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So who has resigned after realignment?

Without an ISR to do your work, you will fail miserably! Can’t wait to see team purple exposed. It’s already happening at the leader level, they have no clue how this company or CG operates. It’s laughable to hear them try to act like they know.

Reading between the lines it sounds like you are a manager, you must be a dream to work for and I guarantee you that your employees and management don’t respect you if that’s the case. “Exposing” anyone sounds like you look for ways to terminate and intimidate or backstab reps or co-workers, what a team player!

Even if you are not in management you should attempt to get teammates up to speed especially with how our bonuses will be paid out for Q1; whoever you are you are extremely selfish and condescending.

You don’t know what you are talking about. Almost all of us are interviewing while getting paid severance from Pfizer and salary from Exact. It was a mindless offer that allowed continuous pay with no effort except replying “yes”, nothing more and nothing less. We were never going to make zero dollars as severance for some of us was in the six figure mark, obviously it strikes a nerve with you but that’s life buddy!
I hope a bunch of you do just that and burn Exact management deserves it for how they have treated their loyal employees.
One slap in the face after another, and they seem to think team purple didn't tell us everything that was said to them.
What a load of BS they were fed.
At the end of the day TP was used as pawns for so many obvious reasons to deflect from the incompetence and ineptitude of upper level management.
Make things right with the Exact side of the team and maybe people will not feel so betrayed.

I hope a bunch of you do just that and burn Exact management deserves it for how they have treated their loyal employees.
One slap in the face after another, and they seem to think team purple didn't tell us everything that was said to them.
What a load of BS they were fed.
At the end of the day TP was used as pawns for so many obvious reasons to deflect from the incompetence and ineptitude of upper level management.
Make things right with the Exact side of the team and maybe people will not feel so betrayed.

The constant seems to be the deception by upper management to new and tenured employees, it’s disappointing because the product is amazing.

Reading between the lines it sounds like you are a manager, you must be a dream to work for and I guarantee you that your employees and management don’t respect you if that’s the case. “Exposing” anyone sounds like you look for ways to terminate and intimidate or backstab reps or co-workers, what a team player!

Even if you are not in management you should attempt to get teammates up to speed especially with how our bonuses will be paid out for Q1; whoever you are you are extremely selfish and condescending.

Look everyone, a Dr. Phil knock-off has entered the ring! What a fucking joke your analytical skills are with your synopsis of “what you think”. Give that man a nickel!

Thank God my final interview for a new job is this week. Its with a really great company for 30,000 more than im making here. I cant wait to give my notice. Wish me luck.

Some of us have to wait till later in March otherwise we have to pay back the signing bonus. Right after that im out of here!
Good riddance!
This company is so stupid they actually believe a connection to Pfizer was good
My offices hate Pfizer and think the company sucks
Exact reps have better access you idiots
Go work in the field and see reality!

Good riddance!
This company is so stupid they actually believe a connection to Pfizer was good
My offices hate Pfizer and think the company sucks
Exact reps have better access you idiots
Go work in the field and see reality!

Wait, there are still Pfizer reps promoting cologuard?
Oh that’s right we all work for the same company now idiot.
My business cards say Exact Sciences just like you.
We can see how much of a team you want to be from a million miles away.
Who has the egos?

Good riddance!
This company is so stupid they actually believe a connection to Pfizer was good
My offices hate Pfizer and think the company sucks
Exact reps have better access you idiots
Go work in the field and see reality!

The constant “I’m better than the Pfizer reps” comments on here reek of insecurity. If you have to tell everyone how great you are, then you aren’t great. Just shut up and get to work and show us how amazing you are.