Pacific Pulmonary Services-Class Action Lawsuit

I beg to differ. In 2003 the prescription drug program became law. Your hero had more than a decade to plan for it. In 2006 the 36 month 02 cap became a way of life for home 02 providers. Again that was 7 years ago. Some adjustments 10 years ago would have gone a long way towards being ready for July 1 2013. The guy is a failure and I could point to a number of failures beyond these two most major failures. But hey the money was least for him.

So true. This and he surrounded himself with butt kissers and yes men. His Lieutenants should also do the company a favor and resign!He ran the business into the ground, because he wouldn't listen to the people doing the actual work (remember the meetings, which were just a waste of money) He Knew of the illegal activity, He turned his head, took the money and ran.

Look, unless you are here at Corporate you really have no idea what you are talking about. If you are at Corporate, see you at the picnic!

And this is why PPS is in the mess they are in. ONLY "Corporate" knows what is going on. LMAO..... Enjoy your picnic, Too bad that money wasn't spent on patients.... Like for supplies.

See you at the picnic? No we know better about the problems PPS is having better than some human resources data entry clerk. When you don't have the money to pay your vendors that is corporates fault. You see some businesses have to learn how to survive when the investor faucet turns off. Stay tuned Apria is going down next.

Look, unless you are here at Corporate you really have no idea what you are talking about. If you are at Corporate, see you at the picnic!

What do you think corporate will serve at the corporate picnic? Pink Slips? I can see it now, "We have brought you all here out of the office to lay you off at the same time since you won't all fit in the Training Room." If I still worked in corporate I would avoid that picnic at all costs.

Of course it was. It is amazing how much money you can save by refusing to send supplies to patients and billing Medicare for patients not on service. You had plenty of money to spend on it.

Could you imagine that actual discussion? "But but, the patients need supplies master". "Nonsense! We must have hamburgers"

Yeah, seems ridiculous.
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Patient Responce:

I've been a patient of P. P. S. for several years now. I've seen some great people come and go throughout the times they have been servicing my account. I've heard horror stories about the things they were supposed to deal with, and some of the delivery personal would even have to go against the company policy, just so I could have the proper oxygen supplies needed to live.

Whenever I'd call one of the local branches, usually the San Leandro, California office, I'd be greeted with disdain and very poor phone skills of people who claimed to be managers. It seemed like P. P. S. Passed out titles in place of qualified personal, so they could substitute fancy titles for properly hiring and paying experienced people? Just my opinion. . .

I used to receive a phone call from their call center weekly, asking if I needed anything? Now, those calls have stopped and I'm running out of supplies. In fact, as I write this, I'm using my very last 7 foot, high flow nasal cannula - and the nose area is hard. It's going on 16 days with this one.

Looking for a number or way to contact anyone at P. P. S. so I might be able to put in an order for Oxygen Supplies, I noticed this blog thread.

Hey, if you ever need the views or opinions of a long time patient? I'm on your team!

Like the time the local branch made a deal with me.. . Yes, because I'm poor and cannot afford any Co-pay, they agreed to waive all co-pay with me, in place of keeping my business with them. Because, I'd already been in communication with another O2 Supplier, locally, who wasn't going to charge me any co-pay.
So, I agreed.

Things went smoothly for about 2 years, then I received a huge bill from P. P. S. Corporate for all of the back Co-pay. Heck, I wasn't going to die from a lack of Oxygen, I was about to have a stroke! So, calling the billing office, I thought things had corrected themselves. They made notes in my files, etc. Again, things were smooth for 1 more year. Then, harassment began from the P. P. S. Billing, almost as bad as collectors. Once again, I had to explain my situation, they dug deep into my files, finding the notes placed from earlier C. S. R's
Augh, once again everything seemed to be okay? I was so wrong! They sent my account to some collection agency. Now, I'm still being harassed for past due co-pay. Very unfair.

I should have gone ahead with my lawsuit against P. P. S. for giving me a brand new, High Flow Oxygen Consentrator that burnt, (Melted), my carpet. Yes, the unit was placed on my carpeting and we were smelling something strange one evening. Our Son found out that the bottom of the unit was getting so hot that it actually melted, burnt, our fairly new carpet.
When I called to have someone come out and remove the unit, they just sat it up on some type of bottle racking system, so it was away from the floor. The technician apologized and left. But, before he left, i made sure that he wrote up a service report, listing our carpet burning issues and give me a copy.

When P. P. S. called me, once again, for their Co-pay money, I again explained that I made an agreement long ago so I don't have to pay the fee's. The manager? Wanted to argue with me, telling me it was a different billing year, different policies are now in effect, yadda, yadda. . .
As soon as I told him that I would have to go ahead with my lawsuit against them for the burnt/melted carpeting, he quickly changed his tone and I became his best friend.

P.s. They're still haunting me for their past Co-pay. I'm sure it's hits my credit report by now.
: - ( sad face.

I've got lots of these type of stories about P. P. S. , All True!

Darrell Cook
Livermore, Ca.
Email: Darrellwcook @

Some of you may remember me? Hello, and I'm sorry about what's happening to you all.
Good luck, and if I can help? Reach out to me.

Mr. Cook, I am not a representative of Pacific Pulmonary but have worked in the industry for near 40 years. I would like to help you understand how things went so wrong and provide advice to help you. If you are a Medicare client there are a number of reasons as to why PPS ( and any other provider ) can not provide the service they used to be able to provide. The first and most important reason is due to the prescription drug bill passed by Bush and republicans in 2003. That bill had provisions for a competitive bidding program for oxygen that has reduced the monthly fee for that oxygen concentrator from roughly $184.00 a month in 2003 to around 75 dollars today. Additionally shortly after that Bush signed a signing statement that limits oxygen to 36 months of payments and then the oxygen company basically is supposed to service you for free. In the past if you had service problems you could just call another provider but now no company will take you if you are already " capped out on reimbursement ". As far has the co pay issue, there used to be enough reimbursement to that companies could waive the co pay but not today. What can you do? Contact your local federal congressman to complain. I hope this helps provide you with some answers.

Let us not forget the debacle called Obama Care. It took 716 million dollars out of Medicare and THAT is just the beginning of the horror story. It took away the ability of the patient and their doctor deciding what was best and made it the call of the government. BAD CALL!!! I spent the better part of 16 years working in patient home care and the patients are the losers in this matter.

Let us not forget the debacle called Obama Care. It took 716 million dollars out of Medicare and THAT is just the beginning of the horror story. It took away the ability of the patient and their doctor deciding what was best and made it the call of the government. BAD CALL!!! I spent the better part of 16 years working in patient home care and the patients are the losers in this matter.

Let us not forget the debacle called Obama Care. It took 716 million dollars out of Medicare and THAT is just the beginning of the horror story. It took away the ability of the patient and their doctor deciding what was best and made it the call of the government. BAD CALL!!! I spent the better part of 16 years working in patient home care and the patients are the losers in this matter.

Newby, your comment reflects a uneducated guess as to why the HME/Respiratory reimbursement has declined. The republicans in congress along with the George Bush administration are responsible for the lack of Medicare dollars going to oxygen and hme providers. The prescription drug bill is responsible for competitive bidding. George Bush is responsible for the 36 month cap on oxygen reimbursement. The prescription drug bill was voted on in 2003 and the oxygen cap went into effect n 2006. Obama was not elected until 2008. If you are going to comment or try to persuade lawmakers you should get your facts straight. republicans want to eliminate Medicare and Democrats want to expand it and other social programs.

Newby, your comment reflects a uneducated guess as to why the HME/Respiratory reimbursement has declined. The republicans in congress along with the George Bush administration are responsible for the lack of Medicare dollars going to oxygen and hme providers. The prescription drug bill is responsible for competitive bidding. George Bush is responsible for the 36 month cap on oxygen reimbursement. The prescription drug bill was voted on in 2003 and the oxygen cap went into effect n 2006. Obama was not elected until 2008. If you are going to comment or try to persuade lawmakers you should get your facts straight. republicans want to eliminate Medicare and Democrats want to expand it and other social programs.
WOW, talk about an uneducated person making a comment. You really need to get out of your parents basement and learn TRUE facts about DME.

Facts?? WTF are you talking about? Just because your mother showed you a Thread about Bill Thomas resigning means NOTHING. As he said, Get out of your parents basement, get an education and learn about the DME business!