Salient Surgical Technologies

All true details indeed. The new rumors are that the company will go public around October of this year. Also, the buzz is that two companies may have an interest in purchasing Salient. One is Boston Scientific (I guess for heart applications) and the other is the obvious, Medtronic. They own a large share anyway, so it would be an easy transition. Good news would be to go public and have all open financial records. One thing to consider is the sales in US are completely flat or losing some market share (to be expected without any new products in 9 years). Salient will release a possible 9 new items, but there are just extensions and will not be, as Joe wishes and dreams, game changers at all. New items to talk about anyway. One other thing is the Cleveland clinic paper has really hurt their progress. Not very good results in the study (cannot economically justify and zero clinical significance observed). One segment of hope is OUS sales. Uncharted territory so any revenue is a huge plus for them. That will not help your paycheck:)

Good luck to you!!!

I am sorry to hear the current state of the union! I spent several years there under the Nathan Harris team and it was a great ride! Joe Army at the helm and Dave Brown seem to have been the beggining of the end. It is a great technology that just needs a price point that will make it easier to swallow for purchasing departments. I wish you all the best, it was once a great company to work for!

All true details indeed. The new rumors are that the company will go public around October of this year. Also, the buzz is that two companies may have an interest in purchasing Salient. One is Boston Scientific (I guess for heart applications) and the other is the obvious, Medtronic. They own a large share anyway, so it would be an easy transition. Good news would be to go public and have all open financial records. One thing to consider is the sales in US are completely flat or losing some market share (to be expected without any new products in 9 years). Salient will release a possible 9 new items, but there are just extensions and will not be, as Joe wishes and dreams, game changers at all. New items to talk about anyway. One other thing is the Cleveland clinic paper has really hurt their progress. Not very good results in the study (cannot economically justify and zero clinical significance observed). One segment of hope is OUS sales. Uncharted territory so any revenue is a huge plus for them. That will not help your paycheck:)

Good luck to you!!!

Given the money that's been invested to date (+$100M, right?) what multiple would it take to make the investors happy? IMHO, any multiple over 2x would be total gravy.

OUS in ortho will not fly. It's way too expensive for a controlled pay situation plus there are no studies that it really works. Liver is another thing but the volume isn't there to make a difference. It hasn't helped that there are no new products...thanks Joe and team! We have the same old song and dance that now nobody is buying without justification after 9 years on the market. Sad really.

Boston Sci? They are almost bankrupt and besides, RF from SST can't be used in the heart. There are already enough ablation devices on the market, including Medtronic. Maybe they want to get rid of a dead horse.

well this is a great way of getting information. i enjoy reading about what is really going on. what ever happened to tad at salient. no one ever talks about him. he is suppose to be sick or did they fire him to. hmmm i wonder

Money is the only interest at the company. push all there people and show of money doesnt happen. they use ya for their benifit. they are not a company you want to work for.

Poster was probably speculating about BSX wanting it for cardiac use, not that you already had an indication for such use. Maybe the endo group would want it although their Gold Probe devices seem to work well enough.

IPO is a great way to pay back investors, obviously! No, it does not mean you get bought. That is using your verbiage. It is of zero concern fan any of us anyway. The speculation for BSX was not a rumor at all. You may want to check out your own research next time. Something will have to give for US sales are flattening out. Maybe an investor is interested in what direction will be achieved for the company. The end of the year will answer a lot of questions. I do hope the product extensions coming will help everyone. One product cannot go on forever. Good luck.

another one leaving salient surgical. cant wait till they are all gone. the place sucks anyways. they can have all there foreign people that are to stupid to say anything.

Wow, what is going on now. It has been really quiet lately and I was curious to the next moves on the company front. I am sure something is about to happen.

another one leaving salient surgical. cant wait till they are all gone. the place sucks anyways. they can have all there foreign people that are to stupid to say anything.

You now see that blood management is a marketing term and these devices do nothing but increase the cost of the procedures they are used in. Just ask your biggest competitor haemonetics.

You now see that blood management is a marketing term and these devices do nothing but increase the cost of the procedures they are used in. Just ask your biggest competitor haemonetics.

Yeah, ask them. Talk about a revolving door. Have you read anything on that board? I thought this place was bad until I read that stuff. What a mess. Both of these companies should just shrivel up and die.

they brought in the guy jack from disetronics who ran that place in to the ground and they closed and then brought in the guy whos name is guy with him and totally distroyed the good work enviroment that was their. they just want kiss ass poeple and foreigners. they suck and dont know when they had good people and the line lead and back up lead where first to go now 2 more employees. asking people for a note when they have to leave early. tottally assinine. very poor moral. also someone should have been fired for making sexual comments. what was done nothing. they just dont care.. rat hole thats just what it is.

me and my friend are in engineering and the place does suck. i piity anyone that has to work for guy or deal with his nasty rude attitude. i wouldnt work for him. and yes we are both looking for other work. pay scale sucks'

well there are some other companies that are interested in buying out salient. they are going down so people there have no clue but if they are smart they will be looking for another job. the other companies are going to bring in there own people and there will be many changes and it will come about before the end of the year. take it form someone that knows whats going on. believe me i work there.