Are things really this bad at Polymedco? What is avg income, salary, bonus and car allowance for sales reps? Do they really make you do 8 hotel stays a month? Honest answers please, I have children and a spouse to support and just looking for accurate info to help with my decision. Thank you.
Aside from all of the emotion on this board. All of the things found here are unfortunately true. I also had a wife and children to support when I took my job at Polymedco. Everything that they had told me in the interview process turned out NOT to be true. I'm not calling them liars, I think they just misrepresented things a bit, concealed information. At the time I was younger and a bit more niave and I looked past some pretty obvious warning signs because I thought that I wanted the job so bad.
If you need the job, then you need the job, and in this market, any job is better than none. However, if you have a job now, I would seriously do some hard research and thinking before you take this one. I would talk to some reps and ask some hard questions.
A few things to consider:
1. The travel will be much more than they say it will be. My manager once told me that they liked to keep reps on the road because they worked much harder when they were away from their families. Apart from the travel required to cover your territory, there are numerous trips to chicago for meetings.
2. The commission or bonus will be much less than they tell you, and it will change all the time. There will be a "new" and "improved" commission plan every six months or so. I would negotiate the biggest base salary possible and count on living off of that.
3. You will be micromanaged like never before. You will recieve mulitple calls from your manager each day to check up on you. There are also countless conference calls, emails, and ride alongs to keep tabs on you. It was not unusual for my manager to call me at 8:00 or 9:00 p.m.
4. Your relationship with your wife will suffer. However, if you can make it through it, you may come out stronger.
5. You most likely at most will work there 6 months to 2 years. The upside to this is every job after this will seem like a dream. When my life gets bad, I often look back and feel better knowing that it is not even close to as bad as it was a Polymedco.
Think hard about this decision and talk it over with your wife. It might be for you for a little bit of time, but be very careful