Thanks for your response. I read that the percentage of tax receipts coming from corporations is declining thanks to loopholes.
Dude from Calif
“Thanks for your response. I read that the percentage of tax receipts coming from corporations is declining thanks to loopholes.”
First of all you moron, what is a loophole? If I am driving and the light turns green and I go through the light, is that a traffic loophole? Of course not, it’s me following the law. Just like these corporations are following the law.
Second of all, regardless of your empty allegations of loopholes, America has the second highest corporate tax-rate in the WORLD.
Third of all, corporations really don’t pay taxes at all. When you raise taxes on corporations, they will pass the tax-increase on to their customers and prices go up. OR, they will lay-off some workers to makeup for the lost revenue…. OR they might just pickup their business and move to a more business-friendly place. Sometimes that means moving to another state, but sometimes that is why they move out of the country.
So while you think high-corporate tax rates are great, they really don’t result in anything good for America. Be thankful for what you call “loopholes”, without them not only will tax-receipts from corporations be declining, but the actual number of corporations in America will be declining.