PAH Team Turnover is..

I'm no Scott Burton, but doing a little 3rd grade math:

65 TSs + 21 ISs = 86 - 3 (vacancies) = 83 -12 (departures in the last week) = 71

So, 15% of the PAH salesforce has just jumped ship and certainly there will be more with the UT offers going out. On top of this raw data, consider how many tried desperately to go to Cadence, UT, Intermune, etc. but were prevented by their own reputation, FDA denial at Intermune or lack of openings in the geographies in which they reside, etc., now we're talking about pretty much the entire PAH division. People walked away from the retention bonus to get away from this disaster. Just wait until December 15th, this division will be a ghost town in 2011. If someone higher up than the arrogant goons running this division doesn't see a red flag, then they are color blind. I for one am looking forward to the Town Hall spin cycle tomorrow morning. Go get 'em Scotty, you bald douche.

What's the count at now Scott? Got your attention yet asshole?

No one cares about you PAH rubbish!!! Go sell that injectable aspirin, we don't care!!! Keep making the homophobe remarks bc your Mom will need some of that injectable aspirin after Im done hitting her in the ass just like your Dad likes it!! LMFAO!!

No one cares about you PAH rubbish!!! Go sell that injectable aspirin, we don't care!!! Keep making the homophobe remarks bc your Mom will need some of that injectable aspirin after Im done hitting her in the ass just like your Dad likes it!! LMFAO!!

No one cares, but you're posting on a thread with over 400 posts and almost 34,000 views.

Sweetheart how can you be home in the middle of the day playing hide the rodent with your life partner? Whose out selling the antivirals? Oh yeah, that's right they sell themselves.

Wow, "your mama" slams, what, are you black as well? LMFAO, means one thing to many, but I'm sure yours is Lick-My-Fat-Ass-Often.

For those of us that left prior to the mass exodous, please share who left......The people who were "jammie" workers that were pets and never had their goals raised? Or the people that always got massive increases especially when their boss was trying to get to 95% for the "big" bonus. Do tell.........Shulie? Tim Day? Lori Reiman? The SouthWest powerhouse with Pat Fennel?

For those of us that left prior to the mass exodous, please share who left......The people who were "jammie" workers that were pets and never had their goals raised? Or the people that always got massive increases especially when their boss was trying to get to 95% for the "big" bonus. Do tell.........Shulie? Tim Day? Lori Reiman? The SouthEast powerhouse with Pat Fennel?

For those of us that left prior to the mass exodous, please share who left......The people who were "jammie" workers that were pets and never had their goals raised? Or the people that always got massive increases especially when their boss was trying to get to 95% for the "big" bonus. Do tell.........Shulie? Tim Day? Lori Reiman? The SouthEast powerhouse with Pat Fennel?

Same sh$t different year! How does this uppermanagement keep their jobs. They have caused so much hurt over the years and yet they continue to draw a pay check. How much longer will John John allow this division to drag down the rest of the company

I wonder how many people have been in and out of the PAH division over the last 3 years? HEck, after year one we had a 50% turnover in the field. By year 2 we had an 80% turnover in management, how do the upper management still have jobs. This should be a case study of poor management. Why is that the only people accountable for this mess are the people at the RD level or below. The real issues actually start at the Sr. RD level and up. The only one that got squezzed was JG, and that was becaus he couldn't keep his hands off the candy...

I wonder how many people have been in and out of the PAH division over the last 3 years? HEck, after year one we had a 50% turnover in the field. By year 2 we had an 80% turnover in management, how do the upper management still have jobs. This should be a case study of poor management. Why is that the only people accountable for this mess are the people at the RD level or below. The real issues actually start at the Sr. RD level and up. The only one that got squezzed was JG, and that was becaus he couldn't keep his hands off the candy...

I was about to interview with Gilead. That was until One of my doctor friends met Scott Burton and told me of the meeting. Can he really be that much of a dumbass?

I was about to interview with Gilead. That was until One of my doctor friends met Scott Burton and told me of the meeting. Can he really be that much of a dumbass?

He can and he is! I am trying to get out of here, but there has not been any openings at UT or CADX in my area. As soon as I can find something that I like, I'm gone.

Take a look at the original PAH roster. Greater than a 70% turnover rate- in this job market! Burton is a terrible leader and has no ability accept responsibility. Rather, he and his henchmen blame those below them. Look at the way the compansation model changed from Q3 2007 to Q2 2008. You either were given a viable territory or a territory that never had a chance. Those territores on top in 2007 are basically the same territories on top now. THe plan and approach has never been right- Scott doesnt take responsibility for this and continues to blame those below him. If you poll the KOLs they will tell you that their patient potential was never what Scott and the gang sayd it is. In fact, Scott and his gang are really incentivizing going after innapropriate patients.

If this is true then they really are pushing for the off label usage

Well consider the weekly communication from a particular SRD that pushes and pressures reps before the godforsaken week is even over? To have the audacity to ask "where are your rxs coming from this week" on a Wednesday is unreasonable, and unprofessional- and will ultimately get you in a big trouble.

Well consider the weekly communication from a particular SRD that pushes and pressures reps before the godforsaken week is even over? To have the audacity to ask "where are your rxs coming from this week" on a Wednesday is unreasonable, and unprofessional- and will ultimately get you in a big trouble.

Exactly, Justin only cares about making his own number, PH patients are vulnerable when you have someone this careless pressuring reps to sell on "efficacy" and get every patient possible. Told my region the PCWP is set to low at 15 for diagnosing patients, Dr. Gunn thinks 18 is a good number.