WTF- How many in 90% pay range?

Meanwhile, our complaining improves, precisely, nothing.

In fact, that might be the biggest problem: Complaining is a violent move to inaction. It replaces the need to act. If instead of complaining, we allowed ourselves to feel the energy without needing to dissipate it immediately — which requires what I call emotional courage — then we could put that energy to good use. We could channel it so it doesn’t leak out sideways.

In other words, let the uncomfortable feeling you have — the one that would otherwise lead you to complain — lead you to take a productive action.

You are what happens when a motivational speaker procreates with a successory poster. Self-important claptrap.

You are what happens when a motivational speaker procreates with a successory poster. Self-important claptrap.
On the other part are two rocks, whereof the one reaches with sharp peak to the wide heaven, and a dark cloud encompasses it; this never streams away, and there is no clear air about the peak neither in summer nor in harvest tide. No mortal man may scale it or set foot thereon, not though he had twenty hands and feet. For the rock is smooth, and sheer, as it were polished. And in the midst of the cliff is a dim cave turned to Erebus, towards the place of darkness, whereby ye shall even steer your hollow ship …

Why? When someone tells you who they are, believe them. They don't value you. They don't value anyone. You are beneath replacement-level in senior managements eyes. We all are.
Wishing that things will magically improve is the height of naivete. You either hold your nose and take it, or you leave.
You must aim high, not in what you are going to do at some future date, but in what you are going to make yourself do today. Otherwise working is just a waste of time.

Meanwhile, our complaining improves, precisely, nothing.

In fact, that might be the biggest problem: Complaining is a violent move to inaction. It replaces the need to act. If instead of complaining, we allowed ourselves to feel the energy without needing to dissipate it immediately — which requires what I call emotional courage — then we could put that energy to good use. We could channel it so it doesn’t leak out sideways.

In other words, let the uncomfortable feeling you have — the one that would otherwise lead you to complain — lead you to take a productive action.
What you are responding to does not look like complaining - it reads here is a problem and provides a solution - address the internal pay differentials and you just may improve how culture is perceived - and those problems addressed will improve attitudes - lots of talk now back it up with the right action, the result just might be “productive actions”.

What you are responding to does not look like complaining - it reads here is a problem and provides a solution - address the internal pay differentials and you just may improve how culture is perceived - and those problems addressed will improve attitudes - lots of talk now back it up with the right action, the result just might be “productive actions”.
erse solid man, that the humptyhillhead of humself prumptly sends an unquiring one well to the west in quest of his tumptytumtoes:and their upturnpikepointandplace is at the knock out in the park where oranges have been laid to rust upon the green since devlinsfirst loved livvy.What clashes here of wills gen wonts

This is interesting, as $168,000 actually is less than my new coworker. We discussed the package before she got hired, and her base was a little more, but they wouldn't negotiate on vacation.

Only a dumb fuck narcissistic sales rep would make such a claim. You guys are such unappreciative trash. Stick to being an overpaid donut caterer. I feel sorry for any FRM or MSL that has to work with you.

There is no one in this company that can make the claim that field medical "in general do not work hard". We have 4x the territory size and 4x customer's to call on as sales reps. We have 4-5x customers as TLL teams, who because of CIA essentially have no partnership opportunities... Who knows what AMs do outside of scheduling a monthly call. Also pointing out the obvious, but we support clinical trials, and conference. A revolving door of data. I have seen the amount of training it takes for you guys to regurgitate a visual aid just in the FDA label.

and you have no quota, barely meet the travel obligations, are generally terrible in front of customers at handling objections, lack situational awareness, know very little about competitive intrusion and how to combat it. Should I go on? Ive worn every hat at a company from rep to executive and so I’ll be your huckleberry- your role is a luxury, not a necessity. That’s it, that’s the tweet.

and you have no quota, barely meet the travel obligations, are generally terrible in front of customers at handling objections, lack situational awareness, know very little about competitive intrusion and how to combat it. Should I go on? Ive worn every hat at a company from rep to executive and so I’ll be your huckleberry- your role is a luxury, not a necessity. That’s it, that’s the tweet.

Haha I hope you are a leqvio rep. Enjoy driving yourself into the ground sucker.