You have to admit the current system hurts the free enterprise spirit that made this country great. Middle age workers acquire knowledge for starting businesses, but many can't leave jobs that provide the health insurance they need. The public option would end this dillema.
If enough jobs go to Canada fewer people will be able to buy drugs from the industry that employs YOU!!
---Dude from Orange County, CA
I am in medical device, so it doesn't matter.
2) Health insurance is just one thing that screws over small startups and self employed. Also try things like crippling taxes, ADA compliance, environmental compliance, lawsuits, disability insurance they must cover, energy costs, etc.
We are already over regulated in this country because of do-gooders like you. Every interest group wants their piece, which equals more regulation for small businesses and startups.
You have to build handicap ramps and bathrooms then,
you have to do an environmental study to make sure you won't harm the tit-mouse (personal experience on that one)
OSHA compliancy
I am so glad the PO is a dead deal. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and say the signed this bill today, in 20 years when it is broke and mismanaged, it will always be said by people like you "But it was designed to do so much good and we can't stop the program now, people depend on it."
Stop the dependency. I remember talking to my great grandmother (long since dead) about 20 years ago what it was like living through the great depression. She was born in 1905 so would have been about 25 when it started. She was a dustbowler living in OK at the time and stated that food was scarce. She lived in one of those tar paper houses that are so iconic of the time. She stated that the community and churches banded together to help feed eachother, clothe eachother and take care of one another. And surprisingly, she said that system worked pretty damn well. I asked her where the help from the government was and she looked at me very puzzled and said frankly "We didn't need the government to provide for us, we either did it ourselves or we died."
Fast forward to today where so many are dependent. Look at Hurricane Katrina, idiots stuck on rooftops despite warnings days in advance to get out. The interviews of those people that were stuck said over again that the government was supposed to help them. You could tell those people had been forced onto dependency of the government.
From welfare recipients to that lady who seems to be so indicitive of the time saying "I am here for Obama money" this country is losing out on the greatness which you speak about of dependency on the government. It cripples iniative and individual thought.
The very fact of the matter that so many were against the PO on both sides shows there is still some of that "fuck you Government" spirit left in the American people. Sadly though, it is being squashed and will probably die off in the next generation as generation after generation gets used to unemployment benefits, mandatory health care, disability benefits, medicare, etc.