Salient Surgical Technologies

Someone is a little bitter.... great job researching the 17 patents although if you did an ounce of homework on the Boss you would understand that it in no way threatens our position... Your obviously worked for us at somepoint and were very average.....

What did you find with your research on the "Boss" ? From my research it looks to be a serious threat.

BOSS will be very slow out of the gate. They only have one hand piece and no generator. I guess they could use the Salient one, for a short period till it was pulled. I also interviewed in FL with Bovie. They seem to have a lack of money as only one manager for country and he/she will use 1099 reps. I was asked if I would like to be a trainer. No. For better or worse Salient still occupies the niche for some time to come.

If you don't think this company is a wonderful opportunity then you are nuts. I'm hyper-critical and was concerned when I started this job that things would not be very rosy. Since I have been here it has been about 1000% better then I could have hoped for. This train is going to take off and I'm not sure who wouldn't want to be on board before it happened. The negative comments are founded in some sincere experience that I do see on occasion from the perspective of other reps. Maybe I'm in a bubble but from where I am at I tell myself how lucky I am everyday.

And no, I'm not management or SF. Although I'm sure they have been glad to see this thread die off.

I have never heard so much negativity in all of my life. If you think there is a better opportunity out there then leave and go cry and complain at your new job. I guess they call this a thread because there is a thread of truth in about every 5th post. I believe most of these posts come from the same 3 disgruntled reps (or maybe former reps) and the rest from Bovie and Plasma Blade reps trying to stir it up. Regarding the price of the device: What do you think will happen to commissions if/when the ASP comes down to $300? Be careful what you wish for because you will really be crying then.
PS - I'm not a manager, just a grateful rep.

BOSS will be very slow out of the gate. They only have one hand piece and no generator. I guess they could use the Salient one, for a short period till it was pulled. I also interviewed in FL with Bovie. They seem to have a lack of money as only one manager for country and he/she will use 1099 reps. I was asked if I would like to be a trainer. No. For better or worse Salient still occupies the niche for some time to come.

Did you get offered a job, are they putting good commission structure out there?

Oh by the way I am not a manager either. I can assure you that the threads on this board are true. I have not heard this much negativity about any company in the medical arena. The good thing about these boards is the truth about the companies associated with them. I would listen well to all of the post and believe them. It is amazing how true the comments really are. Asp will be lowered with competition. That is going to happen. Our comp has already changed every year I have been here. The main reason I stay is my business is solid and I do not have to do anything to make a decent living. The boxes are open and the bag is hung on the pole. I am in the best shape of my life and plan on doing some triathlons this year. Good thing is my wife works as well so together we have no worries. When this situation changes I will work somewhere else. This is not brain surgery, hit the button and stops bleeding. Just smile, look pretty, and hope you do not have to prove it works. The bleeding does stop, but is that enough to pay for it. The future will tell. Like I said, easy days ahead for me:)

Oh by the way I am not a manager either. I can assure you that the threads on this board are true. I have not heard this much negativity about any company in the medical arena. The good thing about these boards is the truth about the companies associated with them. I would listen well to all of the post and believe them. It is amazing how true the comments really are. Asp will be lowered with competition. That is going to happen. Our comp has already changed every year I have been here. The main reason I stay is my business is solid and I do not have to do anything to make a decent living. The boxes are open and the bag is hung on the pole. I am in the best shape of my life and plan on doing some triathlons this year. Good thing is my wife works as well so together we have no worries. When this situation changes I will work somewhere else. This is not brain surgery, hit the button and stops bleeding. Just smile, look pretty, and hope you do not have to prove it works. The bleeding does stop, but is that enough to pay for it. The future will tell. Like I said, easy days ahead for me:)

This company and Haemonetics are the two most negative companies you can find. 99.9% of posts are true. Both companies are in blood management and both are the worst two jobs in medical device and are looked at as resume killers. The quote "Just smile, look pretty, and hope you do not have to prove it works. The bleeding does stop, but is that enough to pay for it. The future will tell" is very accurate for salient and haemonetics orthopat.

Great looking story on paper, thats about it for the great part.

Bovie is a joke.
Cannot get out of their own way, no courage or conviction in their product or technology.
Maybe if they hired managers/executives with market relevant knowledge & competence instead of other companies mistakes they wouldn't find themselves in this box.
Salient is going to pull a very big can of whoop-ass out for them!

Medtronic owns 9% of Salient Surgical, who's business is REALLY picking up now, at an inflection point approaching $100 million in sales. Investors (including MDT) have sunk about $120 million in to Salient. If I was MDT I would think of buying the remaining interest in Salient that they don't already own NOW, before Salient's product becomes really big, or "standard of care" type product. Ah, but then there is BVX. BVX is a threat to the success of Salient, so why not approach BVX too, with the stock THIS cheap, and buy both Salient and BVX. Sooo, MDT tries that, and BVX sez "no way too cheap". So MDT sez "see you in court." and files a ptent suit on 6/8. But BVX would fit perfect with a Salient buyout, since BVX makes generators, which Salient does not. Also, BVX has a key employee, namely Rioux, who would be a great asset to Salient in developing new products. With MDT's marketing muscle behind these two companies, the BOSS, SEER, and Salient's Aquamantys, would really take off. This is all speculation on my part. Maybe MDT pays up for BVX ?

MDT's legal move was only a blocking attempt to halt an acquisition already well under way.
The big player is in Mass. Rioux is a patent genius with so many advances one can hardly count them in saline surgery.

To be sure Salient Surgical is headed for a train wreck. The hidden acquisition has been under way since mid to late 2008 with MASSIVE inventory builds not reported on the 10K.
The low price is a big clue that the kimono come off real soon.

Bob is a smart guy and has a good many patents but he's not the Zeus from which all saline-mediated electrosurgical technology springs forth. Mike Hoey and Mike McClurken can more than hold their own in that regard. Where does Bovie even stand in the field of electrosurgery? Are their generators as good as Valleylab's? Erbe's? KLS Martin's? Heck, are they as good as ConMed's? Is the J-Plasma (the Loch Ness Monster of product launches) going to be a game-changer?

Who's the mystery suitor for Bovie and why would MDT care?

forget the mumbo jumbo and focus on finance. you know, $$$, profit/loss, stats, stock value, etc. names and patents at this point are less significant. chess game. think like an investor if you can (globally). risk factors, gains/losses. long/short term value. market trends, new players. this site has some insight investors may want to use.

gamble at will gents. it's totally legal and can be especially fun if you make a dollar or two.

expect to see a fun volley or two, although there have been several already executed long before the obvious news. the best fights are often not made public so it seems, regardless if you are a publicly traded company. champagne time for some - perhaps this weekend? probably at this very moment given the time frame.

have a wonderful, smashing weekend salient, bovie, others.

The lawsuit is a smoke screen and nothing will come of it. simply a way to delay the further erotion of business. Look at all of the changes the company has gone through and all of the successful people that have left. This once great company is a shell of itself that will never go public and is now not even looking good to be purchased! When you force your reps to sell overpriced products that add no clinical value whatsoever rather than continue to provide your base handpiece with proven results, you have lost touch with reality. Raping your customers to make your numbers look better will always come back to bite you in the ass! Even if you used to work for USS.
Bottom line... Technology works well (even without a fancy light or flexible handle) provide the product at a fair price and focus on the right patients in the right procedures and we can turn this thing around. otherwise we are spinning our wheels while becoming more and more like a pharma company!