Pacific Pulmonary Services-Class Action Lawsuit

That is the truest statement I have heard on this site. "Three days to go team!!!! You can do it!! Then, "Two days to go, go for it!!!! Finally, "One day to go, get a bunch of hospital discharges!!! Oh wait, "One hour to go, set some up in your family and enter it now!!!
I have not heard a new idea from a manager in the past 2 years and I don't know who K Bachman is but he must be going to the same manger meetings as mine.

That is the truest statement I have heard on this site. "Three days to go team!!!! You can do it!! Then, "Two days to go, go for it!!!! Finally, "One day to go, get a bunch of hospital discharges!!! Oh wait, "One hour to go, set some up in your family and enter it now!!!
I have not heard a new idea from a manager in the past 2 years and I don't know who K Bachman is but he must be going to the same manger meetings as mine.

Ask your manager what PPS does better than other O2 companies....they have the same product, so why should a patient or doc choose PPS? Even the upper level management can't answer that, and that is at the core of their problems. Every employee should know what sets your company apart from the competition. I don't think Kane has a clue about that-"lead the industry" is meaningless.

The only thing that sets DME Company’s apart is the quality of service. Yes DME are only selling service. Think about it. Pricing is out of the equation because all insurances pay the same. Product is the same except portability but that is part of service. So if equipment and price is not ant factor, it leaves service. Making the referral confidant that once the order is given, the DME Company will follow up and make sure the patient is happy with your service, education and the ease of doing business. This is why PPS will not make it. They have people like Ted R from the trucking industry and only looking at numbers not in patient satisfaction. Then having customer service in KY. What a real joke having your 90 year old grandmother placing a weekly order in KY when they live on the other side of the county -CA to MA. This will not work

Worst company ever. I have photos of a forged cmn's from pcc's. Going straight to my local congressman with doctors letters saying they never signed them. Carolyn, are you listening? I actually have an appointment. Guess they want to see the evidence :).

Here's an excellent article on how individuals in positions of power are more likely to lie than those with little or no power.

"People in power make better liars, study shows. Findings suggest that dishonesty comes more easily to those on top.

New York Gov. David Paterson has been embroiled in a scandal over whether he used his power and influence to intimidate a woman pursuing a domestic violence case against one of his top aides. As a result, the governor said that he would not seek a second term, and his communications director quit earlier citing "integrity" issues.

Former Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling, who went to prison after the spectacular collapse of the company, is appealing to the Supreme Court his 2006 conviction on 19 counts of fraud, conspiracy, insider trading and lying. His lawyers argue that he didn't get a fair trial and that Skilling's conduct, "even if wrongful in some way," was not illegal because he was not looking out for his personal interests "apart from his normal compensation incentives."

The issue of integrity is at the heart of the predicaments these powerful men find themselves in. An organization's health often hinges on the trustworthiness of its leaders, ethics experts say. There's an old saying: power corrupts. And a new Columbia Business School study titled, "People with Power are Better Liars," finds there may be some truth behind the cliché.

"People in power are able to lie better," said Dana Carney, a management professor at Columbia Business School and one of the co-authors of the study. 'It just doesn't hurt them as much to do it.'

The effects of lying: For the average liar, she said, the act of lying elicits negative emotions, physiological stress and the fear of getting caught in a lie. As a result, she added, liars will often send out cues that they are lying by doing things like fidgeting in a chair or changing the rate of their speech.

But for the powerful, the impact is very different, according to the study: 'Power, it seems, enhances the same emotional, cognitive, and physiological systems that lie-telling depletes. People with power enjoy positive emotions, increases in cognitive function, and physiological resilience such as lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Thus, holding power over others might make it easier for people to tell lies."

Carney and the other researchers, Andy Yap, Brian Lucas and Pranjal Mehta, used volunteers who were told they were either leaders or subordinates. The leaders were given a large office, and the subordinates given a small windowless space. The subjects were asked to find $100 that was hidden nearby. Half of the volunteers were instructed by a computer to steal the $100. The other half were instructed to put the money back (participants were assured -- and believed -- that the experimenter did not know whether they were assigned to steal or not steal). All individuals were instructed to convince the experimenter that they did not take the money. If the individual could successfully convince the experimenter (regardless of whether they were lying), they could keep the $100 in cash.

All participants were then interviewed about whether they had stolen the money: half were lying and half were telling the truth. The interviewer (blind to experimental condition) asked all participants the same critical questions, for example: 'Did you steal the $100?' and 'Why should I believe you?'

The interviews were taped so the researchers could see if they exhibited any classic nonverbal lying cues. After the interviews were completed, the subjects were tested to gauge their emotional feelings and cognitive impairment. Saliva samples were taken to measure stress hormone levels.

The result: 'Low-power individuals showed the expected emotional, cognitive, physiological, and behavioral signs of deception; in contrast, powerful people demonstrated no evidence of lying across emotion, cognition, physiology, or behavior,' the study found. 'In other words, power acted as a buffer allowing the powerful to lie significantly more easily ... and more effectively. Only low-power individuals felt badly after lying.'

Dishonesty and power: How does this all translate into the real world? Carney said the research doesn't show that power leads to lying, but it does suggest dishonesty comes easier to those in power. David Childers, the CEO of EthicsPoint, a compliance company that offers more than 2,000 businesses a hotline where employees can report business issues such as integrity lapses, said he has seen a propensity by some leaders to lie.

'From my perspective and experience, the better a person can do at concealing their true motivation, the better they do climbing the corporate ladder, and the better they do in abuse and misappropriation of assets in an organization,' he said. 'We see a high percentage of our reports where management is involved or implicated.'

The drive for fast money in the stock market may also contribute to dishonesty. Childers said there is a great deal of pressure on leaders of organizations to perform today because investors are looking for big returns fast and are not in it for the long haul. Executives who are ethical but don't show big quarterly results are not rewarded, he said.

Such realties can be disheartening, but Columbia's Carney believes her research offers organizations a reality check that can help keep leaders on the honesty path. 'We know that high-powered people do crazy, bad stuff,' she said. 'I think reminding a person that the behavior is bad can get them to stop engaging in those transgressions.'

She suggested that ongoing discussions about ethics and integrity can help throw some cold water on fibbing bosses. It also should be the job of the board of directors to stop lying executives, but often they do nothing unless they're faced with significant lawsuits and the need to protect themselves, said Peter Cohan, a management consultant and author of 'Value Leadership: The 7 Principles that Drive Corporate Value in Any Economy.'

A lying culture: For underlings, dealing with a deceitful boss can be like a high-wire act.
A leader who lies is able to get subordinates to help him or her to lie, Cohan said. 'A lot of leaders have a certain outcome they want to see, and if people around them make that happen, they get promoted. If people say, 'That's not going to work," those people get fired. It creates a bubble around them.'

Mary Gentile, director of the 'Giving Voice To Values' curriculum and senior research scholar at Babson College, said employees aren't powerless. 'Some situations warrant going over the boss's head, but sometimes you can influence their behavior by simply letting it be known what you know and understand about the issue at hand, in a non-accusatory way,' she said, 'so that the boss realizes that they cannot fly under the radar with this deceit.'

The key may be expecting more from our leaders. That's the mission behind the 'MBA Oath' movement that started with a group of Harvard Business School students in 2009 who took a pledge to be ethical and think about the greater good when they went out into the real world. We want it to be more than just words on a page," said Peter Escher, who helped found the MBA Oath nonprofit and has co-authored "The MBA Oath" book. 'We hope our organization becomes a platform for discussion of ethical issues before they arise.' The group gives signers of the oath an MBA Oath card to carry in their wallets. 'It may not keep someone accountable, but it's a small step, a reminder of the commitment you made,' Escher said."

Bing: Is it okay to lie at work? Eve Tahmincioglu writes the weekly "Your Career" column for and chronicles workplace issues in her blog, Copyright 2010 All rights reserved. The information contained in this article may not be published, broadcast or otherwise distributed without prior written authority.

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Unbelieveable! Thank you for sharing this article. You have described my former director absolutely perfectly! The greed of the people in power of this company is sickening. Sign-on bonuses, performance bonuses, etc... made off the backs of subordinates. Cpaps being set up by nonlicensed employees, mask fits, refits done by CSR's. Thanks to everyone for posting on this site - it's nice to know that I am not the only one that this "company" has negatively impacted. After being strung along during "restructuring" I was told that my "position" was terminated. I do have to say, that I am enjoying watching the demise of this company. One side note - when calculating my severance, PPS made a mistake - in my favor!! Way to go MBA's in Novato!!

Its going to get real ugly real fast. I cannot even fathom how the people working at the corporate office in Novato could have their heads buried in the sand for so long. Did they really think that ALL the employees would just continue to look the other way while ALL this fraudulent activity continues to go on at a sickening pace at virtually ALL PPS locations?? Do you REALLY think after ALL the patients, family members, caregivers, hospitals, doctors, referrals that have been mistreated, not to mention lied to and deceived just for the almighty dollar weren't going to catch on???

And the present as well as ALL the ex-employees are supposed to be "loyal" after continually being screwed over at every turn and should just keep on commiting illegal acts simply to make their numbers......

Pacific Pulmonary deserves EVERYTHING that got coming to them and more.

Its going to get real ugly real fast. I cannot even fathom how the people working at the corporate office in Novato could have their heads buried in the sand for so long. Did they really think that ALL the employees would just continue to look the other way while ALL this fraudulent activity continues to go on at a sickening pace at virtually ALL PPS locations?? Do you REALLY think after ALL the patients, family members, caregivers, hospitals, doctors, referrals that have been mistreated, not to mention lied to and deceived just for the almighty dollar weren't going to catch on???

And the present as well as ALL the ex-employees are supposed to be "loyal" after continually being screwed over at every turn and should just keep on commiting illegal acts simply to make their numbers......

Pacific Pulmonary deserves EVERYTHING that got coming to them and more.

I dont know i think every thing shoud be ok. Ted says it shoud all blowover soon and I beleive him, sometimes im not sure thou. he seems kinda wooryed about something

So with all the people who quit and with all these negative posts, what does HR do? is there any inside investigation going on? does anyone have any inside information about all these post and the actual medicare fraud? i recently interviewed with pps and coming from a company that is not in this line of business i am nervous about all these postings. can somoen tell me who i should contact at novato to discuss my concerns? thank you!

So with all the people who quit and with all these negative posts, what does HR do? is there any inside investigation going on? does anyone have any inside information about all these post and the actual medicare fraud? i recently interviewed with pps and coming from a company that is not in this line of business i am nervous about all these postings. can somoen tell me who i should contact at novato to discuss my concerns? thank you!

You won't get a straight answer from Novato. If you are nervous now, heed your gut. This is not a company that you should work for. I did for 7 years. I'm glad I'm gone. There are thousands, yes thousands of negative posts of this site. Look at the ones for their competitors. Lincare, Apria, Rotech, Preferred Home Care. Do the numbers match up? Believe what you read. Yes, there is a lot of BS in here, but so much, probably 90% is true! Believe it and save yourself a lot of headache. The medicare audits are happening.