Salient Surgical Technologies

well there are some other companies that are interested in buying out salient. they are going down so people there have no clue but if they are smart they will be looking for another job. the other companies are going to bring in there own people and there will be many changes and it will come about before the end of the year. take it form someone that knows whats going on. believe me i work there.

ConMed? Medtronic likley won't buy out the remaining stake in the company, Boston Sci has no immediate use for the technology, and Covidien's electrosurgery biz is flying high.

sad really - the place had so much potential and energy. the trusting and hard working support staff and engineers have been pushed to their limits and morale is very low. IPO in Q3 - why would anyone want a generator that costs $16k to build and a swiss army (no pun intended) batman that no one wants. med insurance in the us won't pay and europe will eventually come up with a much better design for less cost; japan would have been great but now has serious economic problems - I'd start looking for jobs guys and gals wherever you can find them. salient's technology is now old and obsolete and no one wants it or needs it for that matter. salient sales force...start looking...your numbers are way down and in the us won't be improving any time soon if ever again. army's team blew it - sad really. moral of this story is that you either want to create some amazing technology that works and is of value OR you want to be a big corporation and retire with big bucks - one has to come before the other...

sad really - the place had so much potential and energy. the trusting and hard working support staff and engineers have been pushed to their limits and morale is very low. IPO in Q3 - why would anyone want a generator that costs $16k to build and a swiss army (no pun intended) batman that no one wants. med insurance in the us won't pay and europe will eventually come up with a much better design for less cost; japan would have been great but now has serious economic problems - I'd start looking for jobs guys and gals wherever you can find them. salient's technology is now old and obsolete and no one wants it or needs it for that matter. salient sales force...start looking...your numbers are way down and in the us won't be improving any time soon if ever again. army's team blew it - sad really. moral of this story is that you either want to create some amazing technology that works and is of value OR you want to be a big corporation and retire with big bucks - one has to come before the other...

well there are some other companies that are interested in buying out salient. they are going down so people there have no clue but if they are smart they will be looking for another job. the other companies are going to bring in there own people and there will be many changes and it will come about before the end of the year. take it form someone that knows whats going on. believe me i work there.

who is going to buy them out? for what? get real. once upon a time the techology had real potential but global political/economic events have made that technology obsolete, of no real value plus results are not that exciting...unless SST invents something really new in 2011 that works and has realistic manufacturing costs they are capute...who was once one of their sales reps! plus what about respect? this co has lost all respect in the industry. its gone through so many sales people and employees. totally OOC

This device is just a bovie with saline. If it were 150 bucks per case it would actually be relevant in the device world and used 90% of the time in ortho. However with its current pricepoint it is not going to go anywhere. Only reason they could be making money is because of price increasess, not an increase in sales. NObody will buy this dump but it also will not go away. It just takes a handful of docs to make the company money. The reps wont make dick but corporate will.

Clueless..... very angry too. Life is too short to be so aggravated.. surgeons use it and love it... that is the facts.... how else could an expensive med device be justified...

actually some surgeons really do love it but not enough to support an entire corporation and 200+ sales reps and they might love it but they don't need it or the hospital wont pay for it so what to do...invent some new devices and survive or just sell out and go away

Clueless..... very angry too. Life is too short to be so aggravated.. surgeons use it and love it... that is the facts.... how else could an expensive med device be justified...

life is too short to be angry unless it forces you to do something about the status quo - if you are angry just think how the sst employees feel

Clueless..... very angry too. Life is too short to be so aggravated.. surgeons use it and love it... that is the facts.... how else could an expensive med device be justified...

How else could an expensive med device be justified? What is this your first job in medical son? It is not standard of care asshole so it is far from justified. The accounts using it and surgeons using it are being paid to do so. I bet the others have to fight to use it everytime the materials people see an invoice for it.

Good luck in year 11 of being a start up!!!

HAHA - still very angry... whats the problem son? Yes, everyone is being paid to use it.. think about that business model. I pay you to use a device that I get paid for and we are all even.... HAHA = how dumb is that.... how dumb are you? HAHA - Angry and Dumb... Lethal combination... don't own a gun.... dangerous for you. Sorry your so angry! Get well soon

Yes, someone is very angry on here. Sorry for your bad experience with Salient. It has happened to a lot of good people. It will be nice to finally find out what will be the end result of the company. Get bought, go public? There will be a lot of people angry on the public option. They gave out so many stocks that the value is going to be a big problem. Reverse stock split and then value of your shares is at 10 dollars. Now your .67 a share strike price is at 10 and you made NO MONEY. That will be a SAD DaY!

they run the company ass backwards anyways. the good people get screwed and the stupid foreigners get the most. pretty sad when they are getting 16 per hour to come in the door. because they are foreign. they suck guy dick.

Not sure I share the sense of xenophobia exhibited previously, but the amount of cash put into the company presently is a big problem. It makes a buyout very difficult and even if the company's EBITDA is attractive, it must be so heavily linked to SG&A that it's not the sort of place that can "run itself" after a buyout. If it's IPO, what the heck would the target be this time if it was $86M+ in '08?

the place was going good till they brought in guy and jack. now jack is gone and he should take guy with him. moral was good till he came along and started changing things. derek was doing well and we could talk to him then guy came in and no one trusted derek anymore they felt he didnt want anything to do with the room anymore. its to bad.

Not sure I share the sense of xenophobia exhibited previously, but the amount of cash put into the company presently is a big problem. It makes a buyout very difficult and even if the company's EBITDA is attractive, it must be so heavily linked to SG&A that it's not the sort of place that can "run itself" after a buyout. If it's IPO, what the heck would the target be this time if it was $86M+ in '08?

Very true!! Great use of the word xenophobia. You have to me from Memphis???? With the IPO question, who knows. Reverse stock split on the billion shares outstanding will be a must. As a brilliant business man once told me, "you do not know until it is finished."