One Ms really?

Is this the reason we all got the email late Friday from the ethics department about recording accurate calls? Did people get fired?? who knows what really went down?

The email said multiple reports of falsifying calls. I doubt anyone actually got fired. Every report they got would have to be investigated which could be a lot of people being let go. I don’t think they will do that. They might though.

The email said multiple reports of falsifying calls. I doubt anyone actually got fired. Every report they got would have to be investigated which could be a lot of people being let go. I don’t think they will do that. They might though.

Let them investigate every call entered. We would all be fired the next day. Why not look at the ABL's coaching reports. We know all of them lie about that.

Kesimpta is a good product, this company is a dinosaur, reach and frequency, BS, too many layers, too many morons, too many turds pretending to contribute.

1. Gut middle management, at least half sent packing
2. Get rid of call reporting
3. Eliminate duplication and redundancy
4. Put all the operational cost savings into ICP
5. Fire the CTO because the glut of apps and poor analytics tools are tragic
6. Run off the toxic authors in the organization
7. Fire all the lame reps who couldn't sell anything
CRM here. Just stopped by to see if “One MS” is the same as “Once CV.” Looks like we are all being put through the same ridiculousness. I’m seeing all the same crapola here, especially the back handed way our executive team blames sales reps for their own failures by putting us all through AI “upskilling.” As another on this post mentions, all this accomplishes is causing sales to “quiet quit.” If you think we aren’t enough to talk to our customers, why did you hire us in the first place?
But the above post is by far the most accurate. Call reporting is a waste of time if you keep track of who is really selling. The apps and apps and horrible data combined with useless analytics is absurd.

Offices don’t want companies calling saying was this person in yesterday. LMAO

The only ways to get busted for call falsification is by entering calls for providers who aren't in that day or entering calls for providers in offices with strict no see policies. As much as 60% of my calls entered are fake but I'm never worried about it because I always hit my numbers and my breadth and depth of business is reasonable.

I said this on another thread a few months ago - they can track your calls and it’s very easy to follow up with offices to see if a rep has been in. If they want to check they will. Stop faking calls it’s just dumb and we don’t get paid to bullshit activity. Sorry I just work a full day like I’m supposed to and if I see two people well that’s what I put in

TG has taken even more from the ms side. thankful, to be leaving this experience for the last several years :) the last year was a complete cluster after the merging of one ms with some really good abl’s and reps getting done wrong.