Retooled, Revamped and Revitalized

Good news!
Here is a new marketing piece

"...fell off a boat his family had rented Sunday night in a Dallas-area lake and was not wearing a life vest. "

Life Vest saves lives. Print it!

I'm a simple reader here, so I'm completely confused by this post. I think the previous poster was simply saying there are no new (or even an established value with a RCT) clinical value propositions with the LifeVest when compared to other companies at this cost to a patient (the other products you cited are a few thousand dollars to permanently solve a problem). The other products don't have such market development goals after 10+ years with essentially the same product that benefits only 1% of the patients.

no the poster was saying you don't need experienced cardiac reps to sell this product because it is 10-12 years old. I disagree. Many cardiac products are established with little or no change at all. My argument is if you can find a well entrenched cardiac rep who works the cardiac floor and Cath lab in a hospital your better off. They (I) have the relationships and have developed trust from my customers. Many of us dinosaurs can by pass the Dr and have the Cardiac PA or NP write with both hands (with Drs approval of course). Try that with a pharm rep who is looking for the blue sign with the H on it and heads right away to the cafeteria to get organized. Doesn't matter I'm out anyway. Back to valves. Thanks ZOLL for the pit stop. Good luck keeping the business. My PAs are sick of the calls for paperwork for someone who was discharged 4 months ago. Hey tech support I've got two words for you, MEDICAL RECORDS. Bye.

no the poster was saying you don't need experienced cardiac reps to sell this product because it is 10-12 years old. I disagree. Many cardiac products are established with little or no change at all. My argument is if you can find a well entrenched cardiac rep who works the cardiac floor and Cath lab in a hospital your better off. They (I) have the relationships and have developed trust from my customers. Many of us dinosaurs can by pass the Dr and have the Cardiac PA or NP write with both hands (with Drs approval of course). Try that with a pharm rep who is looking for the blue sign with the H on it and heads right away to the cafeteria to get organized. Doesn't matter I'm out anyway. Back to valves. Thanks ZOLL for the pit stop. Good luck keeping the business. My PAs are sick of the calls for paperwork for someone who was discharged 4 months ago. Hey tech support I've got two words for you, MEDICAL RECORDS. Bye.

Oh no!! We will miss you as we miss all overpaid losers. It was crazy the way porn went under after Jenna Jameson took her ball and went home!! O wait, no it wasn't hahah

Oh no!! We will miss you as we miss all overpaid losers. It was crazy the way porn went under after Jenna Jameson took her ball and went home!! O wait, no it wasn't hahah

Why would you miss me? Are you insinuating your in a position that cares about sales people? Reference to porn? That's the best you can bring? Or are you a bitter rep who is trying to get me to light the match on my territory? I'm gone your here. Enough said.

YOUR CRIES FOR HELP HAVE NOT GONE UNHEARD! We ask you to be patient as we work on a new formula for growth and success. Please maintain a positive attitude and know that change often takes time. We are one team and we win and lose together. Let's start winning!

YOUR CRIES FOR HELP HAVE NOT GONE UNHEARD! We ask you to be patient as we work on a new formula for growth and success. Please maintain a positive attitude and know that change often takes time. We are one team and we win and lose together. Let's start winning!

How hilarious is this pathetic post, a clear post from a regional manager that is trying to keep the last couple people on his team that haven't quit yet from quitting. This is coming from nobody above a regional manager level. This is what this company has come to , regional managers posting posts like this quote above, to try to give his her sales team hope. So pathetic. To Whatever regional manager wrote this, you should know that you're such a freaking idiot, and even more so, any tm that looks at this post and thinks that it has any substance whatsoever you're even more pathetic, and ridiculously unintelligent and stupid.

We can't wait for the catalog points......bring on the toasters!!! Have you even asked the sales force what kind of incentives they would respond to? Have you figured a way to at least level the playing field when it comes to forecasting and weights.....probably not. The only ones winning in this equation is the company. Stop peeing in our faces and telling us its rain! Just do it and get it done..period.

We can't wait for the catalog points......bring on the toasters!!! Have you even asked the sales force what kind of incentives they would respond to? Have you figured a way to at least level the playing field when it comes to forecasting and weights.....probably not. The only ones winning in this equation is the company. Stop peeing in our faces and telling us its rain! Just do it and get it done..period.

Patients my colleague!! Good things come to those who wait. We have plugged the hole in the dam and are working on getting out people back in the black!!

Patients my colleague!! Good things come to those who wait. We have plugged the hole in the dam and are working on getting out people back in the black!!

"Patients"? You mean "patience"? This perfectly illustrates what is wrong with this company. The people making decisions can hardly spell, let alone make intelligent managerial decisions. If I wrote down all the mistakes I have caught just in the last 90 days, I'd have a very long list. Revenue, order processing, intake, leases, the fax system, PSR pay ... rife with errors. AND NO ONE CARES. Why? I've never seen such uninformed, unqualified people have the unchecked span of responsibility that they do. I honestly do NOT understand how this company stays in business, and I completely understand why the turnover rate of TMs and PSRs is so high. This place will absolutely drive you to drink.

President Reagan made errors from time to time but with him, as with Zoll, it's important to look at the full body of work. Do you know what percentage of companies there are that have remained profitable (like ZOLL) in the medical device arena for the tenure that Zoll has? 12.3 percent. You employees (besides being One Percenters) are 12.3 percenters. Embrace this and you will succeed. Zoll has given you the tools and now it's time for you to put them to work. Amen

President Reagan made errors from time to time but with him, as with Zoll, it's important to look at the full body of work. Do you know what percentage of companies there are that have remained profitable (like ZOLL) in the medical device arena for the tenure that Zoll has? 12.3 percent. You employees (besides being One Percenters) are 12.3 percenters. Embrace this and you will succeed. Zoll has given you the tools and now it's time for you to put them to work. Amen

This is just more evidence of the misguided thinking at the top. Thanks for continuing to make our case.

"Patients"? You mean "patience"? This perfectly illustrates what is wrong with this company. The people making decisions can hardly spell, let alone make intelligent managerial decisions. If I wrote down all the mistakes I have caught just in the last 90 days, I'd have a very long list. Revenue, order processing, intake, leases, the fax system, PSR pay ... rife with errors. AND NO ONE CARES. Why? I've never seen such uninformed, unqualified people have the unchecked span of responsibility that they do. I honestly do NOT understand how this company stays in business, and I completely understand why the turnover rate of TMs and PSRs is so high. This place will absolutely drive you to drink.

President Reagan made errors from time to time but with him, as with Zoll, it's important to look at the full body of work. Do you know what percentage of companies there are that have remained profitable (like ZOLL) in the medical device arena for the tenure that Zoll has? 12.3 percent. You employees (besides being One Percenters) are 12.3 percenters. Embrace this and you will succeed. Zoll has given you the tools and now it's time for you to put them to work. Amen
As an outsider an former employee I find it so lame that management posts on a blog site to communicate with their sales force. The culture must be as amazing as it ever was.

You sounds familiar. Did I RIF you sweetie?

Something to be proud of I guess. Boy Would I love to be a manager that had to hire every year for one of my sales territories. Must be fun knowing that all the people I RIF, or who left on their own, have gone on to better jobs. Here I am interviewing for the same sales territory as last year, saying the same thing over and over. How rewarding. Yes be proud of following leadership from above, that tells you how you must perform your job. how many ride slings you must do, how many Appts you must have, when you can go to the bathroom and for how long. Yes take pride in your position.

President Reagan made errors from time to time but with him, as with Zoll, it's important to look at the full body of work. Do you know what percentage of companies there are that have remained profitable (like ZOLL) in the medical device arena for the tenure that Zoll has? 12.3 percent. You employees (besides being One Percenters) are 12.3 percenters. Embrace this and you will succeed. Zoll has given you the tools and now it's time for you to put them to work. Amen

Then why 70% turnover? Is everybody stupid and your the only smart one? President Reagan really? That's your analogy? President Reagan? Lol 12.3 percent really? Lol. Are you really that stupid or do you believe your own Given all the tools? Do you work here? Have you ever worked with tech support? Account rep? District management? Tools? Training? Quota system? Commission program? Are you new? Did you come from a communist country and are new to capitalism??

We must not lose focus compadres. This is a war and we are on the same side. Mother Zoll can only help you to win, she can not do it for you. Please repent while there is still time. The dissidents will get the RIF'n they so deserve. Amen