Your product is not reimbursed. It is not clinically necessary to have in the OR. It is an additional cost for a hospital. The concept of why you would use this device is a bunch of smoke and mirrors. Good luck being around here making the same ridiculous gross margins that you have the next five years.
Again what company are we talking about here? This is true for both salient and haemonetics. Do they work? Sure they do. Would surgery go on without them and patients do just fine? Yes and yes.
The bottom line is this. Surgeons rarely give a shit about blood. If you can find a few that do, you have it made. The others will continue to do surgery with bovies and other unwashed post-op drains that cost very little and everything will be just fine.
The smart reps would learn to work together having the docs use Salient in the OR and orthopat post-op! That would be blood management at its finest and also a really expensive surgery!