PAH Team Turnover is..

The new Boston RD fresh over from HIV quit already? This division is ridiculous, as a relatively new employee and a stockholder, I hope this isn't a reflection of the senior management above the Cardio-pulmonary goofballs. Where's the accountability?

Obviously the above is a disgruntled former or soon to be former employee. You must realize that going to Cadence to sell injectable aspirin is certainly nothing to brag about. Quite frankly, your constant rants about how terrible GILD is and how the CV team is getting their SO called ass kicked is quite childish!!! I do agree with you however about SB, and certainly about DW and JG. Pretty weak indeed.


A multimillionaire Gilead employee

Obviously the above is a disgruntled former or soon to be former employee. You must realize that going to Cadence to sell injectable aspirin is certainly nothing to brag about. Quite frankly, your constant rants about how terrible GILD is and how the CV team is getting their SO called ass kicked is quite childish!!! I do agree with you however about SB, and certainly about DW and JG. Pretty weak indeed.


A multimillionaire Gilead employee

I don't think people posting on this thread are critical of Gilead so much as they are disgusted with the management of this division and the culture they've cultivated. When you have successful people leaving to sell anything, anywhere else there is a serious problem.


Another Wealthy Gilead Employee

Change is good! Funny thing is rumor about people leaving helped the rest of us out with more money. For the lucky few leaving they just got great news they get to stick around through the holidays and collect a bonus check. Then leave in 2010!

The internal recruiters have been directed to start the recruitment process in anticipation of mass turnover. Ask a friend, they have been called.

Who are you kidding, the internal recruiters haven't stopped since launch. YYou talk about job security!!!!!!!!!!!! If there weren't so many people layed off right now I doubt they could fill the vacancies. I can't blame people who still come here that are out of work, but if somebody has another gig and leaves to come here, then thats a hell of of a different story. Ho do you think DW and JG explain the turn over. Then how does SB turn around and explain to KY and then to the board. This has been the craziest 2yrs of my life from a work stand point. I will continue collecting my check and even a decent commish check, but only because I have a decent RD that sheilds us from alot of the BS. I'm surprised they haven't shut us down yet. The OIG must not be looking to hard.