PharmD's are not doctors!

Re: PharmD's are Doctors!

First of all, it is clear you have serious reservations towards us, & it is obviously due to you feeling inferior to PharmDs, & with just cause. We are SMART! We are experts in medicine, chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacology, advanced mathamatics, & last but definately not least, PHARMACOKINETICS! We have every right to be pompous, arrogant, & treat you like shit, no matter who you think you are.
Not only do we know our drugs, but we are very familiar with all disease states, now for arguments sake, I will say what we get in our professional years is comparable to medical school, however, the reality is we are better equiped with diagnosing & treating disease states then any general practitioner is, & I am not even considering NP & the PA as real practitioners from the get go, but some how they are walking around prescribing drugs with very little, if any, knowledge on what the hell they are doing. Lets face it,all they are, are a hazard & nuisance to society. I actually had a NP come to me & question why I did not allow a Zosyn order to go through with a patient that has a clearly documented PCN allergy in their chart, known to need epipens in the past. This idiot had no idea Zosyn had a PNC in it, yet, she is ordering it for a unsuspecting patient. The same goes for some MDs, for that matter. If it weren't for pharmacists & PharmDs, there would be a lot more fatalities & irreversible medical errors in the world. The only draw back about being a PharmD, is simply not getting the recognition we damn well deserve, but hey, at least we get paids loads of mullah for our awesome & endless knowledge :)

You pathetic loser....

Diagnose AND treat? Get freaking real, dude. You are a pill pusher, that's it.

Expert in blah, blah, blah.

Yeah, OK. Whatever!

I haven't read this whole thread, just the first entry, so I'm not sure what everyone else has said.

The PharmD is actually not equivalent to a master's degree anymore. The amount of in class credit hours and the amount of rotation hours, definitely puts it on par with any other doctorate's degree. The pharmacy industry is changing greatly, and pharmacy schools have had to adjust. Pharmacists are no longer expected to just dispense, but they are required to give drug therapy management. This requires pharmacy students to learn diagnostics as well, so, yes, in most situations, they can diagnose. No, they are not experts in this area, like MD's are, but they do have to know a lot. Clinical pharmacists work very closely with the MD's as well. Residencies are also becoming very important in the pharmacy industry. As I said before, the pharmacy industry is changing, and pharmacists are being held to higher standards. It takes a lot more to earn a pharmD and they have to take on a lot more responsibility.
No, they are not MD's, but they are experts in their fields.

So does that mean a DDS is not a doctoral degree either? Or an opthamology doctorate? How about podiatry? Hell- even a lawyer gets a JD in six years of education.

A PhD is a nice degree, but I dont get why playing with endothelial cells in a petri dish qualifies you to discuss the details of drug therapy.

Opthamologist is an MD so yes there are doctors. I have been doing this quite some time. PharmDs are no better than RPh is terms of abilities. As for PhD, some of do a lot more that just play with endothelial cells. How, do I know you ask? I have both. Getting my PharmD was a joke compared to my PhD. No comparison. I could have actually done my PharmD part-time. I consider myself a PhD more than a PharmD. PhDs possess an expertise that you can't being to appreciate. I see it all the time in oncology and biologics in general where the PharmDs are getting out of there element with high science of new therapies.

Re: PharmD's are Doctors!

First of all, it is clear you have serious reservations towards us, & it is obviously due to you feeling inferior to PharmDs, & with just cause. We are SMART! We are experts in medicine, chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacology, advanced mathamatics, & last but definately not least, PHARMACOKINETICS! We have every right to be pompous, arrogant, & treat you like shit, no matter who you think you are.
Not only do we know our drugs, but we are very familiar with all disease states, now for arguments sake, I will say what we get in our professional years is comparable to medical school, however, the reality is we are better equiped with diagnosing & treating disease states then any general practitioner is, & I am not even considering NP & the PA as real practitioners from the get go, but some how they are walking around prescribing drugs with very little, if any, knowledge on what the hell they are doing. Lets face it,all they are, are a hazard & nuisance to society. I actually had a NP come to me & question why I did not allow a Zosyn order to go through with a patient that has a clearly documented PCN allergy in their chart, known to need epipens in the past. This idiot had no idea Zosyn had a PNC in it, yet, she is ordering it for a unsuspecting patient. The same goes for some MDs, for that matter. If it weren't for pharmacists & PharmDs, there would be a lot more fatalities & irreversible medical errors in the world. The only draw back about being a PharmD, is simply not getting the recognition we damn well deserve, but hey, at least we get paids loads of mullah for our awesome & endless knowledge :)

You pathetic loser....

......and you wonder why people hate you...

In my opinion...only the following people are deserving of being formally addressed as "Doctor":

A clinical physician (MD, DO) who is licensed to diagnoses and treat disease, or retired from such.

A PhD who is teaching at a University and you are their student - any other time - No.

A PharmD who is teaching at a Univsersity and you are their student - any other time - No.

I am an MD but do not practice (never have). I never ask people to adress me as "Doctor" as I do not meet definition #1, above. The other day my wife (an anesthesiologist) introduced me to a "colleague" she works with who is a podiatrist (DPM). He introduced himself to me as "Dr." <lastname>. All I could think about was what a conceited shitbag this guy was after introucing himself to me as "Doctor" careful how you throw the term around because it can do you and your image more harm than good.

Re: PharmD's are Doctors!

First of all, it is clear you have serious reservations towards us, & it is obviously due to you feeling inferior to PharmDs, & with just cause. We are SMART! We are experts in medicine, chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacology, advanced mathamatics, & last but definately not least, PHARMACOKINETICS! We have every right to be pompous, arrogant, & treat you like shit, no matter who you think you are.
Not only do we know our drugs, but we are very familiar with all disease states, now for arguments sake, I will say what we get in our professional years is comparable to medical school, however, the reality is we are better equiped with diagnosing & treating disease states then any general practitioner is, & I am not even considering NP & the PA as real practitioners from the get go, but some how they are walking around prescribing drugs with very little, if any, knowledge on what the hell they are doing. Lets face it,all they are, are a hazard & nuisance to society. I actually had a NP come to me & question why I did not allow a Zosyn order to go through with a patient that has a clearly documented PCN allergy in their chart, known to need epipens in the past. This idiot had no idea Zosyn had a PNC in it, yet, she is ordering it for a unsuspecting patient. The same goes for some MDs, for that matter. If it weren't for pharmacists & PharmDs, there would be a lot more fatalities & irreversible medical errors in the world. The only draw back about being a PharmD, is simply not getting the recognition we damn well deserve, but hey, at least we get paids loads of mullah for our awesome & endless knowledge :)

You pathetic loser....

This is the reason you pharmds are the laughing stock of the healthcare world.

Advanced mathematics? Do you even know what that is? Math requirements for the pharmd program don't go past calculus 2. Hardly advanced. There are no math classes in the pharmd curriculum either. The basic math that is required in pharmd PK/PD is trivial (and as a TA in biopharmaceutics/PK i see pharmds struggling with it anyway), and is about as much math as you do the whole way.

Pharmacokinetics? So 6 hours worth of PK makes you an expert? You don't need to derive any equations, you don't learn how to use any pk/pd modeling software, how can you call yourself an expert? Do you even know what a differential equation is? Memorizing basic pk/pd equations and then plugging in numbers isn't exactly mind blowing.

Pharmacology? Again, memorizing receptors and ligands does NOT make you an expert. The PharmD degree glosses over just the surface of much of the science behind the drug. PhD's in pharmacology take 5-6 years to obtain, THOSE are the true experts.

Jack of all trades, master of none.

Sorry, i forgot, you guys sure are masters of filling my prescription at walgreens.

Oops, i guess your tech does that.

Face it, a computer can do your job. Type in any drug and get the drug drug interactions.
Your job exists because pharmacies are legally obliged to have a working "professional" present at all times. It's no wonder why your salary doesn't increase significantly over the course of your career, your job doesn't change, neither do your responsibilities. Pill pusher from day 1.

Get over yourself, the rest of the working world feels the same way.

Re: PharmD's are Doctors!

This is the reason you pharmds are the laughing stock of the healthcare world.

Advanced mathematics? Do you even know what that is? Math requirements for the pharmd program don't go past calculus 2. Hardly advanced. There are no math classes in the pharmd curriculum either. The basic math that is required in pharmd PK/PD is trivial (and as a TA in biopharmaceutics/PK i see pharmds struggling with it anyway), and is about as much math as you do the whole way.

Pharmacokinetics? So 6 hours worth of PK makes you an expert? You don't need to derive any equations, you don't learn how to use any pk/pd modeling software, how can you call yourself an expert? Do you even know what a differential equation is? Memorizing basic pk/pd equations and then plugging in numbers isn't exactly mind blowing.

Pharmacology? Again, memorizing receptors and ligands does NOT make you an expert. The PharmD degree glosses over just the surface of much of the science behind the drug. PhD's in pharmacology take 5-6 years to obtain, THOSE are the true experts.

Jack of all trades, master of none.

Sorry, i forgot, you guys sure are masters of filling my prescription at walgreens.

Oops, i guess your tech does that.

Face it, a computer can do your job. Type in any drug and get the drug drug interactions.
Your job exists because pharmacies are legally obliged to have a working "professional" present at all times. It's no wonder why your salary doesn't increase significantly over the course of your career, your job doesn't change, neither do your responsibilities. Pill pusher from day 1.

Get over yourself, the rest of the working world feels the same way.

Wow. You really need some counseling to deal with your small penis.

I agree completely with poster #87. People who walk around calling themselves "Doctor" all the time are complete wankers. I am a PharmD and am completing a fellowship at a pharmacy school and teach sometimes. I don't even ask my students to call me Doctor. The only time I use the title is in a formal lecture I'm giving to other healthcare professionals or students. I really hate these tossers that book a table in a restaurant under "Dr. So an so.." I think they have inferiority complexes, and have to try to make themselves look big.

I did a chemistry degree in the UK prior to my US PharmD. It was infinitely harder and more demanding that any PharmD (and I'd bet an MD or DDS too). All these professional "doctorates" don't require superior intelligence - just a good memory. I'd say physics, chemistry, or math is far more difficult. In fact, medicine, pharmacy and dentistry are all undergraduate degrees in the UK and are not doctorates, which mean the only true doctorate degree is the PhD. I'm sure all of these professional degrees exist as doctorates simply to elevate the stature (and salaries) of the individuals holding them, and also to keep people in school longer thereby getting into more debt.

As for who is more of an expert - a PharmD or PhD - that clearly depends on the individual in question. If a PhD's research involved work on the blood-brain barrier and they ended up an MSL in cardiology then the PharmD might have the edge, however, if it was for a new abx that crossed the BBB to fight encephalitis then the PhD would clearly be more of an authority. In the end though, I'm sure both are intelligent enough to understand their training and speak confidently on their products. More than likely, personality and presentation skills are more important that what degree someone has.

Re: PharmD's are Doctors!

First of all, it is clear you have serious reservations towards us, & it is obviously due to you feeling inferior to PharmDs, & with just cause. We are SMART! We are experts in medicine, chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacology, advanced mathamatics, & last but definately not least, PHARMACOKINETICS! We have every right to be pompous, arrogant, & treat you like shit, no matter who you think you are.
Not only do we know our drugs, but we are very familiar with all disease states, now for arguments sake, I will say what we get in our professional years is comparable to medical school, however, the reality is we are better equiped with diagnosing & treating disease states then any general practitioner is, & I am not even considering NP & the PA as real practitioners from the get go, but some how they are walking around prescribing drugs with very little, if any, knowledge on what the hell they are doing. Lets face it,all they are, are a hazard & nuisance to society. I actually had a NP come to me & question why I did not allow a Zosyn order to go through with a patient that has a clearly documented PCN allergy in their chart, known to need epipens in the past. This idiot had no idea Zosyn had a PNC in it, yet, she is ordering it for a unsuspecting patient. The same goes for some MDs, for that matter. If it weren't for pharmacists & PharmDs, there would be a lot more fatalities & irreversible medical errors in the world. The only draw back about being a PharmD, is simply not getting the recognition we damn well deserve, but hey, at least we get paids loads of mullah for our awesome & endless knowledge :)

You pathetic loser....

BS. Pharmacy School is the easiest “professional” school to get accepted to save for optometry and chiropractic school. If you can count by fives you can be a pharmacist.

There is no real expertise in anything. I went to one of the best pharmacy schools in the country in Philadelphia and the ONLY reason I went to pharmacy school was because I didn’t get into Med, Dental, or Law school!

Pharmacist need to get over themselves. I’ve been an MSL for 15 years and I know less about my therapeutic area and drug then tenured reps at the company. I help manage and organizize clinical trials, which an organzied HS student could do, and answer off label questions that the doctor could easily find on the internet.

Pharmacy school teaches you class of drugs and very little about the underlying disease. I laugh every day and thank Eli Lily for thinking pharmacists were the only ones who should “sell drugs” because of them I have a six figure income doing very little work as an MSL.

Re: PharmD's are Doctors!

BS. Pharmacy School is the easiest “professional” school to get accepted to save for optometry and chiropractic school. If you can count by fives you can be a pharmacist.

There is no real expertise in anything. I went to one of the best pharmacy schools in the country in Philadelphia and the ONLY reason I went to pharmacy school was because I didn’t get into Med, Dental, or Law school!

Pharmacist need to get over themselves. I’ve been an MSL for 15 years and I know less about my therapeutic area and drug then tenured reps at the company. I help manage and organizize clinical trials, which an organzied HS student could do, and answer off label questions that the doctor could easily find on the internet.

Pharmacy school teaches you class of drugs and very little about the underlying disease. I laugh every day and thank Eli Lily for thinking pharmacists were the only ones who should “sell drugs” because of them I have a six figure income doing very little work as an MSL.

I would bet that you are not a pharmacist and that you have never worked in industry. You misspelled Lilly, and a pharmacist of over 15 years would never do that.

You sound like a disgruntled salesbot. sure nailed them...."Lily" vs. "Lilly"....phew - your powers of observation are nothing short of extraordinary.

Did it ever occur to your brilliant scientific mind that this was a typo??


PharmDs are DOLTS sure nailed them...."Lily" vs. "Lilly"....phew - your powers of observation are nothing short of extraordinary.

Did it ever occur to your brilliant scientific mind that this was a typo??


PharmDs are DOLTS

Did it ever occur to you that YOU are a genetic typo?

Must be nice having those extra chromosomes. Sure makes your parents proud that you are delivering pizza and jacking off to internet porn while you live in their basement.

Re: PharmD's are Doctors!

I would bet that you are not a pharmacist and that you have never worked in industry. You misspelled Lilly, and a pharmacist of over 15 years would never do that.

You sound like a disgruntled salesbot.

Go back to counting Viagra by fives PharmD! You are a complete waste of time. I’ve been an oncology rep for over 15 years and my PharmD MSL doesn’t know the first thing about oncology or the drugs, other then the classes of chemotherapy. She looks so stupid when she attempts to have a clinical conversation with our KOL’s. The cool thing is, is that she knows she doesn’t know anything and she knows it’s going to take a few years to get up a running and that her PharmD will provide very little value to cancer researchers, that it is merely a paper degree. MD Phd researchers are not impressed with PharmD’s unless they have been a researcher for many years.

Re: PharmD's are Doctors!

Go back to counting Viagra by fives PharmD! You are a complete waste of time. I’ve been an oncology rep for over 15 years and my PharmD MSL doesn’t know the first thing about oncology or the drugs, other then the classes of chemotherapy. She looks so stupid when she attempts to have a clinical conversation with our KOL’s. The cool thing is, is that she knows she doesn’t know anything and she knows it’s going to take a few years to get up a running and that her PharmD will provide very little value to cancer researchers, that it is merely a paper degree. MD Phd researchers are not impressed with PharmD’s unless they have been a researcher for many years.

Selling janitorial supplies to a chemotherapy clinic does not make you an "oncology rep".

Re: PharmD's are Doctors!

Selling janitorial supplies to a chemotherapy clinic does not make you an "oncology rep".

Really? That’s what you role with. I’ve been at Genentech for over 10 years, so not sure what your janitorial supplies comment means. If you are a PharmD then I guess I somewhat get it since PharmD’s are notoriously poor writers and horrendously unfunny…

Go back to talking about PK of PPI’s or whatever other “high science” you are delivering…

Re: PharmD's are Doctors!

Really? That’s what you role with. I’ve been at Genentech for over 10 years, so not sure what your janitorial supplies comment means. If you are a PharmD then I guess I somewhat get it since PharmD’s are notoriously poor writers and horrendously unfunny…

Go back to talking about PK of PPI’s or whatever other “high science” you are delivering…

It is "roll with" not "role with". Your "over 10 years" must have been spent cleaning the offices at Genentech.

Thank you for establishing your illiteracy. Have a great career pushing that broom.

MBA and JD?

Dude you clearly are a rep, smoke man meat, and shower in the goo.

Yes, PharmDs are jokes. PhDs have the real brain power.

Go back to lunches and pens rep-bot. Gues your BA in Phys Ed makes you think you're smart???