Retooled, Revamped and Revitalized

It's been a long hard road but I think everyone will agree we are a stronger company for it. The trash has been taken out and the cream has risen to the top! Go Zoll!

Yep, the trash who went on to better jobs and express relief and utter joy to be gone. Have you ever heard someone who left say they missed the company?

I bought a Rolie w my last commish!
Seriously, stop the bullish**. Stop the lies. People leave good jobs to come here, only to find out that it was all lies. Stop all the lies, enough already. If you can't be honest and get people to fill all the open vacancies you have, maybe the problem isn't the people it's the company. When you lie to people you are not helping anyone, them or you as you just need to fill the spot again.

Seriously, stop the bullish**. Stop the lies. People leave good jobs to come here, only to find out that it was all lies. Stop all the lies, enough already. If you can't be honest and get people to fill all the open vacancies you have, maybe the problem isn't the people it's the company. When you lie to people you are not helping anyone, them or you as you just need to fill the spot again.

The Rolex is a Daytona