Public Option Bill

I made reference to Eisenhower to prove a point about a govt. program succeeding. What facts have you provided to prove your point?
Nothing. Just cliches that one could hear from Sarah Palin

I quoted the following academic who claims that health insurance costs are causing jobs to go to Canada and other nations: Ron Hira, Phd the author of Outsourcing America
What academics have you quoted to prove your points?
Nothing. Just more cliches that one could hear talk radio.

You sound like a red neck whose reading list is limited to Going Rogue by Sarah Palin.

------Dude from California

Thank you for the name calling. People tend to resort to name calling when they feel threatened, in your case, intellectually.

Your road/Eisenhower example is just useless. That sort of infrastructure is exactly what the government should be doing. Even libertarians support that.

As far as your Canada example, is that the only reason that US car manufacturers went to Canada? Could it have been also tax incentives? Business development help? Better trained workers? Less restrictive environmental regulations? Better ports of entry? Better distribution network?

Point me to information where that is the ONLY reason that American car companies are producing cars in Canada.

You are an interesting fellow to say the least. You seem to have a chip on your shoulder against private business. Is there something in your background/history that makes you feel this way? Are you a government worker? A liberal think-tank worker? I don't ask these questions in the derogatory manner like you did by calling me a "redneck." I have chosen not to go down that road. I would just like to know where your confidence in the government's ability to be productive comes from?

I made reference to Eisenhower to prove a point about a govt. program succeeding. What facts have you provided to prove your point?
Nothing. Just cliches that one could hear from Sarah Palin

I quoted the following academic who claims that health insurance costs are causing jobs to go to Canada and other nations: Ron Hira, Phd the author of Outsourcing America
What academics have you quoted to prove your points?
Nothing. Just more cliches that one could hear talk radio.

You sound like a red neck whose reading list is limited to Going Rogue by Sarah Palin.

------Dude from California

To every Ph.D. There is an equal and opposite Ph.D. Come on, AD. You should know better than to be impressed by a degree. Just look at where your phony Wharton degree got you.

Hira teaches at a second tier college in Rochester, NY. He has a doctorate in Public Policy from George Mason. In other words, he is a screaming radical liberal who is out promoting his book (singular, since he has only been published once).
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I made reference to Eisenhower to prove a point about a govt. program succeeding. What facts have you provided to prove your point?
Nothing. Just cliches that one could hear from Sarah Palin

I quoted the following academic who claims that health insurance costs are causing jobs to go to Canada and other nations: Ron Hira, Phd the author of Outsourcing America
What academics have you quoted to prove your points?
Nothing. Just more cliches that one could hear talk radio.

You sound like a red neck whose reading list is limited to Going Rogue by Sarah Palin.

------Dude from California

I love how we conservatives quote and reference our founding fathers and principles rooted in The Age of Enlightenment and Cali-Dude calls that cliches', but he quotes some phony-kook PHD and that is supposed to be the end-all-be-all. Our facts come from the history of America as well as the history of Government itself. So that the record of history is absolutely crystal clear. That there is no alternative way, so far discovered, of improving the lot of the ordinary people that can hold a candle to the productive activities that are unleashed by a free enterprise system.
In the end, more than freedom, they wanted security. They wanted a comfortable life, and they lost it all – security, comfort, and freedom. When the Athenians finally wanted not to give to society but for society to give to them, when the freedom they wished for most was freedom from responsibility, then Athens ceased to be free and was never free again.