Over 60% not making quota.. 40+% turnover..

I often wonder if the folks above Barry and Bob even care about the turnover and lack of compensation. If the company is making mad money, does it really matter to them if the sales force turnsover every 18 months?

Leave you whining crybaby and go back to your $75K pharma job!!! You can't sell so you drag everyone else down with you? This place affords those who work hard a great opportunity and the chance to make some serious money!!!!!

So two points. 1. I make 100K plus in PHARMA and bang a lot of guys future wives. 2. Zoll is a great job where you have the potential to earn but there was no reason to leave my PHARMA job, I juggle both in less than 45 hours a week...

So two points. 1. I make 100K plus in PHARMA and bang a lot of guys future wives. 2. Zoll is a great job where you have the potential to earn but there was no reason to leave my PHARMA job, I juggle both in less than 45 hours a week...

You sound like a beast and that's what we are looking for more of at Zoll.

So two points. 1. I make 100K plus in PHARMA and bang a lot of guys future wives. 2. Zoll is a great job where you have the potential to earn but there was no reason to leave my PHARMA job, I juggle both in less than 45 hours a week...

That's awesome, me too but I bang a lot of guys future and present wives... It really is a good gig.

No wonder there's 60% turnover!
People continue to promulgate this high turnover myth, it just isn't true. Yes, at one point last year we had to churn and burn the reps that couldn't cut it at Zoll. The new breed firebrands have changed that in 2016. Turnover is at 11% and we are reaching customers who previously wouldn't even speak to us. STOP SPREADING LIES!

People continue to promulgate this high turnover myth, it just isn't true. Yes, at one point last year we had to churn and burn the reps that couldn't cut it at Zoll. The new breed firebrands have changed that in 2016. Turnover is at 11% and we are reaching customers who previously wouldn't even speak to us. STOP SPREADING LIES!

Truer words have never been spoken

People continue to promulgate this high turnover myth, it just isn't true. Yes, at one point last year we had to churn and burn the reps that couldn't cut it at Zoll. The new breed firebrands have changed that in 2016. Turnover is at 11% and we are reaching customers who previously wouldn't even speak to us. STOP SPREADING LIES!

With only 33% of the TMs at plan, does anybody really believe this moron? If 67% of the TMs/ 85% RMs are below plan, how long do you think before the turnover will hit 70%? The unemployed firebrand guy will have a chance to make money for 14 months. Once the quota catches up to him, he will be looking again.

With only 33% of the TMs at plan, does anybody really believe this moron? If 67% of the TMs/ 85% RMs are below plan, how long do you think before the turnover will hit 70%? The unemployed firebrand guy will have a chance to make money for 14 months. Once the quota catches up to him, he will be looking again.
The difference between you and the Firebrand is commitment, drive and loyalty. That's why the Firebrand is on top and you struggle. If you had any business acumen, you'd realize that sales plans at any company are built so that roughly 50% of the field makes plan in any given year. The Firebrand understands this and plans accordingly.

People continue to promulgate this high turnover myth, it just isn't true. Yes, at one point last year we had to churn and burn the reps that couldn't cut it at Zoll. The new breed firebrands have changed that in 2016. Turnover is at 11% and we are reaching customers who previously wouldn't even speak to us. STOP SPREADING LIES![/QUOTE

Liar! Haven't you ruined enough people's lives? The ZOLL name is so tarnished by your poor management skills and horrible process in handling patients, that you can't hire anyone with any experience. Youve been FORCED into hiring people with less and less experience each and every year, as the word spreads on how poorly run this organization is! How long was the last VP here? Have you changed the process so patients get approved for service in a timely manor? Does a rep last longer than a year and a half with your brilliant quota system? How are you handling the high deductibles that patients have? Any Drs getting pissed because you try and collect 3k a month? You see it's easy to tell when a sales rep responds on CP vs the company get, that has been appointed to try and post something positive. The sales rep speaks in specifics as in this post. The company get, says things like "its good here" or @we have 11 percent turnover". Lol trust me young inexperienced people, this company is a resume killer!!! So to the person appointed to try and counter all of the correct negative posts on this board, GET lost. Lol

People continue to promulgate this high turnover myth, it just isn't true. Yes, at one point last year we had to churn and burn the reps that couldn't cut it at Zoll. The new breed firebrands have changed that in 2016. Turnover is at 11% and we are reaching customers who previously wouldn't even speak to us. STOP SPREADING LIES![/QUOTE

Liar! Haven't you ruined enough people's lives? The ZOLL name is so tarnished by your poor management skills and horrible process in handling patients, that you can't hire anyone with any experience. Youve been FORCED into hiring people with less and less experience each and every year, as the word spreads on how poorly run this organization is! How long was the last VP here? Have you changed the process so patients get approved for service in a timely manor? Does a rep last longer than a year and a half with your brilliant quota system? How are you handling the high deductibles that patients have? Any Drs getting pissed because you try and collect 3k a month? You see it's easy to tell when a sales rep responds on CP vs the company get, that has been appointed to try and post something positive. The sales rep speaks in specifics as in this post. The company get, says things like "its good here" or @we have 11 percent turnover". Lol trust me young inexperienced people, this company is a resume killer!!! So to the person appointed to try and counter all of the correct negative posts on this board, GET lost. Lol

People continue to promulgate this high turnover myth, it just isn't true. Yes, at one point last year we had to churn and burn the reps that couldn't cut it at Zoll. The new breed firebrands have changed that in 2016. Turnover is at 11% and we are reaching customers who previously wouldn't even speak to us. STOP SPREADING LIES!

Liar! Haven't you ruined enough people's lives? The ZOLL name is so tarnished by your poor management skills and horrible process in handling patients, that you can't hire anyone with any experience. Youve been FORCED into hiring people with less and less experience each and every year, as the word spreads on how poorly run this organization is! How long was the last VP here? Have you changed the process so patients get approved for service in a timely manor? Does a rep last longer than a year and a half with your brilliant quota system? How are you handling the high deductibles that patients have? Any Drs getting pissed because you try and collect 3k a month? You see it's easy to tell when a sales rep responds on CP vs the company get, that has been appointed to try and post something positive. The sales rep speaks in specifics as in this post. The company get, says things like "its good here" or @we have 11 percent turnover". Lol trust me young inexperienced people, this company is a resume killer!!! So to the person appointed to try and counter all of the correct negative posts on this board, GET lost. Lol

Liar! Haven't you ruined enough people's lives? The ZOLL name is so tarnished by your poor management skills and horrible process in handling patients, that you can't hire anyone with any experience. Youve been FORCED into hiring people with less and less experience each and every year, as the word spreads on how poorly run this organization is! How long was the last VP here? Have you changed the process so patients get approved for service in a timely manor? Does a rep last longer than a year and a half with your brilliant quota system? How are you handling the high deductibles that patients have? Any Drs getting pissed because you try and collect 3k a month? You see it's easy to tell when a sales rep responds on CP vs the company get, that has been appointed to try and post something positive. The sales rep speaks in specifics as in this post. The company get, says things like "its good here" or @we have 11 percent turnover". Lol trust me young inexperienced people, this company is a resume killer!!! So to the person appointed to try and counter all of the correct negative posts on this board, GET lost. Lol
Not a firebrand.

Not a firebrand.[/QUOTE

Old product, old data, every Dr knows about LV. Either they use or they don't. No convincing or selling. No firebrand as previous asshole States. Sales rep is nothing more than a conduit for a poor sales process that shits all over patients, Hospitals and Doctors. Company doesn't want or need free spirits to conquer markets. Looking for someone to clean up mess once they finally approve MO. That's the truth. No more to say.

Old product, old data, every Dr knows about LV. Either they use or they don't. No convincing or selling. No firebrand as previous asshole States. Sales rep is nothing more than a conduit for a poor sales process that shits all over patients, Hospitals and Doctors. Company doesn't want or need free spirits to conquer markets. Looking for someone to clean up mess once they finally approve MO. That's the truth. No more to say.

Liar! Haven't you ruined enough people's lives? The ZOLL name is so tarnished by your poor management skills and horrible process in handling patients, that you can't hire anyone with any experience. Youve been FORCED into hiring people with less and less experience each and every year, as the word spreads on how poorly run this organization is! How long was the last VP here? Have you changed the process so patients get approved for service in a timely manor? Does a rep last longer than a year and a half with your brilliant quota system? How are you handling the high deductibles that patients have? Any Drs getting pissed because you try and collect 3k a month? You see it's easy to tell when a sales rep responds on CP vs the company get, that has been appointed to try and post something positive. The sales rep speaks in specifics as in this post. The company get, says things like "its good here" or @we have 11 percent turnover". Lol trust me young inexperienced people, this company is a resume killer!!! So to the person appointed to try and counter all of the correct negative posts on this board, GET lost. Lol

Well said. The people they are hiring these days are laughable. Downright laughable. I remember when we used to hire solid people, with deep experience in hospital floors, cath/ep labs, etc, with strong opinions and knowledge of how things should be, and the strength to argue on behalf of the patient and customer. Now if you have a pulse, you can be hired. They are just hiring a bunch of marionettes. And the turnover is just getting higher and higher because these people can't handle the job, let alone grow it. If this is what a "fire" whatever is, what a joke.

The Amen listed above is nothing short of sacrilege. The firebrand lifestyle is changing the way business is done. Firebrands are riding motorcycles to cases to cut down on transit time (they have the women they own drop off the product to have it waiting for them). These firebrands are into women, men and everything in between as long as it helps move the needle. That is nothing to be ashamed of my close minded friends. As the great Charles Dickens once said "Gay for Pay is certainly OK". Game on hasbeens. #changingthegame