaining about pay Pfizer.

You don’t know what you are talking about. Almost all of us are interviewing while getting paid severance from Pfizer and salary from Exact. It was a mindless offer that allowed continuous pay with no effort except replying “yes”, nothing more and nothing less. We were never going to make zero dollars as severance for some of us was in the six figure mark, obviously it strikes a nerve with you but that’s life buddy!

You don’t know what you are talking about. Almost all of us are interviewing while getting paid severance from Pfizer and salary from Exact. It was a mindless offer that allowed continuous pay with no effort except replying “yes”, nothing more and nothing less. We were never going to make zero dollars as severance for some of us was in the six figure mark, obviously it strikes a nerve with you but that’s life buddy!


yep!!! Bingo!! He will never acknowledge his role in this dumpster fire. It’s the most unprofessional shit show I have ever seen in my life. He may as well kiss the goal this year goodbye... and his job. Can’t hit goal when you screw over reps who are COE, top 20%, been here since the beginning and have relationships in the territory... I am going to sit back and LAUGH! It’s a shit show whether you are virtual or face to face. Kevin needs to wake up and clean house!!

Cant agree more. Many have been around the industry a while and have been through and survive some stupid things. But this was the WORST ever in my 22 year career. I know many reps interviewing and a few that are double dipping until Q4 payout but Kevin will quickly realize his blunder and just hope he makes a quick decision and make things better.

If I was purple team I would feel like the luckiest dog in town. Laid off, hired to Exact with NO INTERVIEW PROCESS whatsoever. There are former Pfizer reps whom are called out by their own managers as being terrible and here they are, complaining about their “pay cuts” yet making more than people here 7+ years. Then the alignment comes around and Purple are placed with priority over Exact legacy AMs/reps who have been here years with multiple awards. I’m not talking about the dead weight. We all know some fat could be trimmed. I’m talking about the solid and respected people from PMR up to RD. Yes we realize life is not fair. This change isn’t about our feelings BUT…..surely the consultants could have seen a little unhappiness with the entire sales team? 600 people or so?

You don’t know what you are talking about. Almost all of us are interviewing while getting paid severance from Pfizer and salary from Exact. It was a mindless offer that allowed continuous pay with no effort except replying “yes”, nothing more and nothing less. We were never going to make zero dollars as severance for some of us was in the six figure mark, obviously it strikes a nerve with you but that’s life buddy!

Stick your green jacket up your ass you bloviating fuck! The sooner you leave the better

Stick your green jacket up your ass you bloviating fuck! The sooner you leave the better

You think your juvenile responses matter? Still getting paid double and above 100% for bonus, this is too easy! Curse and spew hatred all you like but facts are facts and your opinion does absolutely zero to impact that.

Cant agree more. Many have been around the industry a while and have been through and survive some stupid things. But this was the WORST ever in my 22 year career. I know many reps interviewing and a few that are double dipping until Q4 payout but Kevin will quickly realize his blunder and just hope he makes a quick decision and make things better.

All this company has been is a blunder for the last 3 years. Kevin isn’t all of a sudden going to own up to bad decisions. All we really have going for us is 1) no competition at all in the CRC space and 2) M&A keep giving us fresh rope with our investors.

This company runs through senior leaders like nothing I’ve ever seen before and “reorganizes” every 6 months. When you can’t hire the right people or determine the right model, you are a clusterfuck . The sad thing is that there are really good people here who believe in what we do. They’re just jerked around and fucked over every few months. Kevin will realize his blunder??!! Never. He is the blunder.

You think your juvenile responses matter? Still getting paid double and above 100% for bonus, this is too easy! Curse and spew hatred all you like but facts are facts and your opinion does absolutely zero to impact that.

I could give AF how much money you are making, I don't live my life by comparing to others. You are a pathetic piece of shit for doing so. Kindly insert your green jacket into your rectum with force. Was that nice enough?

I could give AF how much money you are making, I don't live my life by comparing to others. You are a pathetic piece of shit for doing so. Kindly insert your green jacket into your rectum with force. Was that nice enough?[/

I never compared my life to anyone else, do you always try to create false narratives? My life is terrific and your anonymous juvenile rants make me laugh, it’s obvious you are upset but like I said before that’s just life and it’s business not personal. Hopefully one day you find happiness

Let's point the finger at who created this mess in the first place. Brian who was in charge of the realignment and has admitted to creating this mess on numerous webex meetings.
Brian has admitted he doesn't know how to fix the realignment he's out of ideas. He said if you have any ideas of how to fix it email him. He says that he has someone in mind ,a women in the organization, he can reach out to. He said that he often presents others ideas as his own. He admitted to stealing others ideas and not giving credit to them. He presents the ideas as his own.
Brian also admitted to not using zip codes or speciality to design the reorg.
He also stated the reason you can't add providers in the practice is because he has multiple reps calling on the same practice. He blamed this on previous reps. If someone entered the address in a different manner such as leaving a suite number off he considered it a different address. He blamed this on previous reps. He also threw the blame on HR.
Until you remove Brian from this task it will never get fixed. In Brians own words he doesn't know how to fix it and he's out of ideas!

Took a pay cut?! You were laid off. You were about to make 0$ with 0 benefits. You didn’t take a pay cut, you were the one who took the job over being unemployed. If you’re so upset over your pay, you should have interviewed for a job somewhere else that paid the same. But you couldn’t, probably because no one wants to pay reps as much as you were paid in the past just to drop off samples and get signatures. You’re like the 10th team purple rep I’ve heard say they “ had to take a pay cut “ - it’s a joke. Again, what’s a pay cut when you were about to make ZERO DOLLARS - stop complaining about pay Pfizer.
They came here all full of themselves from one of the worst pharmaceutical companies in history and they still haven't figured out they were so great that Pfizer fired them. Makes ne chuckle.

They came here all full of themselves from one of the worst pharmaceutical companies in history and they still haven't figured out they were so great that Pfizer fired them. Makes ne chuckle.

On the call when we were hired Exact said we were the premier sales force in the industry and we would be leading the future for Exact, makes me chuckle that your company thinks so poorly of its sales force before bringing us onboard. They made us the easiest layup offer I have ever heard of when we were laid off, what does that say about Exact if you believe we are terrible.
Bottom line is you guys are frustrated but don’t look at us we didn’t extend the offer, your amazing elite company did, it’s comical really that this is such an issue. Clearly the reorganization further supports their decision to place former Pfizer reps and managers in critical roles.
I just want to work and do well, you can complain all you want but we are here to stay

On the call when we were hired Exact said we were the premier sales force in the industry and we would be leading the future for Exact, makes me chuckle that your company thinks so poorly of its sales force before bringing us onboard. They made us the easiest layup offer I have ever heard of when we were laid off, what does that say about Exact if you believe we are terrible.
Bottom line is you guys are frustrated but don’t look at us we didn’t extend the offer, your amazing elite company did, it’s comical really that this is such an issue. Clearly the reorganization further supports their decision to place former Pfizer reps and managers in critical roles.
I just want to work and do well, you can complain all you want but we are here to stay

Without an ISR to do your work, you will fail miserably! Can’t wait to see team purple exposed. It’s already happening at the leader level, they have no clue how this company or CG operates. It’s laughable to hear them try to act like they know.

Without an ISR to do your work, you will fail miserably! Can’t wait to see team purple exposed. It’s already happening at the leader level, they have no clue how this company or CG operates. It’s laughable to hear them try to act like they know.

So are you saying any lack of knowledge can’t be learned with teaching / training? It sounds to me like you are making excuses as to why you believe the Pfizer hires are inferior, it makes me wonder if you were placed in an unfavorable position/ territory you feel you didn’t deserve.