Public Option Bill

Thanks for your response. I read that the percentage of tax receipts coming from corporations is declining thanks to loopholes.

Dude from Calif

“Thanks for your response. I read that the percentage of tax receipts coming from corporations is declining thanks to loopholes.”

First of all you moron, what is a loophole? If I am driving and the light turns green and I go through the light, is that a traffic loophole? Of course not, it’s me following the law. Just like these corporations are following the law.

Second of all, regardless of your empty allegations of loopholes, America has the second highest corporate tax-rate in the WORLD.

Third of all, corporations really don’t pay taxes at all. When you raise taxes on corporations, they will pass the tax-increase on to their customers and prices go up. OR, they will lay-off some workers to makeup for the lost revenue…. OR they might just pickup their business and move to a more business-friendly place. Sometimes that means moving to another state, but sometimes that is why they move out of the country.

So while you think high-corporate tax rates are great, they really don’t result in anything good for America. Be thankful for what you call “loopholes”, without them not only will tax-receipts from corporations be declining, but the actual number of corporations in America will be declining.

The U.S. could make college tuition free to everyone which is the case in many European nations. However, that would require raising taxes or diverting tax dollars away from the defense contractors. The easiest route would be to divert money away from defense contracts, but any politician who tries that would face a barage of attack ads from the defense contractors.

-----------Dude from Calif.

“The U.S. could make college tuition free to everyone which is the case in many European nations. However, that would require raising taxes or diverting tax dollars away from the defense contractors. The easiest route would be to divert money away from defense contracts, but any politician who tries that would face a barage of attack ads from the defense contractors.”

You obviously don’t believe in American Exceptionalism, or you wouldn’t be comparing us to any European nation. Which European nation can match America in anything? America did not become a super-power in its brief 200 year history by implementing European-Nation, Socialist-Agenda policies. America became a super-power because of its belief in freedom and its belief in the individual. It is sad that useful-idiots, such as yourself don’t understand that fact.

Now, let’s address your ridiculous statement regarding defense contractors. For Fiscal year 2010, Department of Defense spending amounted to 4.7% of GDP. Why in this day and age of terrorism and the growing military threat of China would you ever want to cut defense spending which is as a percent of GDP miniscule? Even if you cut ALL of the military spending it wouldn’t pay for college tuition for every American…. Are you NUTS!?!?!? The type of society you want leads to NO productivity. If my medical is free, my food is free (food-stamps), my housing is free, I go to college for free…. Why work at all? I work my ass off and government steals at least 50% of my money. That 50% is sure to increase. At what point do Americans say, I have had enough of this? I am tired of working for someone else. If government will give me everything for free, then I am done working hard, because I am NOT getting the benefits of my hard work.

You are a FLAT-OUT socialist. You have no idea how or why America became the greatest Nation ever in the history of the world. People like you are more dangerous to America than Nazi Germany, because what Nazi-Germany couldn’t do militarily, you are accomplishing politically through your liberal-socialist elected American officials.

“The U.S. could make college tuition free to everyone which is the case in many European nations. However, that would require raising taxes or diverting tax dollars away from the defense contractors. The easiest route would be to divert money away from defense contracts, but any politician who tries that would face a barage of attack ads from the defense contractors.”

You obviously don’t believe in American Exceptionalism, or you wouldn’t be comparing us to any European nation. Which European nation can match America in anything? America did not become a super-power in its brief 200 year history by implementing European-Nation, Socialist-Agenda policies. America became a super-power because of its belief in freedom and its belief in the individual. It is sad that useful-idiots, such as yourself don’t understand that fact.

Now, let’s address your ridiculous statement regarding defense contractors. For Fiscal year 2010, Department of Defense spending amounted to 4.7% of GDP. Why in this day and age of terrorism and the growing military threat of China would you ever want to cut defense spending which is as a percent of GDP miniscule? Even if you cut ALL of the military spending it wouldn’t pay for college tuition for every American…. Are you NUTS!?!?!? The type of society you want leads to NO productivity. If my medical is free, my food is free (food-stamps), my housing is free, I go to college for free…. Why work at all? I work my ass off and government steals at least 50% of my money. That 50% is sure to increase. At what point do Americans say, I have had enough of this? I am tired of working for someone else. If government will give me everything for free, then I am done working hard, because I am NOT getting the benefits of my hard work.

You are a FLAT-OUT socialist. You have no idea how or why America became the greatest Nation ever in the history of the world. People like you are more dangerous to America than Nazi Germany, because what Nazi-Germany couldn’t do militarily, you are accomplishing politically through your liberal-socialist elected American officials.

Excellent post. You get more of what you reward. If we reward not working, not getting health insurance etc. etc. then we will get more of it. We also discourage the responsible productive members of society from working hard and innovating because they know they will get to keep so little of the fruits of their efforts that it's not worth it and at that point the whole economy and society basically becomes stagnant and eventually is in very real danger of collapse.

The U.S. could make college tuition free to everyone which is the case in many European nations. However, that would require raising taxes or diverting tax dollars away from the defense contractors. The easiest route would be to divert money away from defense contracts, but any politician who tries that would face a barage of attack ads from the defense contractors.

-----------Dude from Calif.

Dude from California... have you ever heard of The Communist Manifesto? You should know about, because according to your views which you have stated here, you and your liberal politician friends have advocated for MOST of its primary principles. Read and weap, you communist, socialist useful idiot. Pay CLOSE attention to principle 10.

1.Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
2.A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
3.Abolition of all right of inheritance.
4.Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
5.Centralisation of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
6.Centralisation of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.
7.Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
8.Equal liability of all to labour. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
9.Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equitable distribution of the population over the country.
10.Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production.[12]

No Sir, I pay my taxes so they fix stuff like that. That is the point.

I have no expertise in "pothole filling."

Your point is moronic, if I could do it for free why would it cost the incompetent government so much money? And you think this sort of government mentality could handle health care.

I paid $70,000 in tax last year (roughly). Tax payers have a right to demand basic infrastructure repair.

because if you had the balls to jump in and help out, all of the potholes in the US could be filled in one night and we could get back to what's really free stuff to people who don't deserve it.

“The U.S. could make college tuition free to everyone which is the case in many European nations. However, that would require raising taxes or diverting tax dollars away from the defense contractors. The easiest route would be to divert money away from defense contracts, but any politician who tries that would face a barage of attack ads from the defense contractors.”

You obviously don’t believe in American Exceptionalism, or you wouldn’t be comparing us to any European nation. Which European nation can match America in anything? America did not become a super-power in its brief 200 year history by implementing European-Nation, Socialist-Agenda policies. America became a super-power because of its belief in freedom and its belief in the individual. It is sad that useful-idiots, such as yourself don’t understand that fact.

Now, let’s address your ridiculous statement regarding defense contractors. For Fiscal year 2010, Department of Defense spending amounted to 4.7% of GDP. Why in this day and age of terrorism and the growing military threat of China would you ever want to cut defense spending which is as a percent of GDP miniscule? Even if you cut ALL of the military spending it wouldn’t pay for college tuition for every American…. Are you NUTS!?!?!? The type of society you want leads to NO productivity. If my medical is free, my food is free (food-stamps), my housing is free, I go to college for free…. Why work at all? I work my ass off and government steals at least 50% of my money. That 50% is sure to increase. At what point do Americans say, I have had enough of this? I am tired of working for someone else. If government will give me everything for free, then I am done working hard, because I am NOT getting the benefits of my hard work.

You are a FLAT-OUT socialist. You have no idea how or why America became the greatest Nation ever in the history of the world. People like you are more dangerous to America than Nazi Germany, because what Nazi-Germany couldn’t do militarily, you are accomplishing politically through your liberal-socialist elected American officials.

So would you call Republican President Eisenhauer a socialist?

In his farwell speech he warned about large military budgets hurting the nation. He warned about a "military industrial complex" taking on a life of its own. In another speech he said those who are against social security are few and stupid. Some pundits say he was not a true conserviative. I would say unlike today's conservatives he ran a war succesfully, and he presided over an expanding economy. Can Bush say that?

You wrote, " Which European nation can match America in anything?" Before comparing the U.S. to any Western European nation keep in mind that none of those countries can match the U.S. in natural resources. Their limited resources make them unable to match the U.S. in military , but they do well in business. When I worked at Met Life our biggest competitors came from socialist countries, like ING from Holland, Allianz from Germany, AXA from France, Zurich Kemper from Switzerland. How much of a failure are these socialist countries when their businesses do quite well against their American competitors?

-----Dude from Calif.

So would you call Republican President Eisenhauer a socialist?

In his farwell speech he warned about large military budgets hurting the nation. He warned about a "military industrial complex" taking on a life of its own. In another speech he said those who are against social security are few and stupid. Some pundits say he was not a true conserviative. I would say unlike today's conservatives he ran a war succesfully, and he presided over an expanding economy. Can Bush say that?

You wrote, " Which European nation can match America in anything?" Before comparing the U.S. to any Western European nation keep in mind that none of those countries can match the U.S. in natural resources. Their limited resources make them unable to match the U.S. in military , but they do well in business. When I worked at Met Life our biggest competitors came from socialist countries, like ING from Holland, Allianz from Germany, AXA from France, Zurich Kemper from Switzerland. How much of a failure are these socialist countries when their businesses do quite well against their American competitors?

-----Dude from Calif.

Look... I don't worship President Eisenhauer like you do. Quite honestly, your references to him seem absolutely pointless. I am talking about far-reaching political philosophy and you keep cherry-picking obscure statements from forgetable speeches. So to answer your question about if President Eisenhauer was a socialist, I am not sure... but YOU CLEARLY are a socialist. You talk about foreign business doing well.... Once again cherry-picked facts. I asked you which country can compete with America. Answer: NONE

So would you call Republican President Eisenhauer a socialist?

In his farwell speech he warned about large military budgets hurting the nation. He warned about a "military industrial complex" taking on a life of its own. In another speech he said those who are against social security are few and stupid. Some pundits say he was not a true conserviative. I would say unlike today's conservatives he ran a war succesfully, and he presided over an expanding economy. Can Bush say that?

You wrote, " Which European nation can match America in anything?" Before comparing the U.S. to any Western European nation keep in mind that none of those countries can match the U.S. in natural resources. Their limited resources make them unable to match the U.S. in military , but they do well in business. When I worked at Met Life our biggest competitors came from socialist countries, like ING from Holland, Allianz from Germany, AXA from France, Zurich Kemper from Switzerland. How much of a failure are these socialist countries when their businesses do quite well against their American competitors?

-----Dude from Calif.

Eisenhower was president over half a century ago. Using him as an example is retarded. He ran a war sucessfully because it was a different time. WWII and the Korean war were traditional wars. Fighting islamic extremism and 8 century mindsets is not.

So I should care because Eisenhower thinks I am stupid because I dislike Social Security? Old Ike, who keep in mind was born in the late 1800s, would never have foreseen all of the issues with Social Security, you know the issues we have now, half a century after he left boomers living into their 90s, the entitlement mindset of this country, morons who expected the Government to save their asses after Katrina because they were so entrenched in the mindset that only government can help them...Come on "Dude."

Get a clue. Eisenhower was a president that I pay as much attention to as Millard Fillmore. These are the people that were born in my history books and served the country during VERY different times. In Eisenhower's time, the US actually had manufacturing jobs, a viable auto industry and the strongest military in the world to defeat the USSR.

The European mindset is different, especially with their companies. I am willing to bet Europe has less regulations on their banking industry than we do, especially Switzerland. They have always been a banking powerhouse.

I love you Dude, another self loathing American who yearns to sip Espresso in Vienna while getting in your Smart Car and denouncing those uncouth Americans.

So would you call Republican President Eisenhauer a socialist?

In his farwell speech he warned about large military budgets hurting the nation. He warned about a "military industrial complex" taking on a life of its own. In another speech he said those who are against social security are few and stupid. Some pundits say he was not a true conserviative. I would say unlike today's conservatives he ran a war succesfully, and he presided over an expanding economy. Can Bush say that?

You wrote, " Which European nation can match America in anything?" Before comparing the U.S. to any Western European nation keep in mind that none of those countries can match the U.S. in natural resources. Their limited resources make them unable to match the U.S. in military , but they do well in business. When I worked at Met Life our biggest competitors came from socialist countries, like ING from Holland, Allianz from Germany, AXA from France, Zurich Kemper from Switzerland. How much of a failure are these socialist countries when their businesses do quite well against their American competitors?

-----Dude from Calif.

This is a typical liberal... he wants to change the argument. We are not talking about Eisenhower, we are talking political philosophy. However, if you want to talk about Eisenhower and the military..... here are some facts:

Six months after he became president, Eisenhower secured an agreement that ended three years of fighting in Korea. On only one other occasion, in Lebanon in 1958, did Eisenhower send combat troops into action. However, DEFENSE SPENDING REMAINED HIGH as Eisenhower vigorously waged the Cold War, the acute ideological, political, military and economic contest between Communist countries and the West, just short of hot war. He placed new emphasis on nuclear strength — popularly known as "massive retaliation" — to prevent the outbreak of world war.

Eisenhower also frequently authorized the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to undertake secret interventions to overthrow unfriendly governments or protect reliable anti-Communist leaders whose power was threatened. The CIA helped topple the governments of Iran in 1953 and Guatemala in 1954, but it suffered an embarrassing failure in 1958 when it intervened in Indonesia. Eisenhower avoided war in Indochina in 1954 when he did not authorize an air strike to rescue French troops at the crucial Battle of Dien Bien Phu.

Today, defense spending is ONLY 4.7% of GDP..... how much lower can you go? You are an IDIOT!!!

This is a typical liberal... he wants to change the argument. We are not talking about Eisenhower, we are talking political philosophy. However, if you want to talk about Eisenhower and the military..... here are some facts:

Six months after he became president, Eisenhower secured an agreement that ended three years of fighting in Korea. On only one other occasion, in Lebanon in 1958, did Eisenhower send combat troops into action. However, DEFENSE SPENDING REMAINED HIGH as Eisenhower vigorously waged the Cold War, the acute ideological, political, military and economic contest between Communist countries and the West, just short of hot war. He placed new emphasis on nuclear strength — popularly known as "massive retaliation" — to prevent the outbreak of world war.

Eisenhower also frequently authorized the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to undertake secret interventions to overthrow unfriendly governments or protect reliable anti-Communist leaders whose power was threatened. The CIA helped topple the governments of Iran in 1953 and Guatemala in 1954, but it suffered an embarrassing failure in 1958 when it intervened in Indonesia. Eisenhower avoided war in Indochina in 1954 when he did not authorize an air strike to rescue French troops at the crucial Battle of Dien Bien Phu.

Today, defense spending is ONLY 4.7% of GDP..... how much lower can you go? You are an IDIOT!!!

I get the feeling "dude" is enjoying writing nonsensical posts on here to drive us insane. While I disagree with liberal ideas, I do appreciate a well reasoned argument based on fact and not emotion. Dude can't do that.

So would you call Republican President Eisenhauer a socialist?

In his farwell speech he warned about large military budgets hurting the nation. He warned about a "military industrial complex" taking on a life of its own. In another speech he said those who are against social security are few and stupid. Some pundits say he was not a true conserviative. I would say unlike today's conservatives he ran a war succesfully, and he presided over an expanding economy. Can Bush say that?

You wrote, " Which European nation can match America in anything?" Before comparing the U.S. to any Western European nation keep in mind that none of those countries can match the U.S. in natural resources. Their limited resources make them unable to match the U.S. in military , but they do well in business. When I worked at Met Life our biggest competitors came from socialist countries, like ING from Holland, Allianz from Germany, AXA from France, Zurich Kemper from Switzerland. How much of a failure are these socialist countries when their businesses do quite well against their American competitors?

-----Dude from Calif.

In USA Today….Job training sprawl costs U.S. $18B per year

“WASHINGTON — The federal government spends $18 billion a year on 47 separate job training programs run by nine different agencies.
All but three programs overlap with others to provide the same services to the same population, according to a government report to be released today.
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that "little is known about the effectiveness" of the programs because half haven't had a performance review since 2004 and only five have ever had a study to determine whether job seekers in the program do better than those who don't participate.”

Isn’t Government Great? It is so accountable and NEVER wasteful. I can’t wait for Government to run Healthcare.

In USA Today….Job training sprawl costs U.S. $18B per year

“WASHINGTON — The federal government spends $18 billion a year on 47 separate job training programs run by nine different agencies.
All but three programs overlap with others to provide the same services to the same population, according to a government report to be released today.
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that "little is known about the effectiveness" of the programs because half haven't had a performance review since 2004 and only five have ever had a study to determine whether job seekers in the program do better than those who don't participate.”

Isn’t Government Great? It is so accountable and NEVER wasteful. I can’t wait for Government to run Healthcare.

Yes, I agree there is waste in the govt. That is why I would not want stores run by the govt.

However, I would not want all training programs turned to private industry. The tuition for the private nursing programs in Calif. is 10 times higher than the nursing schools at the junior colleges ($25,000 vs $2,500). Businesses are not evil, but they do one thing when there is high demand: charge the highest price possible. That is ok for BMWs and flatscreens, but a disaster for higher education. If govt. did not subsidize tuition at public colleges there would be even bigger shortages in critical occupations like nursing and engineering. When it comes to healthcare, insurance premiums have doubled in 10 years, and the auto industry is moving plants to high wage Canada to escape health insurance costs. The savings amount to $1,500 a car. Profit driven health care is hurting businesses. We would don't need single payer to remedy the situtuation. A public option would force HI companies to keep their rate hikes reasonable or lose customers. Businesses would welcome that idea.

-------Dude from Calif.

Yes, I agree there is waste in the govt. That is why I would not want stores run by the govt.

However, I would not want all training programs turned to private industry. The tuition for the private nursing programs in Calif. is 10 times higher than the nursing schools at the junior colleges ($25,000 vs $2,500). Businesses are not evil, but they do one thing when there is high demand: charge the highest price possible. That is ok for BMWs and flatscreens, but a disaster for higher education. If govt. did not subsidize tuition at public colleges there would be even bigger shortages in critical occupations like nursing and engineering. When it comes to healthcare, insurance premiums have doubled in 10 years, and the auto industry is moving plants to high wage Canada to escape health insurance costs. The savings amount to $1,500 a car. Profit driven health care is hurting businesses. We would don't need single payer to remedy the situtuation. A public option would force HI companies to keep their rate hikes reasonable or lose customers. Businesses would welcome that idea.

-------Dude from Calif.

Seriously.... are you joking? You can NOT be serious. How old are you? Have you even a basic, elementary understanding of economics? Did you graduate High School? This is either a joke or you the single dumbest person I have ever encountered. PLEASE let me know... Thank You

Yes, I agree there is waste in the govt. That is why I would not want stores run by the govt.

However, I would not want all training programs turned to private industry. The tuition for the private nursing programs in Calif. is 10 times higher than the nursing schools at the junior colleges ($25,000 vs $2,500). Businesses are not evil, but they do one thing when there is high demand: charge the highest price possible. That is ok for BMWs and flatscreens, but a disaster for higher education. If govt. did not subsidize tuition at public colleges there would be even bigger shortages in critical occupations like nursing and engineering. When it comes to healthcare, insurance premiums have doubled in 10 years, and the auto industry is moving plants to high wage Canada to escape health insurance costs. The savings amount to $1,500 a car. Profit driven health care is hurting businesses. We would don't need single payer to remedy the situtuation. A public option would force HI companies to keep their rate hikes reasonable or lose customers. Businesses would welcome that idea.

-------Dude from Calif.

Your understanding of economics is sophomoric at best. The public option would drive private companies out of business because they couldn't compete and you know this. How could a company ever compete with a bottomless pit of a government? Private companies can't print worthless dollars like the government can.

Next your argument will be "The PO will be supported by premiums." What makes you so positive it would be?

Your understanding of economics is sophomoric at best. The public option would drive private companies out of business because they couldn't compete and you know this. How could a company ever compete with a bottomless pit of a government? Private companies can't print worthless dollars like the government can.

Next your argument will be "The PO will be supported by premiums." What makes you so positive it would be?

Mindless, blind faith in the government!

Your understanding of economics is sophomoric at best. The public option would drive private companies out of business because they couldn't compete and you know this. How could a company ever compete with a bottomless pit of a government? Private companies can't print worthless dollars like the government can.

Next your argument will be "The PO will be supported by premiums." What makes you so positive it would be?

If we applied your reasoning then our nation should abolish public universities because the lower tuition at public univerities is driving private universities out of business!! Private universities still exist for those willing to pay more for things like smaller class sizes or night classes that can be completed in one month. I am sure most of your co-workers attended public universities.

If a Public Option results in lower insurance premiums do you really think Americans will care if that hurts the profits of private insurance companies?

If the PO does require some seed money from the govt. I am sure it will be less than the $700 billion that Bush sent to the drug companies in his HC bill. If you are against the PO but not against Bush's HC bill, then you must believe the function of govt. is to send tax dollars to corporations but not spend it on ordinary tax payers.

Dude from Calif.

If we applied your reasoning then our nation should abolish public universities because the lower tuition at public univerities is driving private universities out of business!! Private universities still exist for those willing to pay more for things like smaller class sizes or night classes that can be completed in one month. I am sure most of your co-workers attended public universities.

If a Public Option results in lower insurance premiums do you really think Americans will care if that hurts the profits of private insurance companies?

If the PO does require some seed money from the govt. I am sure it will be less than the $700 billion that Bush sent to the drug companies in his HC bill. If you are against the PO but not against Bush's HC bill, then you must believe the function of govt. is to send tax dollars to corporations but not spend it on ordinary tax payers.

Dude from Calif.

Dude, public universities for the most part are broke. I went to the UC system in your broke ass state. CA is very much in debt (tens of billions) and can't fund it's obligations at the UC level so at each UC school they raised tuition and everyone went nuts a few months ago. There were idiot college students protesting because they are 20 years old and don't understand economics, government deficits, tax money, etc.

I saw the news reports. this isn't some obscure concept like Eisenhower you bring up, this is the truth. The public universites CAN'T sustain themselves on tuition alone, they rely on hundreds of millions of dollars of government funding, which means the public colleges aren't truly competing with private universities.

Which will happen when the PO goes broke, people will get irate and daddy government will step in.

I was against Bush's giveaway of free drugs too. Bush was a spendy guy and I am no fan of his.

Dude, public universities for the most part are broke. I went to the UC system in your broke ass state. CA is very much in debt (tens of billions) and can't fund it's obligations at the UC level so at each UC school they raised tuition and everyone went nuts a few months ago. There were idiot college students protesting because they are 20 years old and don't understand economics, government deficits, tax money, etc.

I saw the news reports. this isn't some obscure concept like Eisenhower you bring up, this is the truth. The public universites CAN'T sustain themselves on tuition alone, they rely on hundreds of millions of dollars of government funding, which means the public colleges aren't truly competing with private universities.

Which will happen when the PO goes broke, people will get irate and daddy government will step in.

I was against Bush's giveaway of free drugs too. Bush was a spendy guy and I am no fan of his.

Thanks for emailing me back numerous times. WE have different opinions on this subject. I will not be able to go on this site for a while.

If you ever get mad at something on the news then email me at

-----Dude from Orange County, Calif.

Eisenhower was president over half a century ago. Using him as an example is retarded. He ran a war sucessfully because it was a different time. WWII and the Korean war were traditional wars. Fighting islamic extremism and 8 century mindsets is not.

So I should care because Eisenhower thinks I am stupid because I dislike Social Security? Old Ike, who keep in mind was born in the late 1800s, would never have foreseen all of the issues with Social Security, you know the issues we have now, half a century after he left boomers living into their 90s, the entitlement mindset of this country, morons who expected the Government to save their asses after Katrina because they were so entrenched in the mindset that only government can help them...Come on "Dude."

Get a clue. Eisenhower was a president that I pay as much attention to as Millard Fillmore. These are the people that were born in my history books and served the country during VERY different times. In Eisenhower's time, the US actually had manufacturing jobs, a viable auto industry and the strongest military in the world to defeat the USSR.

The European mindset is different, especially with their companies. I am willing to bet Europe has less regulations on their banking industry than we do, especially Switzerland. They have always been a banking powerhouse.

I love you Dude, another self loathing American who yearns to sip Espresso in Vienna while getting in your Smart Car and denouncing those uncouth Americans.

I made reference to Eisenhower to prove a point about a govt. program succeeding. What facts have you provided to prove your point?
Nothing. Just cliches that one could hear from Sarah Palin

I quoted the following academic who claims that health insurance costs are causing jobs to go to Canada and other nations: Ron Hira, Phd the author of Outsourcing America
What academics have you quoted to prove your points?
Nothing. Just more cliches that one could hear talk radio.

You sound like a red neck whose reading list is limited to Going Rogue by Sarah Palin.

------Dude from California