Pay increase from pcp to cv?

Stupid former CV reps who didn’t want former PCP reps to figure out how easy it is to be a caterer for the same five offices every week and ride the gravy train. You just don’t want to share your gravy!

How about the number of tenured CV reps who were let go with 10-17 plus years of service for crap PCP reps with 1-2 years of service. These reps were around when diovan, lotrel, exforge, reclast etc were being promoted. A number of these reps had tremendous relationships and were let go for god knows what reasons. But, I can bet many of them are much happier than this current shit situation.

Stupid former CV reps who didn’t want former PCP reps to figure out how easy it is to be a caterer for the same five offices every week and ride the gravy train. You just don’t want to share your gravy!
If you are so good, you wouldn’t have accepted a crappy pcp job in the first place. You would have closed for a higher salary. You would move on to another company that pays you what you claim you are worth.

Stupid former CV reps who didn’t want former PCP reps to figure out how easy it is to be a caterer for the same five offices every week and ride the gravy train. You just don’t want to share your gravy!

Could you be any dumber? It’s easy because entresto 8 years old you dim witted child. The entresto launch was tough. How Novartis manage to find all the bottom feeding reps to hire in the pcp expansion?

Could you be any dumber? It’s easy because entresto 8 years old you dim witted child. The entresto launch was tough. How Novartis manage to find all the bottom feeding reps to hire in the pcp expansion?
I’m aware I wasn’t around for the launch of Entresto, but you miss out on the fact we are still launching Leqvio?! Yes, launches are tough and I’m killing it. That doesn’t mean calling on only a few offices is as hard as we were working in PCP.

How about the number of tenured CV reps who were let go with 10-17 plus years of service for crap PCP reps with 1-2 years of service. These reps were around when diovan, lotrel, exforge, reclast etc were being promoted. A number of these reps had tremendous relationships and were let go for god knows what reasons. But, I can bet many of them are much happier than this current shit situation.
Agree with most of that, except I’m not a “crappy” rep. I was expecting a severance and am so sorry I didn’t get one. Yes, tenured CV reps who got displaced got screwed, but so did we. Nobody won in the reorg and you’d have to be an idiot to think anyone did.

So you’re not getting a paycheck now?? Stop being a loser and do your job. And I’m not a manager, just another rep who gets paid a lot of money just like you.
I’m a successful rep who feels like an idiot now that I know there is literally no recognition, promotion, or money coming my way for being successful. If Novartis doesn’t reward success, only an idiot would continue to strive so hard for it. I’ll just smile and participate at meetings and make sure my metrics are on point.

I’m a successful rep who feels like an idiot now that I know there is literally no recognition, promotion, or money coming my way for being successful. If Novartis doesn’t reward success, only an idiot would continue to strive so hard for it. I’ll just smile and participate at meetings and make sure my metrics are on point.
Or how about you find another job that is worthy of your “success”? There are so many entitled brats on these posts. Do you make more than $100,000 for this job? Then stop complaining and do the job you were hired to do or move on.

Or how about you find another job that is worthy of your “success”? There are so many entitled brats on these posts. Do you make more than $100,000 for this job? Then stop complaining and do the job you were hired to do or move on.
Do you make 30% more than me for literally doing the exact same job and having the exact same amount experience? Why would it hurt your feelings for me to be raised up to the same range as you? F off. Yes, I can get another job easily enough and most of us will this fall if Novartis doesn’t ante up and the former CV reps continue with your unmerited condescension.

Do you make 30% more than me for literally doing the exact same job and having the exact same amount experience? Why would it hurt your feelings for me to be raised up to the same range as you? F off. Yes, I can get another job easily enough and most of us will this fall if Novartis doesn’t ante up and the former CV reps continue with your unmerited condescension.
Just FYI, I’m not a former CV rep, just someone tired of the whiny entitled complainers. Just move on if you are so miserable and underpaid. This is the salary you accepted when you accepted your job.

Do you make 30% more than me for literally doing the exact same job and having the exact same amount experience? Why would it hurt your feelings for me to be raised up to the same range as you? F off. Yes, I can get another job easily enough and most of us will this fall if Novartis doesn’t ante up and the former CV reps continue with your unmerited condescension.
FYI, I’m not a former CV rep, just someone who is tired of the constant entitled complainers. No one is forcing you to stay here. You are being pd the salary you accepted when you accepted this job.

FYI, I’m not a former CV rep, just someone who is tired of the constant entitled complainers. No one is forcing you to stay here. You are being pd the salary you accepted when you accepted this job.
Actually, it’s the salary I accepted when I accepted a PCP job. It’s not within the advertised salary range for the TAS job, for which I have yet to receive an offer letter.

Actually, it’s the salary I accepted when I accepted a PCP job. It’s not within the advertised salary range for the TAS job, for which I have yet to receive an offer letter.

no one got raises when we switched to TAS. The whining is out of control. You’ve 50% saying how easy cv had it & the other 50% saying how they deserve more money. Pick a lane. No one cares if you leave after 1-2 years.

no one got raises when we switched to TAS. The whining is out of control. You’ve 50% saying how easy cv had it & the other 50% saying how they deserve more money. Pick a lane. No one cares if you leave after 1-2 years.
It’s absolutely both. Former CV reps are just so self aggrandizing, they can’t admit they aren’t superior to those in other sales roles prior to this shit show of a reorg. Funny thing is, the people who are most upset about the idea of placing everyone doing the TAS job within the same $50K range are our “ONECV” partners. Is calling on specialists worth more money than calling on only PCP only, or is it not? Pick a lane.

It’s absolutely both. Former CV reps are just so self aggrandizing, they can’t admit they aren’t superior to those in other sales roles prior to this shit show of a reorg. Funny thing is, the people who are most upset about the idea of placing everyone doing the TAS job within the same $50K range are our “ONECV” partners. Is calling on specialists worth more money than calling on only PCP only, or is it not? Pick a lane.
Then leave already! You sound miserable. Pick a lane- stay or go but for the love of all things good, STOP WHINING ALREADY. You are embarrassing yourself.

It’s absolutely both. Former CV reps are just so self aggrandizing, they can’t admit they aren’t superior to those in other sales roles prior to this shit show of a reorg. Funny thing is, the people who are most upset about the idea of placing everyone doing the TAS job within the same $50K range are our “ONECV” partners. Is calling on specialists worth more money than calling on only PCP only, or is it not? Pick a lane.

You are really bitter about your former roll. Sounds like you have much bigger problems in your life than pcp vs cv

You are really bitter about your former roll. Sounds like you have much bigger problems in your life than pcp vs cv
No, really the only problem in my life (and really the main topic on the Novartis cafepharma board, btw) is this job with this shit company. It was completely misrepresented to me when I joined a few years ago and has also been further destroyed since by inept leadership. It’s a good place for people who don’t actually love to sell and a terrible place for driven salespeople. I’m out soon enough for a real sales job.

No, really the only problem in my life (and really the main topic on the Novartis cafepharma board, btw) is this job with this shit company. It was completely misrepresented to me when I joined a few years ago and has also been further destroyed since by inept leadership. It’s a good place for people who don’t actually love to sell and a terrible place for driven salespeople. I’m out soon enough for a real sales job.
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out…