Osteomed Corp.

I do not work in sales douchebag. I am an engineer. Now go back to sniffing doctors asses for your paycheck.

Wow, what a bitter engineer. I'm sorry you hate people and can't get along with anyone. I can see why you work as an engineer for Osteomed. If you were smart you wouldn't be working for OsteoMed. Why don't you work for a technologically advanced company or at least create some innovative products in Addison. You're entire engineering department isn't worth a damn as evidenced by your product line. You are an absolute moron. If you are smart, create a startup, go work in silicon valley or at least work for worthwhile company. You are an embarrassment to every smart engineer that is actually making a difference.

The bigger the company, the smaller the percentage. Most large companies pay 20%. I would not distribute Osteomed for anything less than 25% and would ask for an accelerated structure if you over achieve.