Seasonal Contract Position

This set up of SEASONAL is definitely to the financial advantage of Genentech. They are testing this model to see if it is effective. They are saving a ton of money, no insurance, company car expense, no medical benefits or salary expense for 6 months. You the rep are bearing the burden.

If they don’t like it or think it’s effective they will cancel the program after the first go round.

My recruiter told me the geography of my territory.....crap!!! It’s huge. I’ll confirm next week. If he is correct, I’ll have to bow out. Way too much driving on my personal car.

Not a big diff, but isn’t it a 7 month on/5 months off? Just clarifying.

Try recruiter said to me he number of months being employed depends on the flu season. If flu season is going strong Ashfield is contracted to continue another month otherwise it's a 6 month contract. 6 months, 7 months, whatever, it's a salary.

First I heard 9 months, and I said hey, long vacation. Then it was 7 and I thought, no problem, I’ll make it work. Now it’s only 6 months. Think I’ll keep looking elsewhere.

This position is really for the soccer mom, on her husbands insurance, not needing much money, so she can be with the kids for the summer. Or a guy who retired early but wants to pick up some additional cash.

What experienced rep wants to make $42,000 per year with no health insurance for 5 or 6 months?

I agree. Let’s say you get to work the 7 months and I was told the pay is 6k per month. So, a measley $42,000. After taxes, insurance, 401k you might net $29,000. Then you have to buy your own health insurance or COBRA for 5 months which is about $1,200 per month X 5 months ....$6,000. So $29,000 -$6,000 = $23,000 per year!

Just work at McDonalds part time and make more with no bs.

Not a good deal for us, but a great deal for Genentech.

I agree. Let’s say you get to work the 7 months and I was told the pay is 6k per month. So, a measley $42,000. After taxes, insurance, 401k you might net $29,000. Then you have to buy your own health insurance or COBRA for 5 months which is about $1,200 per month X 5 months ....$6,000. So $29,000 -$6,000 = $23,000 per year!

Just work at McDonalds part time and make more with no bs.

Not a good deal for us, but a great deal for Genentech.

Never looked at it that way. And after 5 months of buying my own overpriced health insurance, Genentech drops the contract. Then I’m really screwed.

This position is really for the soccer mom, on her husbands insurance, not needing much money, so she can be with the kids for the summer. Or a guy who retired early but wants to pick up some additional cash.

Spot on. The others are unemployed people who will continue to look for other work and leave as soon as they find something. There will probably be massive turnover.

A nurse in area told me she’s already seen 3 patients diagnosed positive for flu. It’s already here! This 6-7 month contract is ridiculous. Genentech won’t get good people because no one wants to pay insurance or be out a job 6 months every year. They will get only soccer moms that really don’t care and they won’t be out til kids on bus and need be home at 3. Launch needs experienced reps year round. This trial 6 months on/off belly up. Hope Genentech is reading!! Just hire year round people to gain tenure people. 80 percent will be gone after 6 months and more money pumped back for interviews and hiring again?

I am giving my 2 cents - why not give larger geographies and hire less people + keep year round vs. hiring bunch of part timers just want extra money + be working other jobs + other responsibilities? If ya hire 3 part timers at $42,000 that "could be" a dedicated full timer with experience and full dedication to work hard at $126,000 salary + bonus. It would save Genetech on car allowances ($1200 savings per month) and insurance 6 months (roughly save company $24,000 year). Everyone happy, dedicated, 100% focus on launch and drug and support to offices. And no hiring yearly cuz they will lose people at end six months, not all but probably many.

I'm excited about this job and I don't need insurance because I am a soccer mom. I was just on a flex contract and I have news for you we don't leave these positions and the companies do get dedicated & qualified sales specialists. Full time are not dedicated and you do not work as hard as you might think you do. I was embedded and I was out more than the full timers. Ashfield/Genentech know what they are doing. If flex didn't work, why so many contracts out there for flex?

I'm excited about this job and I don't need insurance because I am a soccer mom. I was just on a flex contract and I have news for you we don't leave these positions and the companies do get dedicated & qualified sales specialists. Full time are not dedicated and you do not work as hard as you might think you do. I was embedded and I was out more than the full timers. Ashfield/Genentech know what they are doing. If flex didn't work, why so many contracts out there for flex?

Don’t you have a play date to get to or a luncheon with your tennis pals...

I agree the set up is really for a soccer mom situation where they already have their husbands insurance and can be free for the summers with their kids.

I talked to the recruiter on Friday and I do have an interview on Tuesday the territories are going to be large he told me with a lot of driving that’s a lot of miles on my personal car.

I’m not a soccer mom but I thought it be neat to have five months off the year but like whoever put the financials together a couple posts above this you’re only going to bring home about $25,000 not worth it