PAH Team Turnover is..

There were 13 original regions, with 13 RDs. Of the 13 origianl RDs, 5 are still with the company- 8 of 13 RDs are no longer with Gilead! 2 of the 5 remaining RDs have been promoted (JG and JS). The New England Region actually went through 2 RDs and the position is still open. Of the original 7 RDs in the East, 2 RDs remain with the company (New England lost 2 RDs thus far)!

WOW...WTF is the Board thinking? Does the investment community know about this turnover rate? Check out the many people on the roster were at the launch meeting? Less than 50%!!!

Now JG, DW, and Egg Head are promoting anyone, just to keep morale at some maintainable level. Reps are being directly promoted to IS, RD, and NAM...check out the latest rankings of those promoted over the last six months... bottom 1/3 of sales is good enough to get promoted at this joint.

Great Job Scotty...KY loves turnover! More is coming soon....very soon!

SB, JG and DW,

When we're at the NSM in a couple weeks and you ask me how things are in my territory please know that the answer I deliver with a smile: "everthing is great, I'm happy with my career at Gilead and your support" translates to F*ck You!



When you're yawning your way through a Tim P. or Pinhead presentation during the PH general session at NSM, turn to the person on your left and say good-bye, then turn to the person on your right and say good-bye. Chances are you probably won't see one of those people ever again.

There were 13 original regions, with 13 RDs. Of the 13 origianl RDs, 5 are still with the company- 8 of 13 RDs are no longer with Gilead! 2 of the 5 remaining RDs have been promoted (JG and JS). The New England Region actually went through 2 RDs and the position is still open. Of the original 7 RDs in the East, 2 RDs remain with the company (New England lost 2 RDs thus far)!

WOW...WTF is the Board thinking? Does the investment community know about this turnover rate? Check out the many people on the roster were at the launch meeting? Less than 50%!!!

Now JG, DW, and Egg Head are promoting anyone, just to keep morale at some maintainable level. Reps are being directly promoted to IS, RD, and NAM...check out the latest rankings of those promoted over the last six months... bottom 1/3 of sales is good enough to get promoted at this joint.

Great Job Scotty...KY loves turnover! More is coming soon....very soon!

Actually I believe of the original 13 RD's only 2 remain in PAH, TS and the Atlanta guy. I've never seen so much turn over in middle management. But the sales force has to have had close to a 70% turn over in the last 2 yrs. Hell we had about a 20% turn over in the first 6 months! My question is if the wrong people were hired to begin with, then how the hell are the ones that did the hiring still around, and if we just lost that many good people then how the hell is the upper management still here if they can't keep a sales force. Either way DW and JG should be on borrowed time. SB is afraid of his shadow, so I just feel sorry for him.

Hey JG did you pay KC to resign? Are you woried about the exit inteview?? Or, is this why you are getting divorced??? You are a lecherous, phoney, lack of original thought, cliche dropping fake. You will be exposed soon, very soon!!!

Medical is just as frustrated and when your top two medical leave together that is a pretty good sign they do not have confidence in the commercial side. We have a year with no new clinical data, a piece of shit distribution system and no leadership but at the national meeting it will be everything is great! Two weeks after the NSM they will get a wake up call as to morale.

With this new letairis portal it will impossible to not have costumers give up. It should be called a time portal cause its launch disaster all over again, Someone should be held accountable they took two years to roll out this piece of shit.