Pacific Pulmonary Services-Class Action Lawsuit

WOW, More top PCC'S leaving the company. They are going to be so far in the hole,the ONLY way they will ever see light again is to sale. This company is already 25,000,000 in the hole? Tejin is looking to unload this company, and it's incompitent management to ANYONE who will buy it.

I don't understand why the management as not all been fired. This company does not have a problem firing all the people that made the company work, but continue to keep the same management that proves over and over they don't know what they are doing. I have never seen a train wreck like this where the train is still heading for derailment and nothing is being done to right the problems. It is very obvious idiots are in charge.

I don't understand why the management as not all been fired. This company does not have a problem firing all the people that made the company work, but continue to keep the same management that proves over and over they don't know what they are doing. I have never seen a train wreck like this where the train is still heading for derailment and nothing is being done to right the problems. It is very obvious idiots are in charge.

Very well said!

I don't understand why the management as not all been fired. This company does not have a problem firing all the people that made the company work, but continue to keep the same management that proves over and over they don't know what they are doing. I have never seen a train wreck like this where the train is still heading for derailment and nothing is being done to right the problems. It is very obvious idiots are in charge.

Nothin but a bunch of idiots...trying to manage something they know nothing people skills, no communication skills, no management experience...but they know how to commit it, and the FBI raid didnt stop em...they just kept right on doing what they only know how to do...PRISON...thats where DM, OM, and some PCC's need to go for what they have done.

Nothin but a bunch of idiots...trying to manage something they know nothing people skills, no communication skills, no management experience...but they know how to commit it, and the FBI raid didnt stop em...they just kept right on doing what they only know how to do...PRISON...thats where DM, OM, and some PCC's need to go for what they have done.

OH, it goes MUCH higher than the DM/OM rank. It goes all the way to the CEO. HE and ALL VP'S should be charged for Fraud. It's ok,they won't be around much longer. They are sinking fast and they aretrying to take everyone down with them.

OH, it goes MUCH higher than the DM/OM rank. It goes all the way to the CEO. HE and ALL VP'S should be charged for Fraud. It's ok,they won't be around much longer. They are sinking fast and they aretrying to take everyone down with them.

They can run but they cant hide...they think they are escaping the law by quiting, but there is no escape when you have committed fraud.

Nothin but a bunch of idiots...trying to manage something they know nothing people skills, no communication skills, no management experience...but they know how to commit it, and the FBI raid didnt stop em...they just kept right on doing what they only know how to do...PRISON...thats where DM, OM, and some PCC's need to go for what they have done.

It sure is interesting how PCC's can commit fraud at their job, and then it becomes public knowledge that they are being sued by creditors and they have tax lien's against them.....hmmmmmmmm...they needed to commit fraud and push, push, push that concentrator, cause they needed the bonus...seems like they are broke and they have to cheat the government and never blink an eye...And always think they are right, when in fact they have no knowledge of the O2 business...they blame it on their training or what someone has told them, as to why they...[ask a tech to do a set up before they are even tested, have the concentrator set up before the dr has even ordered it, forge the dr's signature to a CMN cause the dr has no knowledge of pt needing O2, forging another employees name to paperwork so as the wrongdoing will come back on the innocent employee...well the list goes on and on...If you are nervous, u should be...the Feds are coming to get you ! Be watching !

Does anyone know if there is a Class Action Lawsuit for patients of Pacific Pulmonary?? Reading thru this thread gives me a better idea of why they treat their patients so badly. Also does anyone know of an employee in the Kansas City region who is reliable and trustworthy enough to actually help a patient with problems with their cpap machine? I'm about ready to tell this company to take this darn cpap machine and stick it up there @ss. Any help would be greatly appreciated!! (Please forgive my language, at the end of my rope here!)

I can be reached by email at aerynx at gmail dot com.

Does anyone know if there is a Class Action Lawsuit for patients of Pacific Pulmonary?? Reading thru this thread gives me a better idea of why they treat their patients so badly. Also does anyone know of an employee in the Kansas City region who is reliable and trustworthy enough to actually help a patient with problems with their cpap machine? I'm about ready to tell this company to take this darn cpap machine and stick it up there @ss. Any help would be greatly appreciated!! (Please forgive my language, at the end of my rope here!)

I can be reached by email at aerynx at gmail dot com.

What happened when you tried calling Peak Sleep for support?

I would not say resigned, he was going to be terminated, but because of what would be owed him on his contract was allowed to resign and be paid what was owed over time as a consultant

The last two posters are correct. I work at corporate and it has been a rough week since the announcement. We are all going to miss him. He inherited some difficult baggage when PK left and he has done his best in light of Capped Rentals and CB.

The last two posters are correct. I work at corporate and it has been a rough week since the announcement. We are all going to miss him. He inherited some difficult baggage when PK left and he has done his best in light of Capped Rentals and CB.

I beg to differ. In 2003 the prescription drug program became law. Your hero had more than a decade to plan for it. In 2006 the 36 month 02 cap became a way of life for home 02 providers. Again that was 7 years ago. Some adjustments 10 years ago would have gone a long way towards being ready for July 1 2013. The guy is a failure and I could point to a number of failures beyond these two most major failures. But hey the money was least for him.

I beg to differ. In 2003 the prescription drug program became law. Your hero had more than a decade to plan for it. In 2006 the 36 month 02 cap became a way of life for home 02 providers. Again that was 7 years ago. Some adjustments 10 years ago would have gone a long way towards being ready for July 1 2013. The guy is a failure and I could point to a number of failures beyond these two most major failures. But hey the money was least for him.

I could not agree more, it seems as though his only qualification to get the job in the first place was that he would put on Spandex and go bike riding with PK. I remember he wanted his first day to be April 2 because he thought starting on April 1 would be a bad omen.