Osteomed Corp.

This is really a classless company. This post above says it all. Are you really going to compare OM's product line with Medtronic, Stryker, Synthes? All of the companies you mentioned sell over a billion dollars a year. Osteomed doesn't even sniff $75 million. You were joking right? Sure there are problems at every company but OsteoMed is beyond the problem stage. Are you worried that you are going to lose your job if OM goes under. Why are you defending them so much? I know the job market is bad in Addison but jeeze. You shouldn't compare OM with Medtronic, SYK, etc. please compare them with SBI and similar companies. Lets make apples to apples comparisons to keep discussions above an elementary level.

Hey numbnuts, your response says it all. The comparison was between message board posts by idiot sales people being the same REGARDLESS of what board it's posted on.

You are so intent on bashing that you don't even slow down to actually read the posts do you???

This is really a classless company. This post above says it all. Are you really going to compare OM's product line with Medtronic, Stryker, Synthes? All of the companies you mentioned sell over a billion dollars a year. Osteomed doesn't even sniff $75 million. You were joking right? Sure there are problems at every company but OsteoMed is beyond the problem stage. Are you worried that you are going to lose your job if OM goes under. Why are you defending them so much? I know the job market is bad in Addison but jeeze. You shouldn't compare OM with Medtronic, SYK, etc. please compare them with SBI and similar companies. Lets make apples to apples comparisons to keep discussions above an elementary level.

And you are a moron, the author of the post wasn't comparing OsteoMed to Medtronic, He or she was comparing losers like you that bash the company regardless of who the company is. Work through the 12 steps, it will get easier.

The truth is that from OM's inception in the early 90's until 2005, it had 15% or better sales growth each year. Since 2005, when Walt's strategies started to have an effect, OM has had low single digit growth and at least a couple of years of declining sales (25-50% in 2010 alone). If you want to say the "reps couldn't cut it" then you have to ask why. Why did the corporate culture change to the point that good reps left for other companies and OM could only hire salespeople with no OR experience? Instead, you ought to analyze Walt's strategy as he took over a company that was in a battle for #3 behind Synthes and Stryker and sunk it into 5th place. Terrible VP of Sales hires, terrible RM's who embarrass themselves and quit/get fired and hire poor reps, no GPO contracts, SAM program, inept product managers, little marketing resources, territories so small they lose money, etc. For one, Walt decided to control costs (Greg Schmitz, letting go of surgeon champions) at the expense of aggressive sales growth. It may help keep the company profitable but it killed morale, caused tenured reps to leave and hurt the ability to pursue new cases. New product launches since 2005 have either been late (MFx, CFx) or performed terrible (FPS, TFx, Envision). Then you get into Walt's demeanor (ignoring feedback and working on reports during PAC meetings) and the embarrassing ASM meetings (do you think Stryker puts on bandanas and has a chili cook-off?) and you can see why reps are pissed off enough to post on this board. What does corporate expect reps to do? It's not like Walt's and Toby's days of hanging around the OR hoping for a case. OR access is more limited than ever. And why would a surgeon or hospital even give OM a try? There is no compelling reason other than a desperate, stressed out rep. OM has never invested in genuine marketing materials showing advantages. The screw has great bone purchase? Why no documented proof? Reps pleaded with product managers for something with teeth to justify a surgeon's attention and got nothing. All of this is to say that if Walt, Toby, Phil and Scott are satisfied, and Mr. Pritzker is satisfied, then so be it. OM will continue to be a place to "get your foot in the OR door" and then leave for a better company. The big players are busy enough with Level 1's and ortho's that OM can probably keep its community hospitals and DPMs. So Walt can keep feeding off of Mr. Buss' efforts and keep the company profitable while it grows more and more miserable.

The truth is that from OM's inception in the early 90's until 2005, it had 15% or better sales growth each year. Since 2005, when Walt's strategies started to have an effect, OM has had low single digit growth and at least a couple of years of declining sales (25-50% in 2010 alone). If you want to say the "reps couldn't cut it" then you have to ask why. Why did the corporate culture change to the point that good reps left for other companies and OM could only hire salespeople with no OR experience? Instead, you ought to analyze Walt's strategy as he took over a company that was in a battle for #3 behind Synthes and Stryker and sunk it into 5th place. Terrible VP of Sales hires, terrible RM's who embarrass themselves and quit/get fired and hire poor reps, no GPO contracts, SAM program, inept product managers, little marketing resources, territories so small they lose money, etc. For one, Walt decided to control costs (Greg Schmitz, letting go of surgeon champions) at the expense of aggressive sales growth. It may help keep the company profitable but it killed morale, caused tenured reps to leave and hurt the ability to pursue new cases. New product launches since 2005 have either been late (MFx, CFx) or performed terrible (FPS, TFx, Envision). Then you get into Walt's demeanor (ignoring feedback and working on reports during PAC meetings) and the embarrassing ASM meetings (do you think Stryker puts on bandanas and has a chili cook-off?) and you can see why reps are pissed off enough to post on this board. What does corporate expect reps to do? It's not like Walt's and Toby's days of hanging around the OR hoping for a case. OR access is more limited than ever. And why would a surgeon or hospital even give OM a try? There is no compelling reason other than a desperate, stressed out rep. OM has never invested in genuine marketing materials showing advantages. The screw has great bone purchase? Why no documented proof? Reps pleaded with product managers for something with teeth to justify a surgeon's attention and got nothing. All of this is to say that if Walt, Toby, Phil and Scott are satisfied, and Mr. Pritzker is satisfied, then so be it. OM will continue to be a place to "get your foot in the OR door" and then leave for a better company. The big players are busy enough with Level 1's and ortho's that OM can probably keep its community hospitals and DPMs. So Walt can keep feeding off of Mr. Buss' efforts and keep the company profitable while it grows more and more miserable.

Well said. It is sad the way this corporate guy is bashing the reps on here. Very disappointing. Its obvious the 12 steps thing is coming from someone with a low iq. He keeps posting the same thing.

Its one person against 50. You can't win. Okay, so I get it, in your eyes every rep in the company is wrong and your right. That is so egotistical. There are probably close to 50 current and former OM reps that post on here and you the corporate guy says they are all wrong. These are facts. If you compare the product lines (breadth and quality) of OsteoMed versus Wright, Arthrex, Synthes, Stryker, Acumed and Orthohelix, OsteoMed is dead last. How can you argue with fact? I'm sure you will try and throw insults at reps again but please lets talk facts like the previous poster did.

Well said. It is sad the way this corporate guy is bashing the reps on here. Very disappointing. Its obvious the 12 steps thing is coming from someone with a low iq. He keeps posting the same thing.

Its one person against 50. You can't win. Okay, so I get it, in your eyes every rep in the company is wrong and your right. That is so egotistical. There are probably close to 50 current and former OM reps that post on here and you the corporate guy says they are all wrong. These are facts. If you compare the product lines (breadth and quality) of OsteoMed versus Wright, Arthrex, Synthes, Stryker, Acumed and Orthohelix, OsteoMed is dead last. How can you argue with fact? I'm sure you will try and throw insults at reps again but please lets talk facts like the previous poster did.

Heres a fact, you are a loser! If you don't believe me go look in the mirror. Oh and I am winning, trust me.

I hear congrats are in order for osteomed. The rep in my territory said OM had a 25% sales growth in cmf and extremity for 2011. A record number of reps hit quota and got those oversized checks. Looks like Shalahammer, George, Vargas, etc. left too soon. The RM's deserve a lot of credit for successfully implementing Jim's great vision.

I hear congrats are in order for osteomed. The rep in my territory said OM had a 25% sales growth in cmf and extremity for 2011. A record number of reps hit quota and got those oversized checks. Looks like Shalahammer, George, Vargas, etc. left too soon. The RM's deserve a lot of credit for successfully implementing Jim's great vision.

It was definitely a positive meeting, lots of good things to discuss. As always, their will be some people to complain and whine. Overall, OM hasn't been in this good of a place for quit a few years. Jim is doing an awesome job, as are all the new RM's and reps.

Look, I was at the SBO sales meeting and it wasnt that good. Mostly all of the new products we need are still a long way away. Terrible. Then Walt yelling at us and telling us how much the company spent on bringing all the reps to Pheonix. What a douche. Also why are you naming SBO reps in your reply. Vargas and George are SBO.

I hear congrats are in order for osteomed. The rep in my territory said OM had a 25% sales growth in cmf and extremity for 2011. A record number of reps hit quota and got those oversized checks. Looks like Shalahammer, George, Vargas, etc. left too soon. The RM's deserve a lot of credit for successfully implementing Jim's great vision.

Jim's "vision" is only of himself. Come on, wake-up and smell the Joe! When Jim looks in the mirror, he must see and realize that he's the same ole' POS he's been for years. I hope he enjoys his brief tenure.

Jim's "vision" is only of himself. Come on, wake-up and smell the Joe! When Jim looks in the mirror, he must see and realize that he's the same ole' POS he's been for years. I hope he enjoys his brief tenure.

What? "brief tenure"?? CMF had one of their best years in a LONG time and you think his tenure is brief. It would only be brief because he moved onto a bigger/better opportunity, which is not going to happen. You must be one of the reps who isn't producing and blames everyone else for your crappy territory. Go back to pharma sales.

What ever happened to the V.P. of Sales... Mitch? That clown fired over 75% of the R.M.'s, within his first year as V.P. His philosophy of hiring old Medtronic buddies and sleeping with a Product Engineer must have backfired. I understand he recorded fantastic numbers during his tenure (-2%). Who hired that douche? Oh yeah...

Larry Harvey was as bad as Mitch. Any success Jim and CMF are having now is nothing more than a dead cat bounce. They'd have to have sales growth of 25% for 4-5 straight years just to get back to 2008 levels. And now that Extremity is in the tank, it is a zero sum game for Osteomed. It's best days are way, way in the past.

Anybody know if they are sponsoring a hole at the Byron Nelson Classic this year?

I heard theyve had some issue with plates and screws. Also have questionable consultant agreements with doctors that have been working with them a long time. I guess some companys never learn i.e. Medtronic spine.