I would suggest to keep looking. Even if this is the only job offer you currrently have. Stryker and J&J are buying up the market along with other companys. Osteomed has me too products thats it. They say they have ortho products but non of them are different from the rest. The management team in Addison is terrible. The main problem is, Osteomeds products are for elective surgerys so its hard to make numbers when the economy is down. They do NOT have enough Ortho trauma trays for someone to succeed in the job. Its a stritcly podiatry based company with crappy designs. You can get a new RM evey year. They blow threw RMs all the time. Very high turn over rate. Their is a reason why the FL job is open. It wasnt because of the rep, it had all to do with product problems on the FPS and micro manager. Trust me, keep looking.