Pacific Pulmonary Services-Class Action Lawsuit

We have looked in to this matter. Jeremy Israel has been warned not to buy refidgerators for his referral sources.

1) if you are mgmt or compliance at PPS, it's a serious issue that you shared corrective action taken with an employee (if it was truly taken). If I were Jeremy Israel I'd rip you a new one in court tomorrow.

2) if you are NOT mgmt or compliance, why do you waste your time posting things like that? Gee, I'm going to sleep better knowing someone has been told not to buy a fridge. 50 other 'rules' will be broken tomorrow alone b/c there is NO oversight.

Are you all not aware of the changes in reimbursement that makes paying those type of commissions impossible? Does Pacific Pulmonary educate you on why your compensation was way overpaid to begin with? Perhaps the complainers need to explore salary expectations with other 02 providers in this era of competitive bidding. At least Pacific Pulmonary is not coming back and asking you to repay commissions for 02 customers who were not qualified prior to set-up.

Are you all not aware of the changes in reimbursement that makes paying those type of commissions impossible? Does Pacific Pulmonary educate you on why your compensation was way overpaid to begin with? Perhaps the complainers need to explore salary expectations with other 02 providers in this era of competitive bidding. At least Pacific Pulmonary is not coming back and asking you to repay commissions for 02 customers who were not qualified prior to set-up.


Are you all not aware of the changes in reimbursement that makes paying those type of commissions impossible? Does Pacific Pulmonary educate you on why your compensation was way overpaid to begin with? Perhaps the complainers need to explore salary expectations with other 02 providers in this era of competitive bidding. At least Pacific Pulmonary is not coming back and asking you to repay commissions for 02 customers who were not qualified prior to set-up.

Oh yeah! And I just wonder if Kane, Ian Farmer, Jason Anderson or any other of the over paid, over numbered corporate jerks have taken any pay cuts. That would be negatory and I bet they keep getting unbelievable raises and bonuses. Tools! Great idea! Keep hiring more inept fools and over pay them to sink the ship and penalize and dis-insentivize your sales staff. Brilliant move.

Are you all not aware of the changes in reimbursement that makes paying those type of commissions impossible? Does Pacific Pulmonary educate you on why your compensation was way overpaid to begin with? Perhaps the complainers need to explore salary expectations with other 02 providers in this era of competitive bidding. At least Pacific Pulmonary is not coming back and asking you to repay commissions for 02 customers who were not qualified prior to set-up.

It's impossible to make a dissenting comment w/o being from "corporate." Luckily for those of us that agree 100% with the comments above know that no one of significance takes CafePharma seriously anyways.

Are you all not aware of the changes in reimbursement that makes paying those type of commissions impossible? Does Pacific Pulmonary educate you on why your compensation was way overpaid to begin with? Perhaps the complainers need to explore salary expectations with other 02 providers in this era of competitive bidding. At least Pacific Pulmonary is not coming back and asking you to repay commissions for 02 customers who were not qualified prior to set-up.

You left out the part about needing all the money to cover the bonus for all the VP'S and you also left out the part about needing the money for legal fees because PPS was/is committing medicare fraud. (remember...The FBI RAIDED some of their officess) Sinking ship and the EGO'S are too big for people to step aside because they don't have a clue.

I knew you morons would think I was from corporate. I am a thirty year veteran of the industry and have seen the industry pummeled by competitive bidding, the 36 month cap for 02 and I have a complete perspective on the industry. I would bet most of you and the corporate officers at Pacific Pulmonary never heard of the 6 point plan. Your responses do tell me that you are totally unaware of the pressures the industry faces and should be educated. You just cannot continue to pay exorbitant commissions a on product that now is paid for only 36 months ( around $173.00 a month ) you make regular deliveries on ( weekly ) and you have to fight for the required documents ( if you ever do get them ), then you have to bill every month ( you are paying someone to do this ). It just goes to show that most of you have no concept of the entire business. I hope this helps you understand that making a profit will never happen if the sales force is making $20,000 a month in commissions. ( the branch may not be making $20,000 a month ).

I knew you morons would think I was from corporate. I am a thirty year veteran of the industry and have seen the industry pummeled by competitive bidding, the 36 month cap for 02 and I have a complete perspective on the industry. I would bet most of you and the corporate officers at Pacific Pulmonary never heard of the 6 point plan. Your responses do tell me that you are totally unaware of the pressures the industry faces and should be educated. You just cannot continue to pay exorbitant commissions a on product that now is paid for only 36 months ( around $173.00 a month ) you make regular deliveries on ( weekly ) and you have to fight for the required documents ( if you ever do get them ), then you have to bill every month ( you are paying someone to do this ). It just goes to show that most of you have no concept of the entire business. I hope this helps you understand that making a profit will never happen if the sales force is making $20,000 a month in commissions. ( the branch may not be making $20,000 a month ).
Well Mr Kane, apparently you are dumber than your post. You might want to look at your statement "Making regular deliveries weekly" You canned that idea a few years ago and you now MAIL supplies. Tanks are all that is delivered oh and the initial set up, which you have the PCC do so you dont have to pay overtime. Climb back under whoever's desk you crawled out from.
You have the same mentality the idiot managers do, (maybe that is why everyone KNOWS you are from corporate) I can discuss ANYTHING about medicare reimbursement with you since i have been doing it for 30 years!!

I work in reimbursement and have billed O2 for many years. I don't know anything about sales commissions, but that one poster is correct, reimbursement for O2 has fallen drastically over the years. As a taxpayer, I have to add that it's about time! If, as some of you say, you've worked in the industry for 30 years, you'll remember the days of the "golden commode". Medicare would pay rental fees for years on things like walkers, quad canes, bedside commodes, etc... The items would be paid off many times over in rental fees and just go on renting and renting. Finally Medicare caught on and stopped doing it. Fifteen years ago Medicare O2 was an unbelievable deal for suppliers! Medicare has slowly, but surely stopped that. The party is over my friends, that's all I'm saying. Apparently it has caught up to the sales force in terms of commission, and it WILL catch up to the executives in terms of bloated salaries and bonuses. It shouldn't shock you guys that you got hit first, did you think those executives were going to step forward and volunteer to take the hit for you? Really? Don't worry, their day is coming.

I work in reimbursement and have billed O2 for many years. I don't know anything about sales commissions, but that one poster is correct, reimbursement for O2 has fallen drastically over the years. As a taxpayer, I have to add that it's about time! If, as some of you say, you've worked in the industry for 30 years, you'll remember the days of the "golden commode". Medicare would pay rental fees for years on things like walkers, quad canes, bedside commodes, etc... The items would be paid off many times over in rental fees and just go on renting and renting. Finally Medicare caught on and stopped doing it. Fifteen years ago Medicare O2 was an unbelievable deal for suppliers! Medicare has slowly, but surely stopped that. The party is over my friends, that's all I'm saying. Apparently it has caught up to the sales force in terms of commission, and it WILL catch up to the executives in terms of bloated salaries and bonuses. It shouldn't shock you guys that you got hit first, did you think those executives were going to step forward and volunteer to take the hit for you? Really? Don't worry, their day is coming.

You are spot on. BUT, the reason most sales people are upset (besides the huge bonuses/salaries the VP'S get) is the fact, the reimbursement had ALREADY DROPPED when the company changed to the higher comission rate. Common sense saw the commission cut coming a year before it did. I could not believe they increased it when they did ( they increased it thinking it would cut turnover) This company is ran by incompetent people, that is why the turnover is high. When reimbursement was almost 500 a month, commissions were much lower than it is now. (doesn't make sense) You are right, it will catch up with all the corporate idiots, only problem......they will sink a good company in the process.

Yes, the party is over. It is about time that the D.M.E. industry was caught. They have caused taxpayer waste by billing outrageous sums for inexpensive items and making companies like P.P.S.,Lincare and Apria fat cats. Management salaries went through the roof while the P.C.C. and office workers (who do the real work) make very little. I worked for all the above companies for a total of 25 years. I believe we CREATED 02 patients by using "third party testing" and pressuring a doctor for an 02 script when in reality the patient did not need that. I believe doctors and they alone should be the only ones to recommend ANY D.M.E. product WITHOUT outside marketing influence (that goes for drugs also) If your a doctor and that is what you decided to be, than you must do your OWN research instead of letting a salesperson in a short skirt or a young man bringing in treats who acts like an expert, but is merely trying to get his numbers up for Jason so he is not fired. It is disgusting that we create an 02 patient so we can get paid.

I also remember when the very first cuts in reimbursement for O2 were proposed, oh my Lord, the wailing and crying, the lobbying and the threats that suppliers just were NOT going to be able to supply Medicare beneficiaries with home O2. I remember being a little nervous, thinking that my job could go away if this round of cuts was going to close down our company! It was very interesting to watch that round of cuts happen, and cuts after that and cuts after THAT happen, and guess what? We didn't close our doors and still haven't, even after capping rentals on concentrators (which was really supposed to be the final blow.) Gives you an idea of the profits they were making back in the good old days. They are obviously STILL making a profit, just a regular profit I guess, not an obscene one.