Salient Surgical Technologies

Success is defined as reaching an obtainable goal (not some made up BS that you need to keep your job, dip shit manager). Please, he sold more than most ever will. I remember when he stared and all that he created before micro manager showed up and got in the way of progress. It is obvious that there are and will be trolls on here. This thread is famous for the truth, yes TRUTH, about this company. By the way, is JOE your only way to move up. Way to go, you are headed......

I love when a rep says a manager got in the way of their success. How is that even possible... numbers are numbers. Did the rep grow his business... if he did... then the manager is never the issue.... if he can't sell -then it's the managers fault.

If other reps under that manager are successful - then the manager is responsible for that too...correct?

Or do you put the blame of the manager on just that one rep ? Which would make absolutely no sense.

Ignorance is abundant. I think you took your unfair share.

Who is this new internal recruiter Jermain More?? I've heard he tells every candidate that they are wonderful and tells them they will move on and then you hear NOTHING back. He's a nobody that came from a pharmaceutical background and he's now the main decision maker on WHO gets in front of their hiring managers. He told me that I was an extremely strong candidate, kept me on the phone for an hour, told me he had absolutely no concerns about me and that he was looking forward to meeting me. Then my recruiter tells me he never heard anything and I'm being passed on. My recruiter said he's a puppet with no idea as to what makes a good rep or manager. He didn't even ask me what has made me successful. I am so sick of poor recruiting practices. Are there any qualified recruiters out there anymore and why not hire a temp to merely post ads and do interviews like this Jermain guy. He makes that whole company look like SHIT.

Who is this new internal recruiter Jermain More?? I've heard he tells every candidate that they are wonderful and tells them they will move on and then you hear NOTHING back. He's a nobody that came from a pharmaceutical background and he's now the main decision maker on WHO gets in front of their hiring managers. He told me that I was an extremely strong candidate, kept me on the phone for an hour, told me he had absolutely no concerns about me and that he was looking forward to meeting me. Then my recruiter tells me he never heard anything and I'm being passed on. My recruiter said he's a puppet with no idea as to what makes a good rep or manager. He didn't even ask me what has made me successful. I am so sick of poor recruiting practices. Are there any qualified recruiters out there anymore and why not hire a temp to merely post ads and do interviews like this Jermain guy. He makes that whole company look like SHIT.

It sounds like you are emotionally distressed about missing this opportunity. Given how amazing this company is i can understand your concern. Maybe there are some things you can do better next time? Did you try any of the following...

1. Hand written thank you note sent to Jermaine at HQ. (not an email)
2. Setting a time for a follow-up call and then inviting him to it in outlook.
3. Getting the name and contact information of the next person to speak with (assuming you felt as good as you did about the conversation)
4. Finally, flying to Boston....driving to Portsmouth and catching up with him at the office.

If any of these things sound over the top or beyond what you feel a reasonable person should have done for the job then I can understand your perspective. But if you want to know the real reason why you weren't passed on to the next level. Go into your bathroom, turn on the light and look in the mirror. That guy is the reason you didn't get hired.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Fantastic message indeed. That has to be one on the most wonderful explanations to why someone did not move ahead in an interview process. It also explains why their are winners and losers in todays market place. Your response will be remembered and shared for a long time. I hope the candidate will read between the lines and learn something from what was posted. You have to be a solid business person in todays world to get what you want. Competition is fierce and if you are not ready for it you will lose. Fantastic, and I hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving.

Fantastic message indeed. That has to be one on the most wonderful explanations to why someone did not move ahead in an interview process. It also explains why their are winners and losers in todays market place. Your response will be remembered and shared for a long time. I hope the candidate will read between the lines and learn something from what was posted. You have to be a solid business person in todays world to get what you want. Competition is fierce and if you are not ready for it you will lose. Fantastic, and I hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving.

The candidate actually hit the lottery by not getting the job since he didnt have to work with you two assholes.

Dude you are lucky this is a D level job that will make your resume worse. Good day.

I have been an interested observer of this post. In doing a search on hip arthroplasty in The Journal of Arthroplasty I came across 2 articles on Aquamantys with 2 very different outcomes. Any concern that the companied paid author had a positive result whereas the non sponsored found no valididity to the product.I was ony able to view abstracts to be fair

I am sorry but this might not be the most apporpriate spot for this but i tried other threads w/o success. Has anyone heard of Spectrum Surgical-small co. based in Oh. German surgical instruments, repair/sharpening, camera repair, rigid/flex. scope repair, etc. Looking for culture, upward mobility, pay, etc. thanks.

Very interesting that you discovered only good outcomes reported are from paid authors. All papers or studies completed by independent parties show little to no change in HH levels as well as zero cost justification capabilities. The device does stop bleeding, but so does a bovie. We used one last week on the capsule and it worked fine. You have to admire a company that can increase cost to a procedure with a non reimbursed product. My hats off to them. The future may change things on their growth with all the changes to healthcare. One thing for sure, all of their paid users get the greatest results. What a concept.

It sounds like you are emotionally distressed about missing this opportunity. Given how amazing this company is i can understand your concern. Maybe there are some things you can do better next time? Did you try any of the following...

1. Hand written thank you note sent to Jermaine at HQ. (not an email)
2. Setting a time for a follow-up call and then inviting him to it in outlook.
3. Getting the name and contact information of the next person to speak with (assuming you felt as good as you did about the conversation)
4. Finally, flying to Boston....driving to Portsmouth and catching up with him at the office.

If any of these things sound over the top or beyond what you feel a reasonable person should have done for the job then I can understand your perspective. But if you want to know the real reason why you weren't passed on to the next level. Go into your bathroom, turn on the light and look in the mirror. That guy is the reason you didn't get hired.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Could you please list and support your reasons for why this is an "amazing company" I ve heard from more than a couple surgeons that this product/technology is a joke.

I've also seen that this company has very, very high turnover and have heard about 80 percent of the reps are making less than 130k.

Hardly sounds like an amazing company.

To the frustrated poster, who got passed on by "the internal recruiter" count your blessings, some things just don't work out, and you benefitted from this one.