Pacific Pulmonary Services-Class Action Lawsuit

You don't call this post insulting? "...either do the job or quit." ? "I guess that's the Integrity part of Integrity.". This is how you dismiss everyone who has ever posted on these boards with complaints and concerns? There are posts that are whiny, rude and insulting, but there are many posts from people who have been treated unfairly and have legitimate complaints. This is how you dismiss them? With a couple of snide comments? It's no wonder that people think you are some shill from Novato.

Telling someone to either do the job or quit isn't insulting it's just common sense. You refer to posts that are "whiny, rude and insulting" but yet you have posted a whiny, rude and insulting comment to someone because they actually had a decent experience working at PPS. Of course people have legitimate complaints but does it warrant slamming someone with the courage to actually expose their name just because they aren't complaining? There is a reason why people post anonymously to this board because whether it is good or bad there are consequences for expressing an opinion especially if it differs from the majority. To Bill V the only thing I have to say is that I know you are exactly who you say you are and thanks for posting your thoughts.

Telling someone to either do the job or quit isn't insulting it's just common sense. You refer to posts that are "whiny, rude and insulting" but yet you have posted a whiny, rude and insulting comment to someone because they actually had a decent experience working at PPS. Of course people have legitimate complaints but does it warrant slamming someone with the courage to actually expose their name just because they aren't complaining? There is a reason why people post anonymously to this board because whether it is good or bad there are consequences for expressing an opinion especially if it differs from the majority. To Bill V the only thing I have to say is that I know you are exactly who you say you are and thanks for posting your thoughts.

Thank you Mr. Kane. I appreciate it. (have you been charged yet?)

oh i wanna play. i'm bill v!

Well Bill V, My name is Chris W. and before you go on to insult a F N US Marine I warn you. You have no idea what you are talking about. Do you think for 1 second that all centers and all areas are the same and cover the same area with the same exact amount of patients? I think not. as you probably rubbed elbows and hung out with your PCCs and CSRs alot of countless others were running ragged. I do agree with you that the work portion of this job is easy. not much labor involved. And believe me, I know what work is. I am the one who started this whole fiasco. work is work but when you are put out all night every night of the week because no one cares and not to mention it is unnecessary you tend to be just a little ticked off. You cant even move up in this company here when you are soo good at being an RET they just want to keep you there and bring you down. not to mention when someone is out sick or on vacation there is no help for the one missing from anyone. I can tell you that my center where I worked was a complete nightmare to work out of. no organization and alot of scamming going on. I would rather get yelled at by Afghans and Iraqi's rather than my own elderly in my country because my company wants to scam innocent people who worked hard all their lives. Dont mean to sound like I am attacking you but you should know exactly what you are talking about before you get involved in something that doesnt really concern you. I cant wait to hear when the Vista center gets investigated by the FBI cause crooked is the way of the walk here. And in this case its mid management in sales and those who work in it. So lay off the fast food and eat healthy.

WOW! you guys talk so much bad stuff about PPS. But this guy only say he liked his job (compared to the military who wouldnt). and you guys all over him. I dont know if the guy is real. but if he is no wonder he left..people messing with him because he liked his job compared to the military. got me wondering who the bad guys are here!

Thank you Mr. Kane. I appreciate it. (have you been charged yet?)

I also know exactly who Bill V is. He's a great guy who did the job he signed up to do.
I whole heartedly agree with Bill! If you don't like the job you signed up for, leave. If you are asked to do something unethical, don't & report it!
There is a reason it's called "work", because it's not always fun. That's why we get paid to do it.
Long hours, stress, numbers... that's work!
You negotiated your worth and what you were willing to do upon hire. If that changed, do something about it instead of posting complaints.
PPS employs a lot of great people. My manager included. I have NEVER been asked to do something unethical. And like Bill, I wouldn't anyway.
Sure the company has problems, lots of companies do.
How about being part of the solution? Otherwise move on..
You are responsible for your own happiness.

Thanks to everyone for supporting me. I wrote the original Bill V. comment and...............I'm not Bill V. Who in the hell is Bill V? I wrote it to see how many of you in Novato would latch on to anything positive aboard this sinking ship. Ummmmmm blaahhhhhhhhhh. "Ya I know Bill V." do? "Bill V. speaks the truth".........ouch PPS, just another rug burn

Thanks to everyone for supporting me. I wrote the original Bill V. comment and...............I'm not Bill V. Who in the hell is Bill V? I wrote it to see how many of you in Novato would latch on to anything positive aboard this sinking ship. Ummmmmm blaahhhhhhhhhh. "Ya I know Bill V." do? "Bill V. speaks the truth".........ouch PPS, just another rug burn


Thanks to everyone for supporting me. I wrote the original Bill V. comment and...............I'm not Bill V. Who in the hell is Bill V? I wrote it to see how many of you in Novato would latch on to anything positive aboard this sinking ship. Ummmmmm blaahhhhhhhhhh. "Ya I know Bill V." do? "Bill V. speaks the truth".........ouch PPS, just another rug burn

I know Bill. I worked with him. As he said, he worked in Chico. Call the center, see what they say.
You couldn't be anything close to Bill on your best day.
You are an idiot!

I also know exactly who Bill V is. He's a great guy who did the job he signed up to do.
I whole heartedly agree with Bill! If you don't like the job you signed up for, leave. If you are asked to do something unethical, don't & report it!
There is a reason it's called "work", because it's not always fun. That's why we get paid to do it.
Long hours, stress, numbers... that's work!
You negotiated your worth and what you were willing to do upon hire. If that changed, do something about it instead of posting complaints.
PPS employs a lot of great people. My manager included. I have NEVER been asked to do something unethical. And like Bill, I wouldn't anyway.
Sure the company has problems, lots of companies do.
How about being part of the solution? Otherwise move on..
You are responsible for your own happiness.

Thank you Mr. Kane or Mr Anderson. I appreciate it. (have you been charged yet?)

I know Bill. I worked with him. As he said, he worked in Chico. Call the center, see what they say.
You couldn't be anything close to Bill on your best day.
You are an idiot!

This is fun, I know a Steve P. Call Novato and see what they say. I know a JA, call Novato and see what they say. I might not know Karate but I know crazzza

So lets recap here. We have a Marine in the south who hates his job but is staying. we have another Military guy in the north who was happy but left. we have people who say they know the Bill guy and one who says he made it up to test corp. and somebody who thinks the Kane is writing all of it. BUT nobody is saying anything about the original topic. so after 5yrs and over 100,000 views whats up with the class action lawsuit?

So lets recap here. We have a Marine in the south who hates his job but is staying. we have another Military guy in the north who was happy but left. we have people who say they know the Bill guy and one who says he made it up to test corp. and somebody who thinks the Kane is writing all of it. BUT nobody is saying anything about the original topic. so after 5yrs and over 100,000 views whats up with the class action lawsuit?
I think that ship has sailed. I have a feeling that in another few months there won't be a company to sue.