Pacific Pulmonary Services-Class Action Lawsuit

WOW, More top PCC'S leaving the company. They are going to be so far in the hole,the ONLY way they will ever see light again is to sale. This company is already 25,000,000 in the hole? Tejin is looking to unload this company, and it's incompitent management to ANYONE who will buy it.

The PCCs and leadership at all of the big 3 are the issue, they blindly focused on sales and were unable to react to changes in the industry. When reimbursement dropped from ~$500 nobody at the big 3 reacted, they thought the E1390 would always be a money maker even though reimbursement is always changing and items that cost Medicare eventually come under scrutiny. I worked at each of the big 3 and here's my observations.

PCCs checks were not reduced quickly enough, the price kept dropping yet they demanded more commission. The leadership team foolishly thought PCCs were irreplaceable and were worth the money. Most PCCs refused to learn the Medicare changes like chart requirements and timelines. This forces CSRs to work behind the PCC ensuring documents met new standards. I also heard from many PCCs, I don't get paid for recerts so I'm not worrying about it, this forced Lexington to call or fax their doctors multiple times and then the PCCs would bitch because doctors were frustrated from multiple calls yet the documents were always insufficient. When I was a location manager, I forced my PCC to hand deliver all documents to MD offices and we saw an increase in setups. Imagine that, having a knowledgeable person there to ensure all the documents are correct, reduced frustration. MDs don't care whether we get paid and they don't get paid for doing PPW so getting it done correctly the first time alleviates frustration and saves everyone time. My PCC tried to complain about it after hearing other PCCs on sales calls complaining they were not paid to get recert docs. I know all the PCCs are paid a base salary so they are paid to get recerts and documents give you a reason to be in the office,. If you, the PCC, have a relationship with an office, why would you want anyone but you to contact them. The CSRs are receiving the new setups via fax, if your MDs are trained then that setup packet should contain all the required information and the tech dispatched to compete setup. The PCCs convinced leadership of this farce, that they were focused on setups when they really need to be focused, like all other sales jobs, on clients. My location quickly moved up the branch rankings due to a reduction of on hold and an increase in setups by doing this one thing and it's common sense, the problem was leaderships single focus on sales which allowed the PCCs to convince them that delivering recerts would reduce sales.

The PCCs lack of basic understanding around Medicare changes was laughable. The company thought the only people incentivized to allow sloppy documentation, the PCCs, would quality check their own setups? If the account failed audit and the company was forced to refund 3 years of reimbursement no PCCs were required to repay commission. They were not held accountable at all so of course they didn't bother learning requirements and many actively setup patients who they KNEW did not qualify. When the Medicare changes were implemented, PCCs were constantly complaining about how no other company were following the requirements and this forum blew up. I immediately saw the sales team for what it was, overpaid, incapable and resistant to change. Maybe it's my military background, I learned of the companies new requirements and immediately understood they were non-negotiable, likely due to the investigation and long overdue. The sales team sounded like children, in describing conversations they had with MDs, you could tell they didn't believe the guidance from leadership and because they didn't believe it, they couldn't defend it.