Over 60% not making quota.. 40+% turnover..

When will this company finally get that the rediculous growth rate is unattainable? I've been here years, and my quota is more than double what it was last year with just a couple of (the same) hospitals. The good news is.. I have a spouse who is the breadwinner and could easily quit, but I'll just ride this thing out since everyone is under water. I used to be motivated when I made quota or at least was close.. When will they understand that no one is motivated when we are all this far under? Not a good strategy upper management.. People are getting second jobs or just not working!! They don't pay + We're not motivated= company is way under plan!

And 85% of managers aren't making goal either. It is obvious they don't want anyone here longer than a year. People here 2 years are considered "senior" and get pushed out with ridiculous territory splits and goal hikes.

And 85% of managers aren't making goal either. It is obvious they don't want anyone here longer than a year. People here 2 years are considered "senior" and get pushed out with ridiculous territory splits and goal hikes

Do they have senior managers? Or are there none that have been here over 2 years

I hate to beat a dead horse but that's what it may take yo get through to you thick sculled Nimrods. No one, besides the firebrand, can excel at the level that this company expects and has come to demand. I have made sure my recruiting firm has been instructed on what to look for in candidates. We need good looking athletic men, fit women, who are hungry to make money and have the intelligence and street smarts it takes to fit the firebrand mold. No cardiology knowledge or experience is needed (Zoll can teach all of that very quickly). It's more important to look at what's on the outside of these candidates as that is what the Prescribers will see. This is the equivalent of a chance for a college draft pick in baseball to bypass the farm system and go straight to the majors. Please tell me you now get it?

Much like the super-predators of the 90's ruled the inner-city, the Firebrands are taking over Zoll. Fear is permeating through the legacy sales force as more and more of these marauders take failing territories and turn them into thriving Meccas for Life-vest.

And 85% of managers aren't making goal either. It is obvious they don't want anyone here longer than a year. People here 2 years are considered "senior" and get pushed out with ridiculous territory splits and goal hikes.

List of open territories is longer this week than last! About 100 positions open. Says it all!

Your fireants can't save this deadbeat product. May as well sell Blackberry phones or VHS recorders. Pure junk.
You blew it! The Firebrands have taken the proverbial bull by the horns and showed you so called med device reps how to sell. The reason the list of openings is growing is due to the success of our new profile hires. We are growing so quickly in the Firebrand territories that we can barely keep up with this force of nature.

You blew it! The Firebrands have taken the proverbial bull by the horns and showed you so called med device reps how to sell. The reason the list of openings is growing is due to the success of our new profile hires. We are growing so quickly in the Firebrand territories that we can barely keep up with this force of nature.

Dear God, please make it stop. Such garbage. You, the product and the company.

You blew it! The Firebrands have taken the proverbial bull by the horns and showed you so called med device reps how to sell. The reason the list of openings is growing is due to the success of our new profile hires. We are growing so quickly in the Firebrand territories that we can barely keep up with this force of nature.

I heard Netflix will be doing a new series called "Desperate Housewives of Lifevest Employees".

Firebrand bullshit! Led by a guy who has the body of a mushy old man (Jason W). No intrigue here to reframe the conversation, just more smoke and BS. Look at the facts from the previous 800 threads and judge for yourself.