Pay increase from pcp to cv?

the company is preparing for the next round of layoffs. why the hell would they dole out salary increases to you sorry ass entitled PCP reps?
They will indeed give out increases. Most will be very small adjustments. This will keep the illusion that business is normal. In the background, they are preparing for next round of layoffs. Most likely all Entresto leads gone.

If it doesn’t concern you, why does it matter? It’s not your money and not all previous PCP reps were rookies most were tenured who were hired during the COVID pandemic and needed a job!

If it doesn’t concern you, why does it matter? It’s not your money and not all previous PCP reps were rookies most were tenured who were hired during the COVID pandemic and needed a job!
That’s exactly who I am. I took a PCP job during the pandemic with the promise Novartis always does the right thing and I would be eligible for a specialty position as it became available. Now Novartis wants to leverage my success with Leqvio to benefit my whole team, but doesn’t want to pay me. I am slowly coming to the realization I need to act my wage to preserve my sanity.

They will indeed give out increases. Most will be very small adjustments. This will keep the illusion that business is normal. In the background, they are preparing for next round of layoffs. Most likely all Entresto leads gone.

I believe its going to be a bigger cut than that. Leqvio down too many reps and too many managers all in 1 small area.

I know managers are starting to look for new jobs as well.

They will indeed give out increases. Most will be very small adjustments. This will keep the illusion that business is normal. In the background, they are preparing for next round of layoffs. Most likely all Entresto leads gone.
What a ridiculous comment. Are you new?? Just as all PCP reps weren’t let go last time as many predicted, they won’t let go of just the Entresto reps.

What a ridiculous comment. Are you new?? Just as all PCP reps weren’t let go last time as many predicted, they won’t let go of just the Entresto reps.

Must be new. This is wishful thinking from some newly promted ahole. the business rules are always in no particular order - location, performance, tenure, new alignment model.
Im a former css who went from being a leqvio lead to entresto lead in the last re/disorganization. I wish I had been cut but entresto is soooooo much less pressure and gives me time to find a gig. If leqvio doesn’t gain momentum in the next year cuts will be wide reaching. Does anyone actually still want to be a part of this toxic cesspool? If so, why?

I heard four weeks ago it would be by the end of the next week. Also heard in June it would be by the end of June. Heard in May it would be by the end of May. Hear all those times it would be retroactive to May 1. What have you heard? Do you think Santa Claus will bring it?

I think it’s going to happen soon. This is the last week that the displaced people will be paid by the company.

Shut up with your dumb raise theory. The only thing that definitely is going to happen soon is more people will be displaced. So, why the hell would Nofartis dole out raises to reps (some who have no experience at all) that were placed in these bullshit TAS positions.

Shut up with your dumb raise theory. The only thing that definitely is going to happen soon is more people will be displaced. So, why the hell would Nofartis dole out raises to reps (some who have no experience at all) that were placed in these bullshit TAS positions.
Stupid reps complaining about not getting a raise they didn’t earn. Half of us will be gone within months. Look for another job!

Shut up with your dumb raise theory. The only thing that definitely is going to happen soon is more people will be displaced. So, why the hell would Nofartis dole out raises to reps (some who have no experience at all) that were placed in these bullshit TAS positions.
What about those of us who do have experience Einstein? I wanted the severance and was moving on. I stayed for the pay raise. I’m staying now for the next severance or a drastic improvement in the culture.

Stupid reps complaining about not getting a raise they didn’t earn. Half of us will be gone within months. Look for another job!
Stupid former CV reps who didn’t want former PCP reps to figure out how easy it is to be a caterer for the same five offices every week and ride the gravy train. You just don’t want to share your gravy!