Having worked at the Lexington, KY call center and other non-PPS call centers, I can tell you that the main focus of PPS and other companies using a call center to manage high call volume is quantity, which translates into higher profits, which in turn necessarily minimizes the laborers' ability to provide exceptional customer care. Each customer service call center rep with whom you speak must adhere to a quantity and quality standard, the former of which necessarily negatively affects the latter, although management would like to think that they can have the best of both worlds. For example, inbound reps are supposed to complete each call in a limited amount of time, roughly 3 1/2 to 4 minutes, all the while notating the nature of each call. And outbound reps, i.e. those that call the patients, are supposed to make 40 calls per hour. You can thus see the problem inherent to such an operation that requires the PPS laborers to achieve their quantitative expectations. Another reason for the unacceptable service many receive is that most PPS local centers are understaffed, which again goes back to extracting more value from each worker for the sake of higher profit. The high turnover rate doesn't help either, and some new workers are unprepared to meet the manifold challenges.
THAT explains it!! I've been gone for over 10 months... Imagine my surprise when I got a call from the answering service over the weekend.