Over 60% not making quota.. 40+% turnover..

So I hear a lot of negativity on this thread about Zoll. What is BH like in SC. He is a LONG time rep with the company? I heard he thinks the company is the greatest ever.

There aren't any long time reps left in this company. The only people here are the non-believers. Yes, the dumb people that didn't do their research prior to accepting a job in this madness.

I don't know of any nurses selling LV, but I can tell you the quota expectation and revenue challenges will always haunt this company.

Been here 6 months. I have put up the order numbers yet there is never enough inventory, or techs to do the fitting, I have to wait for approvals from Pittsburgh with no explanation, and I have already begun to sacrafice my credibility with some of my physicians because of the process..should have stayed up in pharma...

On top of the unrealisitc quota (that yes, still exists)
Insert 574739392 NEW administrative duties... that RM's are encouraging you to get done prior to going home so you don't sacrifice personal time...
Um, When?!?!? Between drive times, coordinating MO's, OTHER administrative duties and a phone that never stops ringing... when?!?!

On top of the unrealisitc quota (that yes, still exists)
Insert 574739392 NEW administrative duties... that RM's are encouraging you to get done prior to going home so you don't sacrifice personal time...
Um, When?!?!? Between drive times, coordinating MO's, OTHER administrative duties and a phone that never stops ringing... when?!?!

You barely work pal! Imagine if you worked a real job like CRM

To the dweeb who feels it necessary to comment on how much we do or do not work here-I'm assuming you've never trekked a day in the life of a lifevest rep and thus the reason for your unfounded comment; the last thing I'm going to do is go back and forth with you about how much we do or do not work; anyone here knows the given and unspoken expectation and how much work that equates to.
What I will speak to is this-after multiple years here I have about 0 interest in even going into medical device again regardless of what's required there are countless other ways to enjoyably make a living while impacting people's lives without sacrificing an iota of your moral or free time.
Don't bother responding IDGAF what you "think"

To the dweeb who feels it necessary to comment on how much we do or do not work here-I'm assuming you've never trekked a day in the life of a lifevest rep and thus the reason for your unfounded comment; the last thing I'm going to do is go back and forth with you about how much we do or do not work; anyone here knows the given and unspoken expectation and how much work that equates to.
What I will speak to is this-after multiple years here I have about 0 interest in even going into medical device again regardless of what's required there are countless other ways to enjoyably make a living while impacting people's lives without sacrificing an iota of your moral or free time.
Don't bother responding IDGAF what you "think"

Sure seems like you do

I will second this

Of course you would, you are Zoll mangement/groupie...I love how how Zoll management and executive team spend their day on CP, instead of attending to their business. But I guess when you have the reputation Zoll does, they must feel inclined to defend themselves at all times. Dr Zoll would be appalled at how is name is dragged through the mud everyday because of the likes of a Marshall, Jason, and so many other low level brown nosers...

Of course you would, you are Zoll mangement/groupie...I love how how Zoll management and executive team spend their day on CP, instead of attending to their business. But I guess when you have the reputation Zoll does, they must feel inclined to defend themselves at all times. Dr Zoll would be appalled at how is name is dragged through the mud everyday because of the likes of a Marshall, Jason, and so many other low level brown nosers...

High level brown nosers punk!

To the dweeb who feels it necessary to comment on how much we do or do not work here-I'm assuming you've never trekked a day in the life of a lifevest rep and thus the reason for your unfounded comment; the last thing I'm going to do is go back and forth with you about how much we do or do not work; anyone here knows the given and unspoken expectation and how much work that equates to.
What I will speak to is this-after multiple years here I have about 0 interest in even going into medical device again regardless of what's required there are countless other ways to enjoyably make a living while impacting people's lives without sacrificing an iota of your moral or free time.
Don't bother responding IDGAF what you "think"

For the record, the majority of TMs and RMs work their butts off here. The problem is the quota growth expectation is unrealistic. The stan math was designed to help Marshall build his big house on the golf course while turning over the sales force and RMs every 2 years. If the suckers decide to stay, then that's a bonus for the company as commission payouts will be reduce while Marshall enjoys the growth without paying for it.

Of course you would, you are Zoll mangement/groupie...I love how how Zoll management and executive team spend their day on CP, instead of attending to their business. But I guess when you have the reputation Zoll does, they must feel inclined to defend themselves at all times. Dr Zoll would be appalled at how is name is dragged through the mud everyday because of the likes of a Marshall, Jason, and so many other low level brown nosers...

They don't spend anytime in the field with TMs. How would they know what we go through every day? This place is a joke. Highest turnover in the industry. THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT THE FIELD AND MANAGERS!

Of course you would, you are Zoll mangement/groupie...I love how how Zoll management and executive team spend their day on CP, instead of attending to their business. But I guess when you have the reputation Zoll does, they must feel inclined to defend themselves at all times. Dr Zoll would be appalled at how is name is dragged through the mud everyday because of the likes of a Marshall, Jason, and so many other low level brown nosers...

Try spending some time in the field. Make a sales call and show the TMs how's it's done you whimps!!!!

For the record, the majority of TMs and RMs work their butts off here. The problem is the quota growth expectation is unrealistic. The stan math was designed to help Marshall build his big house on the golf course while turning over the sales force and RMs every 2 years. If the suckers decide to stay, then that's a bonus for the company as commission payouts will be reduce while Marshall enjoys the growth without paying for it.