Public Option Bill

Why do you think that public schools have lower tuition than private institutions? Why do you think the V.A. and Medicare can charge less money than private insurers? First of all, because they are not as good as private entities. You kind of get what you pay for. But moreover, it's because they are subsidized by tax-payers. It's also because the are allowed to function with HUGE, UNSUSTAINABLE DEBT. It has been shown ALL over the world that private schools actually spend less money per student than does public schools and they get FAR GREATER RESULTS. However, you and I have to pay more as individuals to send our kids to private schools because first-off private schools are NOT subsidized and secondly we have to waste our tax-dollars on public education which SUCKS. So we have to pay for a broken system that is subsidized while having to pay again out of our pockets for a private system which works and is not subsidized..... Seems backwards doesn't it!?!?!? There is no doubt, based on quality and results, Government programs can NOT hang with private enitities. And if you were to take away all the tax-payer subsidies, government programs could NOT even compete on price. Government controlls all the cards in this game and they create prices and services that do NOT reflect any sustainable business model.

Yes, the lower tuition at public univerisities is due to tax subsidies by the government, but that is money well spent. America's labor force is among the most productive in the world because most Americans can afford to attend college. You claim public schools are crap, but the President of Cal Tech said most of his students come from public schools, not private schools. (Source: The World is Flat by Friedman)

The free market has its place. I would not want stores run by the govt., but I would not want highways privatized and lined with toll booths that charge whatever they want. The cost of shipping goods across the nation would go up. Republican Pres. Eisenhauer realized this when he instituted the gas tax to fund interstate highways.

---Dude from Calif.

Yes, the lower tuition at public univerisities is due to tax subsidies by the government, but that is money well spent. America's labor force is among the most productive in the world because most Americans can afford to attend college. You claim public schools are crap, but the President of Cal Tech said most of his students come from public schools, not private schools. (Source: The World is Flat by Friedman)

The free market has its place. I would not want stores run by the govt., but I would not want highways privatized and lined with toll booths that charge whatever they want. The cost of shipping goods across the nation would go up. Republican Pres. Eisenhauer realized this when he instituted the gas tax to fund interstate highways.

---Dude from Calif.

Dude.... I am done with you. You are a drone that can't think for himeself. I have proven that all your liberal talking points are a COMPLETE FALLACY and you keep repeating the same things. With FEW exceptions, Government can NOT and will NOT ever be as effective as a private business. Follow this rule of thumb and you will go far: If you can find it in the Yellow Pages, then government has NO business doing it.

Yes, the lower tuition at public univerisities is due to tax subsidies by the government, but that is money well spent. America's labor force is among the most productive in the world because most Americans can afford to attend college. You claim public schools are crap, but the President of Cal Tech said most of his students come from public schools, not private schools. (Source: The World is Flat by Friedman)

The free market has its place. I would not want stores run by the govt., but I would not want highways privatized and lined with toll booths that charge whatever they want. The cost of shipping goods across the nation would go up. Republican Pres. Eisenhauer realized this when he instituted the gas tax to fund interstate highways.

---Dude from Calif.

OK.... let me try another approach with you. If Public Universities are as great as you say they are and America has become "the most productive in the world because most Americans can afford to attend college", shouldn't everyone go to college? Why doesn't our government allow everyone an opportunity to go to college, just like k-12? Why end our education in high school? Why doesn't Obama just pass another law and make ALL college free for everyone?

OK.... let me try another approach with you. If Public Universities are as great as you say they are and America has become "the most productive in the world because most Americans can afford to attend college", shouldn't everyone go to college? Why doesn't our government allow everyone an opportunity to go to college, just like k-12? Why end our education in high school? Why doesn't Obama just pass another law and make ALL college free for everyone?

Dude, I have sent like 10 emails to you.... to none of which have you responded.

Yes, the lower tuition at public univerisities is due to tax subsidies by the government, but that is money well spent. America's labor force is among the most productive in the world because most Americans can afford to attend college. You claim public schools are crap, but the President of Cal Tech said most of his students come from public schools, not private schools. (Source: The World is Flat by Friedman)

The free market has its place. I would not want stores run by the govt., but I would not want highways privatized and lined with toll booths that charge whatever they want. The cost of shipping goods across the nation would go up. Republican Pres. Eisenhauer realized this when he instituted the gas tax to fund interstate highways.

---Dude from Calif.

I find tolls in my area to be quite reasonable. If they weren't I would take side streets.

Do you have a shrine to the federal government which you pray to every day? Ommmm....Ommm....Daddy Government look out for me....Ommmmm.....ommmmm.

Obama made an interesting speech the other day that I actually agree with (surprisingly) where he talks about over regulation of the salmon population in the Pacific NW. He said that so many agencies are involved it is mind boggling and restrictive, EPA, Interior Department has jurisdiction when the fish are in fresh water and the commerce department when in salt water., plus many more agencies. All these agencies have rules that contradict eachother, so it is creating a headache for fisherman.

And such is what you get when the government gets involved.

I find tolls in my area to be quite reasonable. If they weren't I would take side streets.

Do you have a shrine to the federal government which you pray to every day? Ommmm....Ommm....Daddy Government look out for me....Ommmmm.....ommmmm.

Obama made an interesting speech the other day that I actually agree with (surprisingly) where he talks about over regulation of the salmon population in the Pacific NW. He said that so many agencies are involved it is mind boggling and restrictive, EPA, Interior Department has jurisdiction when the fish are in fresh water and the commerce department when in salt water., plus many more agencies. All these agencies have rules that contradict eachother, so it is creating a headache for fisherman.

And such is what you get when the government gets involved.

This is a response to you , and everyone else who disagrees with me.

If you believe govt. should not provide roads, education, or health care then all of you must disagree with Bush's health care bill that sent $700 billion to the drug industry. If are against the Public Option and Medicare but not horrified by Bush's expensive HC bill, then you must believe that the function of govt. is to transfer tax dollars to corporations and not spend it on ordinary tax payers.

-----------Dude from California THIS IS MY FINAL post, but I will read your resonses and acknowledge that I read them

This is a response to you , and everyone else who disagrees with me.

If you believe govt. should not provide roads, education, or health care then all of you must disagree with Bush's health care bill that sent $700 billion to the drug industry. If are against the Public Option and Medicare but not horrified by Bush's expensive HC bill, then you must believe that the function of govt. is to transfer tax dollars to corporations and not spend it on ordinary tax payers.

-----------Dude from California THIS IS MY FINAL post, but I will read your resonses and acknowledge that I read them

Bush was wrong and Obama is wrong multiplied by 10. As to your point about government and transferring dollars to corporations, NOTHING could be further from the truth. In reality, it is quite the opposite.... America has the second highest corporate tax rate in the world.

This is a response to you , and everyone else who disagrees with me.

If you believe govt. should not provide roads, education, or health care then all of you must disagree with Bush's health care bill that sent $700 billion to the drug industry. If are against the Public Option and Medicare but not horrified by Bush's expensive HC bill, then you must believe that the function of govt. is to transfer tax dollars to corporations and not spend it on ordinary tax payers.

-----------Dude from California THIS IS MY FINAL post, but I will read your resonses and acknowledge that I read them

I have now answered every one of your ridiculous allegations.... now answer mine please: If Public Universities are as great as you say they are and America has become "the most productive in the world because most Americans can afford to attend college", shouldn't everyone go to college? Why doesn't our government allow everyone an opportunity to go to college, just like k-12? Why end our education in high school? Why doesn't Obama just pass another law and make ALL college free for everyone?

This is a response to you , and everyone else who disagrees with me.

If you believe govt. should not provide roads, education, or health care then all of you must disagree with Bush's health care bill that sent $700 billion to the drug industry. If are against the Public Option and Medicare but not horrified by Bush's expensive HC bill, then you must believe that the function of govt. is to transfer tax dollars to corporations and not spend it on ordinary tax payers.

-----------Dude from California THIS IS MY FINAL post, but I will read your resonses and acknowledge that I read them

As a conservative, I agree the perscription drug bill was a crock. Bush was no conservative.
Why do you liberals also say "But Bush did it you neocons!"

Most conservatives I know were happy when Bush got out of office. This isn't about Bush this is about political philosophies.

What are you asking Daddy Government for Christmas this year? Remember, Daddy Government loves you.

A new public option plan will be introduced this afternoon with 121 co sponsors. The plan will put pressure on the privae insurance to cut premiums or go out of business.
It's about time the dems start beating the repthugs and big business to the punch. Just watch all the confused righties scramble around, not knowing what to go after first, healthcare, financial reform, BP shakedown, war, Arizona, and now public option. It is going to be so much fun watching the little assholes panic.

Would you be good enough to tell us exactly who would pay for the ever-increasing cost of health insurance if premiums are cut? Just how much of a tax increase would you be willing to tolerate in exchange for a public option?

Would you be good enough to tell us exactly who would pay for the ever-increasing cost of health insurance if premiums are cut? Just how much of a tax increase would you be willing to tolerate in exchange for a public option?

They can't cost justify such a thing. Nobody can. Then it will come down to "What about the children?"

Liberals are always good about spending other people's money. To them, money grows on trees. The same goes for any true non conservative.

We need to get this country back to libertarian ideals. Stay out of my bedroom and my wallet!

They can't cost justify such a thing. Nobody can. Then it will come down to "What about the children?"

Liberals are always good about spending other people's money. To them, money grows on trees. The same goes for any true non conservative.

We need to get this country back to libertarian ideals. Stay out of my bedroom and my wallet!

True conservatives are neither in your bedroon nor your wallet.... just make sure you keep your bedroom in your bedroom instead of flauntin' around the streets like some Frisco-Fruitcake.

As a conservative, I agree the perscription drug bill was a crock. Bush was no conservative.
Why do you liberals also say "But Bush did it you neocons!"

Most conservatives I know were happy when Bush got out of office. This isn't about Bush this is about political philosophies.

What are you asking Daddy Government for Christmas this year? Remember, Daddy Government loves you.

Thanks for your reply. For Christmas I want Congress to deliver the Public Option.

-------Dude from Orange county, CA

I have now answered every one of your ridiculous allegations.... now answer mine please: If Public Universities are as great as you say they are and America has become "the most productive in the world because most Americans can afford to attend college", shouldn't everyone go to college? Why doesn't our government allow everyone an opportunity to go to college, just like k-12? Why end our education in high school? Why doesn't Obama just pass another law and make ALL college free for everyone?

The U.S. could make college tuition free to everyone which is the case in many European nations. However, that would require raising taxes or diverting tax dollars away from the defense contractors. The easiest route would be to divert money away from defense contracts, but any politician who tries that would face a barage of attack ads from the defense contractors.

-----------Dude from Calif.

Bush was wrong and Obama is wrong multiplied by 10. As to your point about government and transferring dollars to corporations, NOTHING could be further from the truth. In reality, it is quite the opposite.... America has the second highest corporate tax rate in the world.

Thanks for your response. I read that the percentage of tax receipts coming from corporations is declining thanks to loopholes.

Dude from Calif

Thanks for your response. I read that the percentage of tax receipts coming from corporations is declining thanks to loopholes.

Dude from Calif

Good. Corporations are the drivers of success and jobs in this country.

Did anyone see how uncomforable Obama looked in front of the chamber of commerce the other day? You can tell the guy clearly doesnt understand business and how to make money.

We need to elect a president with non-academic understanding of business.

I love this Dude from Ca guy. You gotta hand it to him. He truly believes that the government can solve most problems and seems to have the dependent mindset that so many in the government want us to have.

Good. Corporations are the drivers of success and jobs in this country.

Did anyone see how uncomforable Obama looked in front of the chamber of commerce the other day? You can tell the guy clearly doesnt understand business and how to make money.

We need to elect a president with non-academic understanding of business.

I love this Dude from Ca guy. You gotta hand it to him. He truly believes that the government can solve most problems and seems to have the dependent mindset that so many in the government want us to have.

The "Dude From California" is actually a dudette. She was almost singlehandedly responsible for the shutting down of the CP Political Discussion board due to threats, foul language, and constant whining. She is the epitome of the non-productive liberals who think the government owes her a living.

The U.S. could make college tuition free to everyone which is the case in many European nations. However, that would require raising taxes or diverting tax dollars away from the defense contractors. The easiest route would be to divert money away from defense contracts, but any politician who tries that would face a barage of attack ads from the defense contractors.

-----------Dude from Calif.

“The U.S. could make college tuition free to everyone which is the case in many European nations. However, that would require raising taxes or diverting tax dollars away from the defense contractors. The easiest route would be to divert money away from defense contracts, but any politician who tries that would face a barage of attack ads from the defense contractors.”

You obviously don’t believe in American Exceptionalism, or you wouldn’t be comparing us to any European nation. Which European nation can match America in anything? America did not become a super-power in its brief 200 year history by implementing European-Nation, Socialist-Agenda policies. America became a super-power because of its belief in freedom and its belief in the individual. It is sad that useful-idiots, such as yourself don’t understand that fact.

Now, let’s address your ridiculous statement regarding defense contractors. For Fiscal year 2010, Department of Defense spending amounted to 4.7% of GDP. Why in this day and age of terrorism and the growing military threat of China would you ever want to cut defense spending which is as a percent of GDP miniscule? Even if you cut ALL of the military spending it wouldn’t pay for college tuition for every American…. Are you NUTS!?!?!? The type of society you want leads to NO productivity. If my medical is free, my food is free (food-stamps), my housing is free, I go to college for free…. Why work at all? I work my ass off and government steals at least 50% of my money. That 50% is sure to increase. At what point do Americans say, I have had enough of this? I am tired of working for someone else. If government will give me everything for free, then I am done working hard, because I am NOT getting the benefits of my hard work.

You are a FLAT-OUT socialist. You have no idea how or why America became the greatest Nation ever in the history of the world. People like you are more dangerous to America than Nazi Germany, because what Nazi-Germany couldn’t do militarily, you are accomplishing politically through your liberal-socialist elected American officials.