Retooled, Revamped and Revitalized

Yeah I do Bich Boy and I'm coming for you next!

I've never worked for,or ever heard of, a company letting experienced cardiac sales people go, and then replacing them with inexperienced pharm reps. What type of insanity is this? I have seen so many territories that have had experienced cardiac reps, with outstanding Hospital relationships in the Cath lab and cardiac surgery, pushed out because of a ridiculous wuota system. How is this a sustainable model? How can you hire managers with no cardiac experience and expect them to be able to mentor and teach inexperienced pharm reps? This is insanity! This company produces in spite of itself. Everyone inside has all the answers as to what the market needs or is looking for but creates the most self defeating policies that actually hinder growth. I have never in my 25 years of CARDIOLOGY medical device and capital equipment sales and management ever seen such a complete mess with so many incapable, disingenuous, disinterested people in my life. What a disaster!

I've never worked for,or ever heard of, a company letting experienced cardiac sales people go, and then replacing them with inexperienced pharm reps. What type of insanity is this? I have seen so many territories that have had experienced cardiac reps, with outstanding Hospital relationships in the Cath lab and cardiac surgery, pushed out because of a ridiculous wuota system. How is this a sustainable model? How can you hire managers with no cardiac experience and expect them to be able to mentor and teach inexperienced pharm reps? This is insanity! This company produces in spite of itself. Everyone inside has all the answers as to what the market needs or is looking for but creates the most self defeating policies that actually hinder growth. I have never in my 25 years of CARDIOLOGY medical device and capital equipment sales and management ever seen such a complete mess with so many incapable, disingenuous, disinterested people in my life. What a disaster!

It's about time that you realize that this is the way Zoll wants it. They don't think that they really need any sales people to get their product used. They have created the quota system so that people are either managed out or leave on their own. The hard truth is they don't care. they don't care that you leave, they don't care if they manage you out..they simply don't care. The constant turn over works to their advantage. The only thing that will eventually hurt them is if they can't get new reps to replace the ones that have left or that were managed out. Word of mouth people. Let EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE know what this place is like so they can't get new people on board.

Bill em and spill em on the street!!

The 10 stupidest statements bad managers use! Aldo has used five during his regional meetings. No surprise here! Love when he says failure is not an option lol!

1. "It just wasn't meant to be."

Whatever happened, fate had nothing to do with it. Something went wrong. Figure out what went wrong and learn from it.

Plus, "It just wasn't meant to be" places responsibility elsewhere, and when it's someone else's fault, it never gets fixed.

On the other hand, "Let's figure out what we can do differently next time..." is empowering--and it places the responsibility where it should be: on you.

2. "That's probably not what you want to hear."

No doubt it sucks to hear bad news. But when you say something isn't what I want to hear, you shift the issue over to my side of the table. Somehow the issue has become my problem.

Don't shift. Explain why you made a decision. Explain the logic. Explain your reasoning.

I still may not want to hear it, but that way the focus remains on the issue and not on me.

3. "Work smarter, not harder."

What happens when you say that to me? One, you imply I'm stupid. Two, you imply that whatever I am doing should take a lot less time and effort than it does. And three, after you say it, I kinda hate you.

If you know I could be more efficient, tell me how. If you know there's a better way, show me how. If you think there's a better way but don't know what it is, say so. Admit you don't have the answer. Then ask me to help you figure it out.

And most importantly, recognize that sometimes the only thing to do is to work harder...and when that's the case, get off your butt and help me.

4. "There is no I in team."

Sure there is. There are as many I's as team members. Those individuals, the more "individual" the better, serve to make the team stronger. The best teams are often a funky blend of the members' individual talents, perspectives, and goals.

If you want a team to work hard and achieve more, make sure each person feels she can not only achieve the team's goal but also one of her own goals.

Spend time figuring out how each individual on the team can do both, instead of taking the lazy way out by simply repressing individuality in the pursuit of the collective.

5. "Perception is reality."

Yeah, yeah, I know: How I perceive something is my version of reality, no matter how off my perception might be.

But if other people perceive a reality differently than you, work to change that perception. Make your reality everyone's reality.

Besides, perceptions are fleeting and constantly changing. Reality lasts forever, or at least until a new reality comes along to replace it.

6. "I'm always open to feedback."

You see and hear a similar line everywhere: websites, signs, meetings.

If you truly want feedback or input, don't be passive. Don't just make it easy for people to provide. Go get it. Be active.

People who really want feedback don't wait to receive it. They take responsibility for getting the information they need.

7. "We'll do it now and apologize later."

Say that and you're not a bold risk taker; you're lazy and self-indulgent. Good ideas are rarely stifled. People naturally like "better." People who don't like your idea usually aren't the problem. The problem is almost always you.

So don't take the easy way out. Describe what you want to do. Prove it makes sense. Get people behind you.

Then, whatever you do has a much better chance of succeeding.

8. "Failure is not an option."

This one is often used by the leader who gets frustrated and wants to shut down questions about a debatable decision or a seemingly impossible goal: "Listen, folks, failure is simply not an option," he says, striking the table with his fist.

Failure is always a possibility. Just because you say it isn't doesn't make it so.

Don't reach for a platitude to end debate. Justify your decision. Answer the hard questions.

If you can't, maybe your decision isn't so wise after all.

9. "Let's not reinvent the wheel."

Because hey, some other wheel might turn out to be a better wheel, and that means my wheel isn't so great.

And we can't have that.

10. "It is what it is."

No it isn't. "It is what it is" really means, "I'm too lazy to try to make it different, so for gosh sakes stop talking about it."

"It is what it is" is only true if you take the easy way out by letting "it" remain "it."

Don't like a situation? Work to fix it.

That's what leaders do.

Thanks for the above knowledge. I am now aware it's possible to be a crybaby, coward and stupid at the same time. Stop complaining and start showing up with your A game or you will be PIP'd and popped.

Thanks for the above knowledge. I am now aware it's possible to be a crybaby, coward and stupid at the same time. Stop complaining and start showing up with your A game or you will be PIP'd and popped.[/

The article was taken from LinkedIn. It a discussion amongst several CEOs about the characteristics of poor leaders. It also mentioned that first line management was a critical part of an organizations success, and has drastically been under trained. The articles states that poor leadership results in poor hiring decisions and results in increased costs for an organization. Obviously based on your fear of education and understanding of the importance of hiring qualified people you should resign. Fear from management is not a motivator. Fear of a PIP creates turnover and unnecessary costs to the organization. Good people will leave just because you have created hate and fear. Words such as coward and stupid combined with your practice of creating fear are tools of ignorance. People like yourself are a cancer to the organization.

Thanks for the above knowledge. I am now aware it's possible to be a crybaby, coward and stupid at the same time. Stop complaining and start showing up with your A game or you will be PIP'd and popped.[/

The article was taken from LinkedIn. It a discussion amongst several CEOs about the characteristics of poor leaders. It also mentioned that first line management was a critical part of an organizations success, and has drastically been under trained. The articles states that poor leadership results in poor hiring decisions and results in increased costs for an organization. Obviously based on your fear of education and understanding of the importance of hiring qualified people you should resign. Fear from management is not a motivator. Fear of a PIP creates turnover and unnecessary costs to the organization. Good people will leave just because you have created hate and fear. Words such as coward and stupid combined with your practice of creating fear are tools of ignorance. People like yourself are a cancer to the organization.

Consider yourself PIP'd punk!

Consider yourself PIP'd punk!

Sorry to inform you I am in position to create PIPs. I don't use them as tools of fear. I don't believe in them. Everyone on my team including myself need to improve on a ongoing basis. We have semi yearly meetings and plan our work and activities at that time. Our plans are working documents. PIP not needed. Our team performs well and our lack of turnover reflects that. If you hired the correct people you wouldn't need to use your PIP as a motivational tool.

Sorry to inform you I am in position to create PIPs. I don't use them as tools of fear. I don't believe in them. Everyone on my team including myself need to improve on a ongoing basis. We have semi yearly meetings and plan our work and activities at that time. Our plans are working documents. PIP not needed. Our team performs well and our lack of turnover reflects that. If you hired the correct people you wouldn't need to use your PIP as a motivational tool.

Liar! Soon to be PIP'd!! Haha

I've never worked for,or ever heard of, a company letting experienced cardiac sales people go, and then replacing them with inexperienced pharm reps. What type of insanity is this? I have seen so many territories that have had experienced cardiac reps, with outstanding Hospital relationships in the Cath lab and cardiac surgery, pushed out because of a ridiculous wuota system. How is this a sustainable model? How can you hire managers with no cardiac experience and expect them to be able to mentor and teach inexperienced pharm reps? This is insanity! This company produces in spite of itself. Everyone inside has all the answers as to what the market needs or is looking for but creates the most self defeating policies that actually hinder growth. I have never in my 25 years of CARDIOLOGY medical device and capital equipment sales and management ever seen such a complete mess with so many incapable, disingenuous, disinterested people in my life. What a disaster!

You could have all the experience and relationships in the world, but it doesn't mean you can sell. Bringing in a non-experienced pharma rep has proven that they will quickly equal the sales your experienced self was bringing in quickly. I am not saying this company is perfect, but if you can't grow despite your experience and knowledge then clearly the selling skills and business piece of the puzzle were missing!!!!! #truth

You could have all the experience and relationships in the world, but it doesn't mean you can sell. Bringing in a non-experienced pharma rep has proven that they will quickly equal the sales your experienced self was bringing in quickly. I am not saying this company is perfect, but if you can't grow despite your experience and knowledge then clearly the selling skills and business piece of the puzzle were missing!!!!! #truth

You're getting PIP'd too!!

You could have all the experience and relationships in the world, but it doesn't mean you can sell. Bringing in a non-experienced pharma rep has proven that they will quickly equal the sales your experienced self was bringing in quickly. I am not saying this company is perfect, but if you can't grow despite your experience and knowledge then clearly the selling skills and business piece of the puzzle were missing!!!!! #truth

Lol. Your joking right? How do you develop those relationships? It takes years of trust and the ability to manage the broken Zoll process. That's right, when tech support won't approve a PSR visit, you take over the process and make the visit yourself. Why you ask? Because my neck is hanging out exposed, as I've promised my physicians support and a pain free experience using the vest. What about the ability to read documents? Do you think you can perform this job without knowing how to get a patient approved? I wish I had a dollar for every patient who could have been put in a vest, but was denied because of the inability to locate and define the correct disease state in the patients documents. You think training teaches the Zoll process or how to interpret documents? You think the pharma rep model is successful? Lol. Your clueless. It's apparent you have no clue about the Zoll process or managing a territory. I will take one device rep with Cath lab and cardiac surgery experience over 10 pharma reps any day. I sold 2 million dollars worth of this shit and didn't even attend training for 6 months after being hired. How you ask? Cardiac experience, contacts, disease state knowledge, and identifying the Drs pain point. The only reason pharm reps are being hired here is 1) companies bad reputation and quota system that makes length of stay impossible 2) they believe once a Dr writes for the vest he will continue no matter who is in the territory. Lol the later belief has caught up to the good old boys and it's almost time to actually hire experience again.

Experienced reps build markets and launch products. Lifevest is old. the talking points are old. the process is old, broken and never changing. let them go for cheap labor as it is a signal to the customer that nothing innovative is happening. fyi- i am not taking a dig at pharma reps, i am speaking of the leadership and training. a decent company would have process buttoned down (for a product that is 12yrs old) that you should be able to plug-n-play. i cant wait to move on to a new challenge. this is boring, stale and a crime to patients.

Experienced reps build markets and launch products. Lifevest is old. the talking points are old. the process is old, broken and never changing. let them go for cheap labor as it is a signal to the customer that nothing innovative is happening. fyi- i am not taking a dig at pharma reps, i am speaking of the leadership and training. a decent company would have process buttoned down (for a product that is 12yrs old) that you should be able to plug-n-play. i cant wait to move on to a new challenge. this is boring, stale and a crime to patients.

Old? Like pacers? Heart valves? Vein graft kits ? off pump cardiac surgery equipment? Or how about perfusion equipment.? Seen any new tubing lately? How about the fact the Edwards TAVER was launched by a separate sales force AND NOT THEIR VALVE SALSE FORCE. They still sell surgical aortic and mitral valves. Nothing new there in 10 years. You telling me pacers, valves, vein grafts and perfusion companies don't have experienced reps?? Yeah right. No experience reps in those companies. Lol

Old? Like pacers? Heart valves? Vein graft kits ? off pump cardiac surgery equipment? Or how about perfusion equipment.? Seen any new tubing lately? How about the fact the Edwards TAVER was launched by a separate sales force AND NOT THEIR VALVE SALSE FORCE. They still sell surgical aortic and mitral valves. Nothing new there in 10 years. You telling me pacers, valves, vein grafts and perfusion companies don't have experienced reps?? Yeah right. No experience reps in those companies. Lol

I'm a simple reader here, so I'm completely confused by this post. I think the previous poster was simply saying there are no new (or even an established value with a RCT) clinical value propositions with the LifeVest when compared to other companies at this cost to a patient (the other products you cited are a few thousand dollars to permanently solve a problem). The other products don't have such market development goals after 10+ years with essentially the same product that benefits only 1% of the patients.

I'm a simple reader here, so I'm completely confused by this post. I think the previous poster was simply saying there are no new (or even an established value with a RCT) clinical value propositions with the LifeVest when compared to other companies at this cost to a patient (the other products you cited are a few thousand dollars to permanently solve a problem). The other products don't have such market development goals after 10+ years with essentially the same product that benefits only 1% of the patients.

Being a simpleton is nothing to brag about you low life scum sucking maggot. Stay on the sidelines where you belong. Zoll is a mans world.

Being a simpleton is nothing to brag about you low life scum sucking maggot. Stay on the sidelines where you belong. Zoll is a mans world.

actually it is something to be admired, when someone (a sales person), has enough self-awareness to actually understand vs. assume they know what's best. So your game of turning this forum into a trashy potty mouth tit-for-tat is as immature as your bloated ego in scrubs.