PAH Team Turnover is..

Scott can we have another town hall meeting at the upcoming sales meeting where you sit in a directors chair and have a candid exchange with the salesforce that hates you? We can probably hold it in a telephone booth.

Scott can we have another town hall meeting at the upcoming sales meeting where you sit in a directors chair and have a candid exchange with the salesforce that hates you? We can probably hold it in a telephone booth.

Are you thinking that if you bitch over and over on CP long enough your life will change? Get off your stinking sofa and leave if you are that miserable. You sound like a freakin' baby. I have no opinion of SB, I just know you sound like a wuss crying on here week in and week out. Really? This is your life?

Long gone and much wealthier for it. Got out while the stock was still rolling, even cault the last 2 for 1 split, but for you to say you are millionaires is funny. Unless you sold at 50 my friend you are no where near it. Hell, nobody on the PAH side has been there long enough to have seen the glory days. The market has finally seen thru the facade and has put the rise to a halt. Let's look at it this way, old HIV drugs that are getting generic challenges, and the PAH division which just in turn over costs must be bleeding the rest of the company dry. Then you will have the fines, and or CIA that may be slapped on this company because of the CVT debacle and the ridiculous goals set on the PAH marketplace which has led to,... well some questionable actions. Need I go on,...I'm just amazed that the same leadership has been allowed to continue to drive this once great company down. What could SB possibly have on John that he can keep his job in the middle of one of the worst run divisions in any company. SB should write the book on churn and burn, When will the KOL's finally stop taking the money and do whats right for the patients. Are they still magically finding more PAH patients in Atlanta and Ca then any where else in the world on a monthly basis?

Long gone and much wealthier for it. Got out while the stock was still rolling, even cault the last 2 for 1 split, but for you to say you are millionaires is funny. Unless you sold at 50 my friend you are no where near it. Hell, nobody on the PAH side has been there long enough to have seen the glory days. The market has finally seen thru the facade and has put the rise to a halt. Let's look at it this way, old HIV drugs that are getting generic challenges, and the PAH division which just in turn over costs must be bleeding the rest of the company dry. Then you will have the fines, and or CIA that may be slapped on this company because of the CVT debacle and the ridiculous goals set on the PAH marketplace which has led to,... well some questionable actions. Need I go on,...I'm just amazed that the same leadership has been allowed to continue to drive this once great company down. What could SB possibly have on John that he can keep his job in the middle of one of the worst run divisions in any company. SB should write the book on churn and burn, When will the KOL's finally stop taking the money and do whats right for the patients. Are they still magically finding more PAH patients in Atlanta and Ca then any where else in the world on a monthly basis?

That is because CA and Atlanta heavily promote off label and reps review charts - ex - TL in CA

Harvard Review - A Case Study of A Failure

Why is that female rep in Denver so mean? she always mad about something.

Let me guess, you were in honors English?
If you are speaking of J.D. in Colorado, you need to pull up your diaper, grab your blanket and listen for a minute. Can any of you imagine a time 5-10 yrs. ago when honesty, integrity and hard work were respected, valued, financially appreciated? She used to work for a company like that years ago, before you ever heard of the name Gilead. She worked hard in the other division of Gilead. And then transferred into this fiasco called the CP division. She met great individuals like the PH physicians, the PH nurse educators, and the amazing courageous PH patients themselves. She also met the 40 old PH guard of territory sales managers, who truly were focused on the valuable clinical service and care of patients vs. enrollments and bonuses. She couldn't wait to go out and assist them, working 10-14 hours a day as most of us had done in 2007. We were honored to be mentored by L Ruben, M. McGoon, V. McLaughlin, etc. Then quickly things changed. Gilead hired most of the right people (I.S./T.S.) for the PH division back then. But they made great mistakes in hiring many of the Regional Busn Directors and up. Almost 100% of RBD's lacked any PH/Cardio/Pulm experience, and had no rapport with key PH Center's of Excellence. Most RBD's truly didn't care about PH patients, which reflected even in how they treated their own reps. Then they added in people such as S.B., D.W., J.G., A.C. - all takers. All self serving. All focused on themselves. Poor communicators. Not trustworthy. There was a severe lack of honest communication, integrity, and character. And soon goals of making patients our first priority, became "enrollments". Soon an important personal discussion with a key national KOL, was trumped by Tango documentation, Concur paperwork, and LEAP. Disrespect and dishonesty wasn't castrated, it was allowed, then encouraged and finally rewarded. Through it al eyes were closed

Re: Harvard Review - A Case Study of A Failure

Let me guess, you were in honors English?
If you are speaking of J.D. in Colorado, you need to pull up your diaper, grab your blanket and listen for a minute. Can any of you imagine a time 5-10 yrs. ago when honesty, integrity and hard work were respected, valued, financially appreciated? She used to work for a company like that years ago, before you ever heard of the name Gilead. She worked hard in the other division of Gilead. And then transferred into this fiasco called the CP division. She met great individuals like the PH physicians, the PH nurse educators, and the amazing courageous PH patients themselves. She also met the 40 old PH guard of territory sales managers, who truly were focused on the valuable clinical service and care of patients vs. enrollments and bonuses. She couldn't wait to go out and assist them, working 10-14 hours a day as most of us had done in 2007. We were honored to be mentored by L Ruben, M. McGoon, V. McLaughlin, etc. Then quickly things changed. Gilead hired most of the right people (I.S./T.S.) for the PH division back then. But they made great mistakes in hiring many of the Regional Busn Directors and up. Almost 100% of RBD's lacked any PH/Cardio/Pulm experience, and had no rapport with key PH Center's of Excellence. Most RBD's truly didn't care about PH patients, which reflected even in how they treated their own reps. Then they added in people such as S.B., D.W., J.G., A.C. - all takers. All self serving. All focused on themselves. Poor communicators. Not trustworthy. There was a severe lack of honest communication, integrity, and character. And soon goals of making patients our first priority, became "enrollments". Soon an important personal discussion with a key national KOL, was trumped by Tango documentation, Concur paperwork, and LEAP. Disrespect and dishonesty wasn't castrated, it was allowed, then encouraged and finally rewarded. Through it al eyes were closed

Great post, unfortunately along the way many "good" people were dismissed for standing their ground, wrongfully accused, disagreeing with the upper management, or flat out trying to the right thing for patients and not checking their integrety at the door.

With that being said there were hiring mistake made at all levels, I know several IS and TS's who worked part time and still made a killing because of the "gift" enrollments that they were given at launch. They have lived off them for the last 2.5 yrs. Several Rd's have been hiding as well. But the most shocking truely has been the upper Management, SB and DW. How those 2 have jobs is the greatet injustice I have seen.