One Ms really?

Kesimpta is a good product, this company is a dinosaur, reach and frequency, BS, too many layers, too many morons, too many turds pretending to contribute.

1. Gut middle management, at least half sent packing
2. Get rid of call reporting
3. Eliminate duplication and redundancy
4. Put all the operational cost savings into ICP
5. Fire the CTO because the glut of apps and poor analytics tools are tragic
6. Run off the toxic authors in the organization
7. Fire all the lame reps who couldn't sell anything

Kesimpta is a good product, this company is a dinosaur, reach and frequency, BS, too many layers, too many morons, too many turds pretending to contribute.

1. Gut middle management, at least half sent packing
2. Get rid of call reporting
3. Eliminate duplication and redundancy
4. Put all the operational cost savings into ICP
5. Fire the CTO because the glut of apps and poor analytics tools are tragic
6. Run off the toxic authors in the organization
7. Fire all the lame reps who couldn't sell anything

If we did number 7 you would looking for a new job tomorrow.

Bahahahahahaha…….get ready to grab your ankles for so much “up skills selling” you’re going to be barfing it for months. The CE meeting in Chicago is all about “selling skills” like we are idiots that cant speak to our customers about basic things. This is all Dez’s doing…….he feels like we need to learn how to spit out canned messages after we practice in our Quantitative AI tool then role play on field rides and have our managers rate us. No fucking joke it’s coming., Did you do your mandatory 45 min survey? RIDICULOUS. This company is single handed lay DESTROYING MORALE. Shit pay, beating us to death with metrics and tracking, skills trading a 3 year old could master……….no wonder so many people are leaving for other roles. Dez has destroyed any culture we had by treating this division like entry level primary care reps.

So so true! When is the Chicago CE Meeting??
Anyone find it interesting that all Dez seems to be doing is shoving “Microsoft” AI and other platforms at us? Hmmm- seems strange that Novartis wasn’t using any of these Microsoft tools and vendors until a former Microsoft executive is given an entire sales force to use his toys upon and charge outrageous amounts of money to Novartis. Who has time to sell anything when you are constantly worried about this BS busy work that has nothing to do with making us better. Why are they paying professional level salaries to the sales force- if they didn’t hire professionals? Many of us have Masters Degrees- yet being treated like entry level reps. What’s the point of having a speciality sales force??
I’ve had enough of this crap. Thanks Novartis for the launch and Buy & Bill experience I’ll take my skills to someplace where I am appreciated! Good luck to those that stick around for this sh*+ show!!

So so true! When is the Chicago CE Meeting??
Anyone find it interesting that all Dez seems to be doing is shoving “Microsoft” AI and other platforms at us? Hmmm- seems strange that Novartis wasn’t using any of these Microsoft tools and vendors until a former Microsoft executive is given an entire sales force to use his toys upon and charge outrageous amounts of money to Novartis. Who has time to sell anything when you are constantly worried about this BS busy work that has nothing to do with making us better. Why are they paying professional level salaries to the sales force- if they didn’t hire professionals? Many of us have Masters Degrees- yet being treated like entry level reps. What’s the point of having a speciality sales force??
I’ve had enough of this crap. Thanks Novartis for the launch and Buy & Bill experience I’ll take my skills to someplace where I am appreciated! Good luck to those that stick around for this sh*+ show!!

It took me awhile to realize the Microsoft thing. Couldn’t agree more about all the busy work that we have to do on our own time. Never been more demotivated in my career. Between him and the marketing leader they have successfully managed to demote most of the people who work under them

Someone got caught faking calls? Yikes.

I said this on another thread a few months ago - they can track your calls and it’s very easy to follow up with offices to see if a rep has been in. If they want to check they will. Stop faking calls it’s just dumb and we don’t get paid to bullshit activity. Sorry I just work a full day like I’m supposed to and if I see two people well that’s what I put in

I said this on another thread a few months ago - they can track your calls and it’s very easy to follow up with offices to see if a rep has been in. If they want to check they will. Stop faking calls it’s just dumb and we don’t get paid to bullshit activity. Sorry I just work a full day like I’m supposed to and if I see two people well that’s what I put in[/QUOTE

If you see two doctors a day. They will fire you for not meeting expectations. Nobody in neurology and especially in the Northeast. Is seeing 5 doctors a day that's a joke. I am sure some clown will come on and say yeah I am.