Pacific Pulmonary Services-Class Action Lawsuit

JCAHO paid a visit. Complaints & violations abound. PPS couldn't get JCAHO accreditation, then "merged" (took over) a JCAHO accredited company (Associated Healthcare). Let go of most employees that had any knowledge of the accrediation process & those that were left just couldn't keep up. Resignation of the two top compliance officers. They have very little hope of keeping accreditaion. Huge loss of revenue. This all happened right under Teijin's nose.

Sounds like the collapse is continuing in the P.P.S. tradition. At least the company is consistent with poor service and poor management. I'll bet the Japanese are so proud of their decision they want to fall on their sword. Way to go Branden Partners!!!!!! I can't wait to see what other failures you come up with.

You could not write a bigger comedy of errors if you tried. I want the movie rights. I don't know if it would be a horror,comedy or drama. Can you guess which management would portray the three stooges,Freddy Kruger,dumb and dumber guys and company slut(s). I will put Japanese subtitles in so they really know how bad they got screwed.

You could not write a bigger comedy of errors if you tried. I want the movie rights. I don't know if it would be a horror,comedy or drama. Can you guess which management would portray the three stooges,Freddy Kruger,dumb and dumber guys and company slut(s). I will put Japanese subtitles in so they really know how bad they got screwed.


You could not write a bigger comedy of errors if you tried. I want the movie rights. I don't know if it would be a horror,comedy or drama. Can you guess which management would portray the three stooges,Freddy Kruger,dumb and dumber guys and company slut(s). I will put Japanese subtitles in so they really know how bad they got screwed.

"Dumb and Dumber O2", "Oxy-Moron", or "The Blue Buffoon"?

If you worked or are currently working for P.P.S. and you know about this board,please alert all center staff's you know to check this site. Things are about to GET VERY rough in P.P.S. and this board can serve as a way to get true information NOT company propaganda. If you are in a center presently just fax or email this site address. Face it,your days are numbered anyway. LETS ACT LIKE NORMA RAYS and stop being frightened and EXPOSE the TRUTH about this so-called D.M.E. company.

If you worked or are currently working for P.P.S. and you know about this board,please alert all center staff's you know to check this site. Things are about to GET VERY rough in P.P.S. and this board can serve as a way to get true information NOT company propaganda. If you are in a center presently just fax or email this site address. Face it,your days are numbered anyway. LETS ACT LIKE NORMA RAYS and stop being frightened and EXPOSE the TRUTH about this so-called D.M.E. company.

I'm on board. It should be common knowledge by now that things are heading south, FAST!