Salient Surgical Technologies

I know this maybe isn't the best place to ask but is the engineering department of salient also a mess. I was contacted by a medtronic recruiter about applying for an engineer job and would like to know more

Like any job you can have a great or terrible manager. The training is pretty decent and you will learn more about blood than you could imagine not to mention several different types of surgeries. If you like learning this is a job that you would enjoy as it is constantly evolving by calling on every type of surgeon there is. It is not an O.R. babysitting job like a lot of the implant reps so that is nice that you have a decent size territory and don't have to see the same people all the time. The drawback to this is sometimes you do need access to your accounts and once they have been up and running the value proposition that you offer is not justified to be in some accounts. Hospitals are getting very conservative as to which reps need to be in the account which can create difficulties as that is one of the few places to see and speak to surgeons anymore. Be prepared to do lots of reports that don't really help you but more or less justify your managers job to upper management.

I am interviewing and can't wait to get out of here. Money is okay but tired of pushing something on surgeons that don't need it. Hospital hates me because they heard about a white paper from the Cleveland Clinic.

In this patient population, there were no significant differences between the treatment and control groups in terms of the need for blood transfusions or overall blood loss. Given these findings, we have discontinued the use of this bipolar sealing device in uncomplicated primary total hip arthroplasty patients at our institution.

This guy is on our payroll, thanks a lot you marketing jackasses!

Wow, that article is not good for the home team. Add that with Salient finally having some competition out there and it will be an interesting year. I have heard a local rep explain that he is feeling competition from flow seal, covidian, and argon. All of which are not equivalent products, but the price is under 50.00 and that will open some eyes. Can you believe it, there is competition after all. So, getting the sale and playing golf all day has ended.

Wow, that article is not good for the home team. Add that with Salient finally having some competition out there and it will be an interesting year. I have heard a local rep explain that he is feeling competition from flow seal, covidian, and argon. All of which are not equivalent products, but the price is under 50.00 and that will open some eyes. Can you believe it, there is competition after all. So, getting the sale and playing golf all day has ended.

I am assuming you meant 500.00. This competition has been around forever, this is nothing new. Every type of procedure has a different value proposition for whatever handpiece we are trying to sell. And really everything is a competitor from our own high cost to Tranexamic Acid, to drains, to cell saver, to hemostatic clips, to the bovie, to autp transfusions drains, to floseal, to thrombin soaked gel pads, to epidural anesthesia, you name it. This is a CONCEPTUAL sale. It isn't easy at all, but we have always had to fight our way around topical hemostats, vessel sealing devices such as harmonic and ligasure, and large plane sealing devices like Argon Beam. You just have to know your shit and always be learning and studying up on ways to sell around those things.

A LOT of people are disgruntled right now because of the following: TOO MANY COMPANY FUNDED negative papers, not enough really good multi center multi surgeons studies with a good power analysis, we are in a Stub year and don't know what to expect for the future, we don't know what the future comp plan looks like, we have been promised the mini and SBS since freaking NOV 2011 and STILL don't have them in our trunks. Management has gone BAT SHIT crazy. Mind numbing reports that are non revenue generating busy work. NO ONE can tell us what the deal is with PEAK and they keep dancing around the subject. The new plasma blade rep that they hired in MY territory called me to introduce themselves and told me we were going to be combining!! WHAT?? Thats the first I've heard of such insanity. To boot they are carrying around Medtronic Advanced Energy cards that look identical to mine, yet we are competing. Something is not right about this. I got an email saying we now have plasma blade training in April. Why did they hire this person? Are they really going to combine our territories? The new product pipeline is a joke. 8.2 - no one like it except in maybe livers. Just very frustrating out there right now and every rep I talk to feels the same way. Just when I think I'm being a negative whiney ass I hear it from someone else.

Sorry about your frustration. The reports are Medtronic 101. That part will only get worse. Keep your head up. You guys have survived the biggest piece of shit in the business (David Brown). You have also survived the second biggest piece of shit in the business (Joe Sincavich). Just make sure what you learn from those two idiots will not be repeated. Now, that that fiasco is over, you can survive anything. Keep your blinders on and keep moving. If you lose your motivation just think to yourself, I am glad I do not have to look in the mirror and see Joe. Good luck to you.

I am assuming you meant 500.00. This competition has been around forever, this is nothing new. Every type of procedure has a different value proposition for whatever handpiece we are trying to sell. And really everything is a competitor from our own high cost to Tranexamic Acid, to drains, to cell saver, to hemostatic clips, to the bovie, to autp transfusions drains, to floseal, to thrombin soaked gel pads, to epidural anesthesia, you name it. This is a CONCEPTUAL sale. It isn't easy at all, but we have always had to fight our way around topical hemostats, vessel sealing devices such as harmonic and ligasure, and large plane sealing devices like Argon Beam. You just have to know your shit and always be learning and studying up on ways to sell around those things.

A LOT of people are disgruntled right now because of the following: TOO MANY COMPANY FUNDED negative papers, not enough really good multi center multi surgeons studies with a good power analysis, we are in a Stub year and don't know what to expect for the future, we don't know what the future comp plan looks like, we have been promised the mini and SBS since freaking NOV 2011 and STILL don't have them in our trunks. Management has gone BAT SHIT crazy. Mind numbing reports that are non revenue generating busy work. NO ONE can tell us what the deal is with PEAK and they keep dancing around the subject. The new plasma blade rep that they hired in MY territory called me to introduce themselves and told me we were going to be combining!! WHAT?? Thats the first I've heard of such insanity. To boot they are carrying around Medtronic Advanced Energy cards that look identical to mine, yet we are competing. Something is not right about this. I got an email saying we now have plasma blade training in April. Why did they hire this person? Are they really going to combine our territories? The new product pipeline is a joke. 8.2 - no one like it except in maybe livers. Just very frustrating out there right now and every rep I talk to feels the same way. Just when I think I'm being a negative whiney ass I hear it from someone else.

Where you been man!! What did you think was going to happen when MDT bought both peak and salient??? one rep both products, this fiscal.