Pacific Pulmonary Services-Class Action Lawsuit

THERE'S A BIG STORM BREWING....... I am going to sit back and watch it all under my LARGE umbrella!!!!!!!

Yep. Luckily I was one of smart ones that got out right after New Year's!
Don't want to rub it in, but I am now upwardly mobile with a real DME/o2 company that is "functional", successful, and without a doubt has a bright future!!

My husband has worked for PPS for almost a year. Before that time, me and my husband both worked in the DME business. He comes home telling me stories that make my skin crawl. How the sales people are under so much pressure from mgmt on getting numbers up, and not caring how they do it, as long as its done. Not getting the proper scripts, CMN's, and other documentation before delivery is fraud. Dropping off equipment without getting a patient's signature and the sales staff signing for the patient is fraud. Doing overnight testing and the patient doesn't qualify, but are still being set up with O2 is fraud. This is a portion of whats happening in the SW region, but it sounds like Medicare is already aware and it will only get worse once you put up a red flag with Medicare. Cause then, Medicaid and other insurances get wind of fraudulent activity and they start to investigate also. Good luck PPS is all I can say, cause people are bound to get in trouble its just a matter of time.

Yep. Luckily I was one of smart ones that got out right after New Year's!
Don't want to rub it in, but I am now upwardly mobile with a real DME/o2 company that is "functional", successful, and without a doubt has a bright future!!

Please share with the rest of us this "functional" company. Would love to talk with them. I'm gone from PPS, but miss the work.

I was fired yesterday, at the Lexington call center by the HR Manager, supposedly for making too many mistakes as an Inbound Rep. The Lexington call center has a very high turnover rate, consistent with the pattern seen at other PPS centers. The Lexington supervisors and trainers seem to have little or no talent, as demonstrated by their inability to teach course material effectively as well as their inability to discipline employees tactfully. Even the HR Manager displayed a lack of professional etiquette and people skills while terminating my employment. Those in positions of authority should, at least ideally, have refined verbal and people skills, or what is commonly referred to as "soft" skills. This call center has recently increased its productivity requirements, raising the quantity from 33 calls per hour to 40 calls per hour for Outbound Reps, and completing a call in 210 seconds for Inbound Reps without sacrificing quality or diminishing customer service expectations. PPS, like any other for-profit business, seeks to extract as much value from the employee's labor as possible, which is an important if not the main formula for generating higher profits. And not only is labor, or production, cost cheaper in KY, but our state's labor laws are more favorable for companies, which is why many companies move to KY. For the CEO, Chris Kane, who studied philosophy as an undergrad, I recommend that you peruse the philosophical and business ethics sections of your local university library. PPS commits fraud regularly, which reveals as much about the leaders of this company as it does the industry to which they belong. And you may want to consider whether or not you share a responsibility in the happiness of your employees instead of focusing primarily on the bottom line.

I wouldn't feel too bad, they more than likely wanted you gone because of your I.Q . They cannot stand someone that has a half a brain, and simply not be a PPS puppet. Consider this a lucky break to find employment with a company that is not on the verge of being shut down for fraudulent activities,as well as no longer being financially solvent.

I wouldn't feel too bad, they more than likely wanted you gone because of your I.Q . They cannot stand someone that has a half a brain, and simply not be a PPS puppet. Consider this a lucky break to find employment with a company that is not on the verge of being shut down for fraudulent activities,as well as no longer being financially solvent.

I agree with this post. I, too, was fired by an inept supervisor who felt threatened by me. She was rude, petty and unprofessional and I actually breathed a sigh of relief as I walked out the door. Management will keep the brown-nosers and get rid of people the brown-nosers find threatening. Ultimately this has not worked out for the company. This is because these people, who are mainly talented at complimenting anyone who is in a position of power over them, and telling them what they want to hear, remain employed. Anyone who is under their supervision and shows any competence or intelligence is perceived as a threat and ultimately chased off or fired. Consequently management is filled with incompetent, brown-nosing "yes men" and lots of talented employees who could have been an asset to the company are gone. Upper management is to blame because they are the ones who have allowed this behavior to go on without truly examining it. I guess that it is because the same behavior takes place in upper management. Who can resist someone who contantly tells you how wonderful you are and answers "Yes!" to any idea that you put forward? Ultimately you end up with what Pacific Pulmonary has unsalvageable, unprofitable mess.

I agree with this post. I, too, was fired by an inept supervisor who felt threatened by me. She was rude, petty and unprofessional and I actually breathed a sigh of relief as I walked out the door. Management will keep the brown-nosers and get rid of people the brown-nosers find threatening. Ultimately this has not worked out for the company. This is because these people, who are mainly talented at complimenting anyone who is in a position of power over them, and telling them what they want to hear, remain employed. Anyone who is under their supervision and shows any competence or intelligence is perceived as a threat and ultimately chased off or fired. Consequently management is filled with incompetent, brown-nosing "yes men" and lots of talented employees who could have been an asset to the company are gone. Upper management is to blame because they are the ones who have allowed this behavior to go on without truly examining it. I guess that it is because the same behavior takes place in upper management. Who can resist someone who contantly tells you how wonderful you are and answers "Yes!" to any idea that you put forward? Ultimately you end up with what Pacific Pulmonary has unsalvageable, unprofitable mess.
AB-SA FRICKIN -LUTLY! There is no longer a mystery about the impending demise of this once proud company!!