Over 60% not making quota.. 40+% turnover..

You sound like an assclown, you don't "bring any business" - you aren't in a relationship oriented industry like CRM. You are the person the other Reps laugh at, enjoy your night!

And you think CRM reps bring business? All they do is wine and dine like little bitches while servicing/kissing ass all day long. They are good farmers, not hunters. You sir are a moron!

And you think CRM reps bring business? All they do is wine and dine like little bitches while servicing/kissing ass all day long. They are good farmers, not hunters. You sir are a moron!

They make more money than you do and are far more respected by customers. I have read this board and you guys make Casey Affleck sound tame with all of your forced sodomy! Are you a firebrand?

They make more money than you do and are far more respected by customers. I have read this board and you guys make Casey Affleck sound tame with all of your forced sodomy! Are you a firebrand?

No sir, I am no longer with Zoll. Thank goodness! Just the CRM reps are a bunch of glorified farmers who couldn't sell their way out of a paper bag. They might be respected when they jump in their cars at 2AM on a Saturday night, but that still doesn't mean they can sell.

You guys have lost your mind!! Thank god for Zoll!!! I put in a swimming pool last year and put a ton of money into landscaping! The Lifevest is the greatest product ever!!!! I hung four of them on polls around the pool and there's not a mosquito in the neighborhood!!!!! They are the best dam bug zappers on the market!!!!

Took consultants this long to come up with this 30% fit quota? If they just would have just listened to the RMs, we could have used the consultant funds to enhance our compensation plan.

So I hear a lot of negativity on this thread about Zoll. What is BH like in SC. He is a LONG time rep with the company? I heard he thinks the company is the greatest ever.

There aren't any long time reps left in this company. The only people here are the non-believers. Yes, the dumb people that didn't do their research prior to accepting a job in this madness.