Pacific Pulmonary Services-Class Action Lawsuit

Dude, you are a freaking idiot. I googled him and found a Family Tree site that says what he does and where he lives (mistakenly says Regional Manager).....are you really going off a Family Tree site to believe this shit!? He is not a regional director, but a District Manager.

UGH, that is why this thread is such bullshit! All it is, is full of misconceptions, inaccurate truths, mis guided souls, etc....a few remarks ago there was someone saying they have started a lawsuit and bringing hell....what happened to that?? Anyone, anyone??

YES, Kevin is a loser. I AGREE. Jason is a friend of his. But if you look at the FACTS. Little turnover (compared to rest of the company), good doc. performance, and growing (not big, but still growing). That doesn't get a DM fired people!!! Only blatant, truthful, PROOF of Misdeeds (not just opinions) will get a person fired. Bring it to the table and the law will prevail. This thread has been going for well over a year now and NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING has been proven. So for the people reading this that are looking for a job, it's really not really as bad as these few mis guided souls have led you to believe.

Wow, so much is lost in expression and tone on this site. Yes, I know he is a District Mgr. I was being sarcastic. Have a nice night!

Dude, you are a freaking idiot. I googled him and found a Family Tree site that says what he does and where he lives (mistakenly says Regional Manager).....are you really going off a Family Tree site to believe this shit!? He is not a regional director, but a District Manager.

UGH, that is why this thread is such bullshit! All it is, is full of misconceptions, inaccurate truths, mis guided souls, etc....a few remarks ago there was someone saying they have started a lawsuit and bringing hell....what happened to that?? Anyone, anyone??

YES, Kevin is a loser. I AGREE. Jason is a friend of his. But if you look at the FACTS. Little turnover (compared to rest of the company), good doc. performance, and growing (not big, but still growing). That doesn't get a DM fired people!!! Only blatant, truthful, PROOF of Misdeeds (not just opinions) will get a person fired. Bring it to the table and the law will prevail. This thread has been going for well over a year now and NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING has been proven. So for the people reading this that are looking for a job, it's really not really as bad as these few mis guided souls have led you to believe.

Only "blatant, truthful misdeeds will get a person fired?" PUHLEASE! If that were the case, most of us would still have our jobs!!!! The reason stated on my termination letter could not have been more UN-truthful. It stated that I violated a policy that didn't even exist! In fact, I was putting the patient first, as the oh-so-glorious values state.

Hate to break it to ya, but the law does not always prevail. If that were the case, all the rapists and murderers would be behind bars wouldn't they? The fact of the matter is that people and companies do unethical, unlawful things ALL THE TIME and the majority of us have come to realize that they will probably get away with it.

If you are looking for a job with this company, please believe me when I say that your time there will be short. I can list off the names of SEVERAL people that will tell you the same, and I'm pretty sure that those people don't even know that this site even exists. The problem is company-wide, not just a few isolated areas.

Only "blatant, truthful misdeeds will get a person fired?" PUHLEASE! If that were the case, most of us would still have our jobs!!!! The reason stated on my termination letter could not have been more UN-truthful. It stated that I violated a policy that didn't even exist! In fact, I was putting the patient first, as the oh-so-glorious values state.

Hate to break it to ya, but the law does not always prevail. If that were the case, all the rapists and murderers would be behind bars wouldn't they? The fact of the matter is that people and companies do unethical, unlawful things ALL THE TIME and the majority of us have come to realize that they will probably get away with it.

If you are looking for a job with this company, please believe me when I say that your time there will be short. I can list off the names of SEVERAL people that will tell you the same, and I'm pretty sure that those people don't even know that this site even exists. The problem is company-wide, not just a few isolated areas.

Way to go Einstein! You win. I'm sure you were an upstanding person of high integrity and didn't do anything wrong. RIGHT! I'm sure you that they were looking to get you out of there anyway since you were a cancer of some sort. Probably brought down the whole team at the center. I know your type. "Oh whoa is me" type. "Wasn't me" type. "Their problem" type. "I didn't do it" type. Bet one or more of those are you.

You are 100% right, the law does not always prevail. Look at OJ Simpson. Looking back on all the posts this site has created, I don't see a single post that state truthful misdeeds?? I see people pissed that they got fired. I see the original post of a lawsuit. Then many more of people asking for one. I see slander of people with no credible evidence. Then we come to yours....oh yes the policy that didn't exist. Do tell what that is then? Where you already on final written? Had you been coached on things? Did you hear your co-workers say they were sick of your attitude? Would LOVE to hear your side of things Einstein....and it is not company wide. There are many places that are stable, growing, good people, values driven, and willing to work! Seen it.

I was a area manager with PPSC, built a area from scratch to 5 centers and 5,000 o2 patients. I was forced to hire a sales rep from another area because she could not meet her goals in the area she was in( but was sleeping with the regional). I trained and worked with her to the point she was getting 20-25 referrals a month. Then my center manager and I were reviewing charts and reports when a CMN caught my eye that just did not look right. Upon further investigation I found that this rep had falsified the CMN. I documented all of the evidence, advised my superior and assisted in the company investigation. 3 months go by, nothing. I start asking questions about investigation and refund to Medicare. Month 5 I get called to meet with my superior in public place where he tells me I am fired because I should have caught this earlier. Rep nor Csr who were in cahoots not fired, Medicare no refund. Also President of company, my superior and Billing manager reviewed these same orders and did not catch any wrong doing. Yes great company 16 hr days, had great team in all 5 centers destroyed by one incident. Rep is only one still there.

Way to go Einstein! You win. I'm sure you were an upstanding person of high integrity and didn't do anything wrong. RIGHT! I'm sure you that they were looking to get you out of there anyway since you were a cancer of some sort. Probably brought down the whole team at the center. I know your type. "Oh whoa is me" type. "Wasn't me" type. "Their problem" type. "I didn't do it" type. Bet one or more of those are you.

You are 100% right, the law does not always prevail. Look at OJ Simpson. Looking back on all the posts this site has created, I don't see a single post that state truthful misdeeds?? I see people pissed that they got fired. I see the original post of a lawsuit. Then many more of people asking for one. I see slander of people with no credible evidence. Then we come to yours....oh yes the policy that didn't exist. Do tell what that is then? Where you already on final written? Had you been coached on things? Did you hear your co-workers say they were sick of your attitude? Would LOVE to hear your side of things Einstein....and it is not company wide. There are many places that are stable, growing, good people, values driven, and willing to work! Seen it.

Sure, I have no problem stating the "policy" that didn't exist and their stated reason for firing me.

I set up a patient on oxygen that was pretty much at death's door with late-stage lung cancer. I had a prescription from the doc and went to visit her. She was having a VERY difficult time breathing and told me that she really thought that the previous night was her last because she had such a hard time breathing. She was very low income and had no insurance. None. I was not able to reach any of the managers because they were all in meetings that day, so I didn't know how much we had to charge her for the O2. It was only my 3rd month on the job. I went ahead and set her up and told her that we would "work something out" as far as payment and left it at that. I had seen that done many times and thought that we would be able to help this woman out. When I finally did talk to the manager, she was pissed! She told me to tell the woman no less than $100 per month or I would have to go pick it up from her. I did what she said and the patient agreed to it. I was then written up for not being a "team player." I was given one week to "straighten up my attitude." In the end, they were still pissed off that I had set that woman up and stated in my termination letter that I violated the company policy to never "set up a patient without a prescription and money up front."

Excuse me, but I had never collected money from a patient, nor had any other rep that I talked to. I was under the impression that was the CSR and billing department's job. I guess that it didn't help that I also had just announced that I was pregnant. My main reason for informing them was that so they didn't question my whereabouts when I had doctor's appts. I had heard about them staking out another rep's house when she called in sick because they thought she wasn't working as much as she should have been.

I'm not doubting that there are areas that are great to work in. The company would not be able to survive if there weren't. However, from talking to other reps in many different regions, the company has a hard time holding on to employees in general. You can't deny that. BTW, if I was the "cancer" in my center, then why did all of the other reps in my center and in the other center that were under the current AM's management quit or get fired within 2 months of my termination? Seriously, all of the CSR's, drivers, and sales reps were GONE within 2 months. That just isn't normal.

I worked very hard in the short time I was there. I met my sales goals and did all of the set-ups and deliveries in my territory because our center only had a part-time driver at the time. I am not the "whoa-is-me" type. I accept blame when there is blame to accept. The only thing I blame myself for is taking the job in the first place and trusting my managers to do right by their employees and the patients.

I'm glad that you work in a center where it is stable and growing. It was like that where I worked too. I liked all the people I worked with and thought that they did a great job. It was a shame that a few managers had to go and ruin it all because of their trust issues.

Sure, I have no problem stating the "policy" that didn't exist and their stated reason for firing me.

I set up a patient on oxygen that was pretty much at death's door with late-stage lung cancer. I had a prescription from the doc and went to visit her. She was having a VERY difficult time breathing and told me that she really thought that the previous night was her last because she had such a hard time breathing. She was very low income and had no insurance. None. I was not able to reach any of the managers because they were all in meetings that day, so I didn't know how much we had to charge her for the O2. It was only my 3rd month on the job. I went ahead and set her up and told her that we would "work something out" as far as payment and left it at that. I had seen that done many times and thought that we would be able to help this woman out. When I finally did talk to the manager, she was pissed! She told me to tell the woman no less than $100 per month or I would have to go pick it up from her. I did what she said and the patient agreed to it. I was then written up for not being a "team player." I was given one week to "straighten up my attitude." In the end, they were still pissed off that I had set that woman up and stated in my termination letter that I violated the company policy to never "set up a patient without a prescription and money up front."

Excuse me, but I had never collected money from a patient, nor had any other rep that I talked to. I was under the impression that was the CSR and billing department's job. I guess that it didn't help that I also had just announced that I was pregnant. My main reason for informing them was that so they didn't question my whereabouts when I had doctor's appts. I had heard about them staking out another rep's house when she called in sick because they thought she wasn't working as much as she should have been.

I'm not doubting that there are areas that are great to work in. The company would not be able to survive if there weren't. However, from talking to other reps in many different regions, the company has a hard time holding on to employees in general. You can't deny that. BTW, if I was the "cancer" in my center, then why did all of the other reps in my center and in the other center that were under the current AM's management quit or get fired within 2 months of my termination? Seriously, all of the CSR's, drivers, and sales reps were GONE within 2 months. That just isn't normal.

I worked very hard in the short time I was there. I met my sales goals and did all of the set-ups and deliveries in my territory because our center only had a part-time driver at the time. I am not the "whoa-is-me" type. I accept blame when there is blame to accept. The only thing I blame myself for is taking the job in the first place and trusting my managers to do right by their employees and the patients.

I'm glad that you work in a center where it is stable and growing. It was like that where I worked too. I liked all the people I worked with and thought that they did a great job. It was a shame that a few managers had to go and ruin it all because of their trust issues.

So you gave a patient $800 in equipment that you knew wouldn't generate any revenue and your complaining that you terminated because of it? It was probably a tough choice but, it was a choice that you made. I understand this business is about patient care but, it's also a business. That company survives because of the revenue generated from patients and their insurance companies. It's in business to generate money. Plain and simple. When equipment is given out for free, even if it's for a decent cause, it still costs the company money with no return. And that money probably effected the incentive for that location. So, I ask you, if your were in the managements position, what would you have done?

So you gave a patient $800 in equipment that you knew wouldn't generate any revenue and your complaining that you terminated because of it? It was probably a tough choice but, it was a choice that you made. I understand this business is about patient care but, it's also a business. That company survives because of the revenue generated from patients and their insurance companies. It's in business to generate money. Plain and simple. When equipment is given out for free, even if it's for a decent cause, it still costs the company money with no return. And that money probably effected the incentive for that location. So, I ask you, if your were in the managements position, what would you have done?

I NEVER "gave" the equipment to the patient, nor did I tell her it was free. If $100/month wasn't enough to give the company some kind of return on the equipment, then she should have told me to ask for more. It wasn't like anything I had said or done was set in stone. I was also trying to gain the business of a new doctor, so it could have been more profitable in the long run.
If I was in management's position, I would not have fired someone over that. If that was the real reason why I was fired, well I guess I can live with myself. But, for my manager to have no reservations about firing me when I had a family to support over something like that is what I have a problem with.

I NEVER "gave" the equipment to the patient, nor did I tell her it was free. If $100/month wasn't enough to give the company some kind of return on the equipment, then she should have told me to ask for more. It wasn't like anything I had said or done was set in stone. I was also trying to gain the business of a new doctor, so it could have been more profitable in the long run.
If I was in management's position, I would not have fired someone over that. If that was the real reason why I was fired, well I guess I can live with myself. But, for my manager to have no reservations about firing me when I had a family to support over something like that is what I have a problem with.

I'm a manager for another company and if, and I say "IF" ,what you say is true and there is nothing more to the story than you were fired because you were pregnant and would be of little or no use to them soon. Plain & Simple."If" what you say is the whole story. Most companies, I would think, have some sort of hardship ect to help out patients and can afford one terminal patient for a short time , if anything to go back to the doctor and say"look what we've done for your patient", please send us more Good paying patients. Only one of three things could be true here: 1) You did more and are not telling the whole story; 2) Management here are some really dumb, ruthless shits; 3) Management wanted you out to replace with non-pregnant employee...One O2 set up would not break a company and could provide excellent goodwill in the community and with the doctor. The cost is relatively low for one O2 set up as long as not done on a daily basis.
But one of the three is true. Not hard one to figure out.

You were definately fired for being pregnant... no question about it.. I worked at that shithole for 2 years and I issued many a "Hardship Waiver" and out of all of them... the largest sum of payment was like $45 a month. And this amount was approved by tight-ass Kevin Stock.. so if that tight-ass queer allows $45 a month.. there is no reason why $100 a month wouldn't be suitable. I used to order equipment for my center.. and I know what they truly pay for concentrators and regulators...
Good luck with the pregnancy!!

Your Advice Please

Wow, I am new to this site, but PPS is currently recruiting me. I was excited about this opportunity until a friend told me to check them out on this site. I am amazed at the overwhelming negative responses in regards to this company. I'm guessing I should head for the hills. Any advice/responses would be much appreciated. Thank you.

You were definately fired for being pregnant... no question about it.. I worked at that shithole for 2 years and I issued many a "Hardship Waiver" and out of all of them... the largest sum of payment was like $45 a month. And this amount was approved by tight-ass Kevin Stock.. so if that tight-ass queer allows $45 a month.. there is no reason why $100 a month wouldn't be suitable. I used to order equipment for my center.. and I know what they truly pay for concentrators and regulators...
Good luck with the pregnancy!!

You sound like someone who knows all of the facts by making such absolute statements. Please share! Also, if you are going to make absolute statements and present them as facts, it's spelled "definitely" not "definately."

Re: Your Advice Please

Wow, I am new to this site, but PPS is currently recruiting me. I was excited about this opportunity until a friend told me to check them out on this site. I am amazed at the overwhelming negative responses in regards to this company. I'm guessing I should head for the hills. Any advice/responses would be much appreciated. Thank you.

Move on. If you want to get into medical, go to work for Xerox or ADP. I worked at PPS for 4 years and I can tell you that the opportunities to succeed are no longer what they once were. I read these posts from time to time to remind myself what a great job I now have and I have seen everything from a pregnant rep being pushed out to a regional manager fired because he became too expensive. Honestly, if you sell copiers or payroll services for one to two years and show that you can hit quota, you will find a job in medical. Good luck.

Re: Your Advice Please

Move on. If you want to get into medical, go to work for Xerox or ADP. I worked at PPS for 4 years and I can tell you that the opportunities to succeed are no longer what they once were. I read these posts from time to time to remind myself what a great job I now have and I have seen everything from a pregnant rep being pushed out to a regional manager fired because he became too expensive. Honestly, if you sell copiers or payroll services for one to two years and show that you can hit quota, you will find a job in medical. Good luck.

Very true statement. PPS, Is NOT a company I would reccomend, unless you enjoy drama and stress.

Re: Your Advice Please

Wow, I am new to this site, but PPS is currently recruiting me. I was excited about this opportunity until a friend told me to check them out on this site. I am amazed at the overwhelming negative responses in regards to this company. I'm guessing I should head for the hills. Any advice/responses would be much appreciated. Thank you.

Where are you applying at? It's just like any other company, good in some areas, bad in others. Depends on management. You can see most of the negative comments are from the Illinois area. If you are there, then yes move on.

Potential sales rep: run! LOL..seriously, though, working at this place will probably prove to be no more than a costly and time-consuming detour. Unless you are shady and totally without ethics of any kind you will either quit because you can't stand it any more, or will get fired because they can't stand you any more. Either way, it's a waste of your time and energy. On the other hand if you are dishonest, have no professional or moral ethics or standards, and are sneaky, ruthless and back-stabbing you may have found a home!