Pacific Pulmonary Services-Class Action Lawsuit

Can someone PLEASE shed some light on how to get O2 Referrals. How did PPS instruct Reps to get the 02 referrals. Did you basically harass the referall coordinators on a weekly basis? Did you guys give them money/gift cards every week etc?

Plase someone shed some light. Im a brand new rep for oxygen and am not able to get any results? I heard that its good to ask for do oxymetrys.


It helps if you can speak English and spell "oximetry" correctly...

Okay Old Head... if that is how you feel... then good luck with your new position, and keep me posted in about 6 weeks, when you are running home from work looking for a new job online everyday... HINT!! Don't post your resume on they have someone in corporate who looks through there and picks out current employees and those employees are fired... just alittle word of advice Old Head.

Will do. :O)


This board has turned into a $#@$ show. The fact of the matter is, growing companies change. You either jump on board or you sink, if any of you think that your going to get better treatment with another company than think again. It's called at will folks.

As far as sale's go, it is also a sink or swim job. Try working for a true sales company that pay's commissions only. At least PPS pay's it's a reps a monthly salary, and give's you a year to prove yourself. I agree that some people were not properly trained to train and in turn did not succeed,but like I said it's a growing company that is learning from it's mistakes. I bet my pay check that companies like nike and apple have done the same thing. I know because I came from a really large corporation, and it was hell. It's too bad that some of you got caught up in the mess of it all, but that's life. Move on and find something better.

What??!!! "A year to prove yourself?!" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Anyone know many people that made it to the 1 year mark at PPS? I know I don't.

This is a toxic company. The people at the top determine what kind of "personality" a company eventually has. I think I may be stating the obvious here, but a company with executives who really do care about their employees and customers, who treat people decently and with respect, are going to have a good solid, decent company. Their employees will treat each other professionally and with respect, and even those who are not inclined to treat others well will do so if they know that any other behavior will not be tolerated. If you have a company run by executives who are only worried about themselves and their profits, to the exclusion of everything else, who tolerate an atmosphere of meaness and pettiness and bullying, you get PPS. The people at the top have a real disregard and disrespect for all of the "little people" far down the corporate food chain. I think that this is will ultimately ruin a company since those are the very people who are doing the real work of the company. These are the people who sell the product, deliver the product, have the one on one interactions with the customers, who do the hands on billing which brings in the money, etc... Yet these are the very people who are basically despised by supervisors on up. They are seemingly beneath the contempt of executives at the top and that attitude trickles down. Worse, it is not only tolerated, but encouraged! This is what ultimately brought down PPS, and it brought it down all right, talk about a fire sale! This is the end result of the low morale of the average worker out "in the trenches" so to speak. They are micromanaged, bullied, and like I said, basically beneath the comtempt of anyone in a management position.

Thanks for letting me vent. I recognize all too well the real bitterness and frustration expressed on these message boards. The occasional executive may come on and make noises about the people posting here being a few disgruntled employees, but you don't get this level of bitterness and anger for no reason. PPS is a toxic, dying company and good riddance.

Pacific Pulmonary does NOT cross their T's and dot their I's...........I happen to be a very organized person who knows a train wreck when I see one!

A great thing about my FORMER position with this cluster F..U..C..K of a company, I was in upper management, I saved and PRINTED every document that came my way!

Trust me when I say their T's are not crossed and their I's are certainly not dotted!

How about all of the documents I have? Anyone who wants them and can prove who they are and their ligitimate complaint with this company.......I have all the documents anyone would EVER need!

Pacific Pulmonary does NOT cross their T's and dot their I's...........I happen to be a very organized person who knows a train wreck when I see one!

A great thing about my FORMER position with this cluster F..U..C..K of a company, I was in upper management, I saved and PRINTED every document that came my way!

Trust me when I say their T's are not crossed and their I's are certainly not dotted!

How about all of the documents I have? Anyone who wants them and can prove who they are and their ligitimate complaint with this company.......I have all the documents anyone would EVER need!

How would one get in contact with you? I would be interested to know what documentation you have. I just might jump on board this lawsuit if you have damning evidence. My termination letter stated that I "violated a company policy." Funny how I could not find that "policy" anywhere.

This is a toxic company. The people at the top determine what kind of "personality" a company eventually has. I think I may be stating the obvious here, but a company with executives who really do care about their employees and customers, who treat people decently and with respect, are going to have a good solid, decent company. Their employees will treat each other professionally and with respect, and even those who are not inclined to treat others well will do so if they know that any other behavior will not be tolerated. If you have a company run by executives who are only worried about themselves and their profits, to the exclusion of everything else, who tolerate an atmosphere of meaness and pettiness and bullying, you get PPS. The people at the top have a real disregard and disrespect for all of the "little people" far down the corporate food chain. I think that this is will ultimately ruin a company since those are the very people who are doing the real work of the company. These are the people who sell the product, deliver the product, have the one on one interactions with the customers, who do the hands on billing which brings in the money, etc... Yet these are the very people who are basically despised by supervisors on up. They are seemingly beneath the contempt of executives at the top and that attitude trickles down. Worse, it is not only tolerated, but encouraged! This is what ultimately brought down PPS, and it brought it down all right, talk about a fire sale! This is the end result of the low morale of the average worker out "in the trenches" so to speak. They are micromanaged, bullied, and like I said, basically beneath the comtempt of anyone in a management position.

Thanks for letting me vent. I recognize all too well the real bitterness and frustration expressed on these message boards. The occasional executive may come on and make noises about the people posting here being a few disgruntled employees, but you don't get this level of bitterness and anger for no reason. PPS is a toxic, dying company and good riddance.

You hit the nail on the head!

I love how the dimwits from corporate or some head-honcho manager come on here and try and belittle the people on here.. saying they are just a handful of disgruntled employees. Judging from this forum, and others that I have found (via google) I have read entries dating back to 2004-2005.. I find it hard to believe that the same "handful" of people have been coming on here for the past 3 or 4 years and bashing the company... suck it up, kid... PPS sucks, you sucks, and anyone that defends that shithole sucks!! NIB HIGH FOOTBALL RULZ!!

Can't wait for the Japs from Tiejen start clearing house.. hopefully they start with the dicks from the Great Lakes region.. what a bunch of tools they are.

I love how the dimwits from corporate or some head-honcho manager come on here and try and belittle the people on here.. saying they are just a handful of disgruntled employees. Judging from this forum, and others that I have found (via google) I have read entries dating back to 2004-2005.. I find it hard to believe that the same "handful" of people have been coming on here for the past 3 or 4 years and bashing the company... suck it up, kid... PPS sucks, you sucks, and anyone that defends that shithole sucks!! NIB HIGH FOOTBALL RULZ!!

Can't wait for the Japs from Tiejen start clearing house.. hopefully they start with the dicks from the Great Lakes region.. what a bunch of tools they are.

Yeah, I love how they call us a bunch of whiners that fired ourselves. I'll tell you this, I NEVER complain about anyone or anything at my new job. The people I work with are generally positive and the management would do anything to protect their employees. Everything is not always peachy, but in general it is a good, even great work environment. If anyone ever tries to tell me different, I don't pay any attention because NOTHING could have been as bad as working at PPS! This is my second year at this new job and I have managed to not fire myself yet. I never got fired from a job before PPS either. Go figure.

Yes, I believe that correct term for "Firing Yourself" is QUITTING... F*ing morons. I don't recall quitting PPS, even though I should of, but it was all too easy stealing time and extra hours for the time that I was there. Thank god I was eventually "SUSPENDED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE" (aka FIRED)

Ops Manager in Chicago is John Broline... seems like a nice guy, but he is newer to the company.. so he pretty much has his hands tied bc Flamer (Kevin Stock) is his manager... so you pretty much know how that is going to end up.

someone needing protection from Kevin

You can tell him if you want to lose your job. PPS engenders a culture of fear and suspicion. This mistrust is palpable! No one in management will keep a confidence for two reasons, new folks don’t actually believe upper management is as cancerous as it is, and they want to be on the “in” with their boss because they think it will help them get ahead. I have personally known CM’s who shared their concerns about Kevin. Once every lackey shared this “valuable knowledge” with their boss and it made it’s way up to Jason, his response was “we need to fire their ass.” I guarantee you won’t get anywhere. Since you probably already have the “mark” on you, my best advice is, look for another job. You have no protection and your days are limited. If you want the upper hand, find another job and leave on your own terms.

google kevin stock pacific pulmonary. According to his family blog he is now a regional mgr. When did that happen?

Dude, you are a freaking idiot. I googled him and found a Family Tree site that says what he does and where he lives (mistakenly says Regional Manager).....are you really going off a Family Tree site to believe this shit!? He is not a regional director, but a District Manager.

UGH, that is why this thread is such bullshit! All it is, is full of misconceptions, inaccurate truths, mis guided souls, etc....a few remarks ago there was someone saying they have started a lawsuit and bringing hell....what happened to that?? Anyone, anyone??

YES, Kevin is a loser. I AGREE. Jason is a friend of his. But if you look at the FACTS. Little turnover (compared to rest of the company), good doc. performance, and growing (not big, but still growing). That doesn't get a DM fired people!!! Only blatant, truthful, PROOF of Misdeeds (not just opinions) will get a person fired. Bring it to the table and the law will prevail. This thread has been going for well over a year now and NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING has been proven. So for the people reading this that are looking for a job, it's really not really as bad as these few mis guided souls have led you to believe.