Pacific Pulmonary Services-Class Action Lawsuit

Having worked at the Lexington, KY call center and other non-PPS call centers, I can tell you that the main focus of PPS and other companies using a call center to manage high call volume is quantity, which translates into higher profits, which in turn necessarily minimizes the laborers' ability to provide exceptional customer care. Each customer service call center rep with whom you speak must adhere to a quantity and quality standard, the former of which necessarily negatively affects the latter, although management would like to think that they can have the best of both worlds. For example, inbound reps are supposed to complete each call in a limited amount of time, roughly 3 1/2 to 4 minutes, all the while notating the nature of each call. And outbound reps, i.e. those that call the patients, are supposed to make 40 calls per hour. You can thus see the problem inherent to such an operation that requires the PPS laborers to achieve their quantitative expectations. Another reason for the unacceptable service many receive is that most PPS local centers are understaffed, which again goes back to extracting more value from each worker for the sake of higher profit. The high turnover rate doesn't help either, and some new workers are unprepared to meet the manifold challenges.

THAT explains it!! I've been gone for over 10 months... Imagine my surprise when I got a call from the answering service over the weekend.

"A sense of power buffers individuals from the stress of lying and increases their ability to deceive others. People with power lied more easily and effectively, which is troubling. Just as kids don’t touch a stove once they learn it burns them, people don’t like to lie because it hurts them emotionally and physiologically. These data suggest that powerful individuals— CEOs, portfolio managers, politicians, elite athletes—don’t get burned when they touch the fi gurative stove. They seem to be more physiologically 'prepared' to lie, which could lead to their lying more often. You know how peacocks spread their feathers? What they’re doing is taking up more space, an assertion of power that’s common in animals. Cobras rear; birds spread their wings. Humans do it, too. Think of the CEO with his feet up on the desk, leaning back in his chair, hands clasped behind his head with elbows out. This is not an accident. It’s a biological assertion of power. Conversely, there are subordinate positions—think of a person in a small chair, arms at his sides and legs held together. So what we did was put some people into power poses and others into subordinate ones. The subjects didn’t even know why they were being put into these positions; they thought we were calibrating some measuring instruments. Then we ran some tests and asked questions. We found that people in power poses show higher testosterone levels and lower cortisol levels. They feel more powerful and less stressed out, just because they take up more space. When prompted, they take more risks than people in subordinate poses. That guy at the head of the table running your meeting, leaning back in his chair, arms behind his head, he’s going to take risks. He won’t feel as bad about lying to you, and you’re going to have a real hard time telling when he is." --Carney, Dana. 2010. "Powerful People Are Better Liars." Harvard Business Review 88(5):32-33

"The to test a trickle-down model to examine how ethical leadership flows from top levels of management to supervisors and eventuates in employee behavior. We draw on SLT [Social Learning Theory] and research on the 'cascading effect' of leadership, to suggest that through a role-modeling process, and because of rewards and punishment systems, top management ethical leadership is likely to be positively related to supervisory ethical leadership. The basic contention of this research is that followers will tend to mimic, or role-model, the behaviors of their superiors. Social information processing theory suggests that individuals who work in the same environment will be exposed to similar cues from that environment. Work group members use information available in the immediate work context to interpret events and to develop expectations about the appropriate course of behavior and the consequences of such behavior. Thus, by observing cues from one's environment regarding norms for appropriate behavior, employees will tend to behave in a fairly homogenous manner in terms of the display of deviant and helping behaviors." --Mayer, David et al. "How low does ethical leadership flow? Test of a trickle-down model." Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 108 (2009) 1-13.

PPS needs new leadership that understand how important that their patients and employees are to their business. Not always the numbers. They should not be shut down because they DO have many great patients and employees that will suffer. That would not be fair. This should be about a change in leadership and how can the focus be put back in the right direction. They need to get rid of Kane, Anderson and the rest of the know it alls and ass kissers. .

PPS needs new leadership that understand how important that their patients and employees are to their business. Not always the numbers. They should not be shut down because they DO have many great patients and employees that will suffer. That would not be fair. This should be about a change in leadership and how can the focus be put back in the right direction. They need to get rid of Kane, Anderson and the rest of the know it alls and ass kissers. .

Couldn't have stated it better myself.

By you mean making more than 3 bills?


Ummmm..... O.k there, "corporate loser"!

Check back next year at this time we will see the 3 "one dollar" bills you have left in your pocket after this sorry-ass company is shut down.

In additon, only a "true" loser STILL use's Charlie quotes!

Duh... stupid.

to be honest if we were all really smart, we would unionize. That would make them take notice of us.

Now, THAT is a thug for the privilege of being an abused PPS employee!

IF you want to be really, REALLY smart, WORK FOR A BETTER COMPANY. Have a little faith in your own worth and value and WALK AWAY from PPS.

Knock Knock.........Who's there?.......P.P.S........P.P.S. Who?.....You know P.P.S....Oh I remember, you were that company who ripped off the system by qualifying people with 3rd party overnights ( Peterson's what a joke) and convincing the doctor to give you a script for O2 or CPAP based on a FLAWED system,even if they did not need it (Just because someone destats and the government says they will pay for the 5 min is not a good solid medical reason to put someone on O2 and not EVEN giving the patient the CHOICE to pick a company like the LAWS read to boot!!!! And then when the PATIENT and the doctors gets some sense in them and ask to discontinue you send a very under trained P.C.C. with little or no training in Respiratory Therapy to TALK to the doctor like your some BIG SHOT who knows what they are talking about to convince them to keep patient on O2 so they can continue to rip off medicare or insurance company. WAKE UP CONGRESS...Test should be administered by DOCTORS or Respiratory Therapists ONLY and the decision for O2 made for O2 WITH NO OUTSIDE influence from an ill-trained P.C.C. with NO medical credentials other than some sales training out of Novato. The worst trained people I have ever seen.

Knock Knock.........Who's there?.......P.P.S........P.P.S. Who?.....You know P.P.S....Oh I remember, you were that company who ripped off the system by qualifying people with 3rd party overnights ( Peterson's what a joke) and convincing the doctor to give you a script for O2 or CPAP based on a FLAWED system,even if they did not need it (Just because someone destats and the government says they will pay for the 5 min is not a good solid medical reason to put someone on O2 and not EVEN giving the patient the CHOICE to pick a company like the LAWS read to boot!!!! And then when the PATIENT and the doctors gets some sense in them and ask to discontinue you send a very under trained P.C.C. with little or no training in Respiratory Therapy to TALK to the doctor like your some BIG SHOT who knows what they are talking about to convince them to keep patient on O2 so they can continue to rip off medicare or insurance company. WAKE UP CONGRESS...Test should be administered by DOCTORS or Respiratory Therapists ONLY and the decision for O2 made for O2 WITH NO OUTSIDE influence from an ill-trained P.C.C. with NO medical credentials other than some sales training out of Novato. The worst trained people I have ever seen.

Hell yeah. This company is now the biggest joke in the business.... Only its not the least bit funny... because of the IMPORTANCE of the nature of this particular business!

The health, and welfare, OF THE PATIENT!!

 program is a joke. Your not even trained. They send you novato where they dont teach you about your product at all. Practicing the same fake scenario over and over is not training. How about bringing in someone from resmed to show them what a cpap is or how it works or actually having a concentrator there in the room during the lectures. Total crap. I know people that had to train for months before starting in their territories and they would have docs come in and train them on the products. PPS is the worst company to work for. The sad part is Im still here. I need to get out and I am looking.

Lately it seems like its even getting hard to get paid. This new coi system sucks. A bunch of idiots from kentucky making no money. They dont care if your stuff ever submits. My checks used to be good. Now they blow. When I talk to my manager about it, they say we will get it fixed next month. Maybe I have bills this month.

Anyone reading this. THIS IS A STEPPING STONE JOB, if you take it, use it for what its worth and get out.
