Salient Surgical Technologies

Let me look at the under 100% to plan list, there you are. Cannot wait until you leave - no one likes you here... you must know that - great quarter for most - except the ones like you - who have given up and no one else will hire. You should be thankful that they even keep you here. poor. poor underachiever....

Let me look at the under 100% to plan list, there you are. Cannot wait until you leave - no one likes you here... you must know that - great quarter for most - except the ones like you - who have given up and no one else will hire. You should be thankful that they even keep you here. poor. poor underachiever....

Well, apparently you're one of the oh so fine management team as the field doesn't get that report!

Any advice in a trial where the doc says "I know it is helping, I just can't tell how much"? He likes the product, but needs to justify the cost.

Just continue to steal from haemonetics and tell them what they tell the docs, it reduces potential transfusions which saves money and of course is better for the patient. Even if it reduces by 30% it is a huge savings!

Just continue to steal from haemonetics and tell them what they tell the docs, it reduces potential transfusions which saves money and of course is better for the patient. Even if it reduces by 30% it is a huge savings!

That is providing your local Homo, I mean Heamo rep actually knows what they are talking about and actually get out in the field to work!

Just continue to steal from haemonetics and tell them what they tell the docs, it reduces potential transfusions which saves money and of course is better for the patient. Even if it reduces by 30% it is a huge savings!

LMAO! First, where's your data to back it up? Not a white paper by a paid consultant, actual study data? Second, you do know that the OR does not see blood as an expense, right? It is not charged to them on their budget and oh, that's right, it's reimburseable. Your device? Pure expense!

Try again. But I can tell you, I won't let it in my hospital.

P.S. How about training your reps in something other than just spewing the company line.

. Blood costs are the tip of the iceberg for total costs
The total cost of transfusing patients exceeds blood acquisition costs by five times or greater when labor, supplies, blood administration and transfusion-related adverse events costs are considered. The cost to purchase blood products, while significant for many hospitals, is only the “tip of the iceberg” for total blood costs.
Hannon TJ, Paulson-Gjerde K. Contemporary economics of transfusions. In: Spiess BD, Spence RK, Shander A, eds. Perioperative Transfusion Medicine. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005.

9. Transfusions are 'risky business'
There are a number of emerging areas of risk exposure and potential medical-legal liability that relate to compliance with state, federal (CMS), Joint Commission, AABB and CAP regulations for blood component therapy. These include patient safety issues (the Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goal #1 is to eliminate medication and transfusion errors), appropriateness and documentation of physician transfusion orders, nursing compliance and documentation, oversight systems and effectiveness of peer review, and informed consent for transfusion. From a compliance and medical-legal standpoint, the financial liability of inappropriate transfusions and transfusion errors can be substantial. Because of these many issues, the Joint Commission will include blood management performance measures as an element of hospital accreditation in 2009.
Boucher BA, Hannon TJ. Blood management: a primer for clinicians. Pharmacotherapy 2007;27:1394-411.

10. Transfusion complications 2009: You break it, you pay for it
Topping it all off, financial penalties for poor clinical outcomes related to inappropriate transfusion practices are increasing. Beginning on October 1st, 2008, Medicare and most commercial health insurance carriers will no longer pay for transfusion errors, bleeding complications in cardiac surgery and a growing number of hospital acquired infections that are increased two to five-fold by blood transfusions.

All well and good but, again where is your data and I mean DATA that PROVES that you reduce transfusions? You can tell whatever story you like but, until you can back it up with published, peer reviewed studies that support your statements, don't bother.

Final CY 2009 unadjusted APC payment rates for blood-related services include $221.59 for transfusion CPT code 36430, $48.47 for autologous collection/ processing CPT code 86890, and $14.49 for antigen screening CPT 86903.

All well and good but, again where is your data and I mean DATA that PROVES that you reduce transfusions? You can tell whatever story you like but, until you can back it up with published, peer reviewed studies that support your statements, don't bother.

Who needs real data when you have paid consultants? Are there any reps out there making solid money in a territory without a consultant? 10 years and still no peer reviewed data? The company is a joke from the top down. The sales force is the only real asset they have and management at all levels is to ignorant to see that.

Quick - name me a clinically sound product... drug eluting stents- oops that was proved incorrect - Tylenol - oops, that is causing more liver damage than alcohol - wait - crestor - nope - lipitor - oh no, not that funny, all had sound clinical studies... Oh - so you want something similar to these products - correct?? How about the product seals tissue so it does not bleed>>> simple enough - do you want a study on a bovie? how about Ligasure - Gyrus - Harmonic - you got those right??? Same technology

How many times have you heard people exclaim something like, "First they tell us this is good or bad for us, and then they tell us just the opposite"?

In case you need more confirmation for the "iffy-ness" of many health studies, Dr. John Ioannidis, a researcher at the University of Ioannina in Greece writing in the Journal of the American Medical Association, recently analyzed 45 well publicized studies from major journals appearing between 1990 and 2003. His conclusion: the results of approximately one third of these studies were flatly contradicted or significantly weakened by later work.

Forget the study buddy

Quick - name me a clinically sound product... drug eluting stents- oops that was proved incorrect - Tylenol - oops, that is causing more liver damage than alcohol - wait - crestor - nope - lipitor - oh no, not that funny, all had sound clinical studies... Oh - so you want something similar to these products - correct?? How about the product seals tissue so it does not bleed>>> simple enough - do you want a study on a bovie? how about Ligasure - Gyrus - Harmonic - you got those right??? Same technology

How many times have you heard people exclaim something like, "First they tell us this is good or bad for us, and then they tell us just the opposite"?

In case you need more confirmation for the "iffy-ness" of many health studies, Dr. John Ioannidis, a researcher at the University of Ioannina in Greece writing in the Journal of the American Medical Association, recently analyzed 45 well publicized studies from major journals appearing between 1990 and 2003. His conclusion: the results of approximately one third of these studies were flatly contradicted or significantly weakened by later work.

Forget the study buddy

Your product is not reimbursed. It is not clinically necessary to have in the OR. It is an additional cost for a hospital. The concept of why you would use this device is a bunch of smoke and mirrors. Good luck being around here making the same ridiculous gross margins that you have the next five years.

Your product is not reimbursed. It is not clinically necessary to have in the OR. It is an additional cost for a hospital. The concept of why you would use this device is a bunch of smoke and mirrors. Good luck being around here making the same ridiculous gross margins that you have the next five years.

There are more Hemo reps posting on this thread than Salient reps, so you are concerned enough to keep watching.