You think toll roads may be more economical?. I read that the gasoline tax of 40 cents/gallon has not kept up with inflation from the original tax of 16/cents a gallon in the 1950s, but I noticed that tolls on private roads meet or exceed inflation. I would rather pay tax for a service if the alternative is getting gouged by a corporate profiteer!
I can't speek for SS, but you have to admit some govt. programs have been beneficial.
Economist say the GI bill in the 1940s fueled the post war economic expansion because it increased the % of Americans going to college.
I agree govt. is not the answer to everything. However, if the profit motive conflicts with the common good then the service should be run by the govt. If fire depts. were run for profit llike HMOs would fire trucks go to every home? I believe HC should be avaliable to all taxpayers like fire protection.
Thanks for your replys. I will read one more email and acknowledge that I read it. Let me have it.
------Dude from Orange County, CA
What is the common good? Why doesn't the goverment run housing? There is profit motive all around the housing market. Why not let the government, according to your argument, build houses for people and then sell them to people? Good housing has gotten very expensive. According to your logic, since good housing is out of the reach of many people, I guess government housing makes sense to you?
Your fire department is well taken. I agree that is what government is there for, BASIC protections. A PO isn't basic protection. It is mettlesome.